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1. Successors and Assi�ns. This I�eclaration shal�be binding u�on TS 1 Z and TS�2 <br /> PHASE II,and their respecti�e successors and assigns and shall run with tlle land. <br /> 2. Attorne_ys Fees.If the fee owners of Par�el 1 or Parcel 2�eek to enfor�e any term <br /> or pra�ision of this Declaratio�� against the ❑ther, the non-pre�ailing party, in addition to any <br /> �judgment or award a�ains�them,shall also pay the pre�ailing party's reasonabte attorn�ys' fees, <br /> costs and disbursements. <br /> 3. Insurance. The fee owners of Parcel 1 and Par�ei 2 sha11 maintain an adequate <br /> amount of liability insurance for the use of�he ea�ement�created hereunder. The fee owner of <br /> Parcel 1 sha�l include the fee❑wner of ParLel 2 and the fee owner of Parce�2 shall include the <br /> fee ownex of Parcel l as an additianal insured under their respecti�e liability insurance policies. <br /> 4. Terminatian of Easements. The easements created hereunder shal� not be <br /> deemed to be extinguished by merger if the fee owners of Par�e� 1 an�i Parcel 2 are the same <br /> persan or entity. The easelnents created hereunder may be terminated upon the recording�f a <br /> written a�reement signed by all of the parties ha�ing a fee interest in the ownership of or a <br /> mortgage ar de�d�f trust recorded against any portion of Parce� 1 or Parcel 2. <br /> E Consideration for Easements contained herein: <br /> 1. TERMS AND PAYMENT:Pay�nent shall be pursuant to the followin�;s�hedule: <br /> d} Phase II(a}: sixty �6�} days after the owner of Pa��el 2 recei�es its Certifi�ate of <br /> �ccupancy far Phase II(a)(the 6f-unit huilding},the owner af Parcel�shall pay rent <br /> ta the owner of Parce� 1 of Twelve Thausand and no1lQUths dallars ��1Z,���.DU} <br /> per year,payahl�inonthIy on th�first day of each month. <br /> e� Pha�e II(b}: sixty (64} days after the owner af Parcel 2 recei�es its Certificate of <br /> accupancy fnr Phase II(b} (all of the 1 D and 11-plexes estimated at 53 units}, the <br /> awner of Parcel Z shall pay rent to the owner of Parcel 1 of Eighteen Thausand and <br /> nvI1�0�hs dvllars �$�S,QUQ.flO} per year, payable monthly c�n the f rst day af eaGh <br /> month. <br /> 6 <br />