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use of the Parking Easement. There s��al� be no stora�e, repair or extended use �more than <br /> consecuti�e 24 hours}on the Parking Easement by any Users of the Parking Easement. <br /> 2. Duration. The duratian of the Parking Easement created hereunder shal� he <br /> petpetual. <br /> 3. Maintenance and Re air of the Easement Area. The fee awner of Parcel l <br /> shall joint�y maintain,replace,repair,rebuild,c��an,remo�e snow,seal c�at and stripe("Parkin� <br /> Area Costs"} the Parkin� Easement with the fee owner of Parcel �. The �wners shall be <br /> respansihle for their respecti�e proportianate�hares of the Parking Area Costs as s�t forth abo�e <br /> in Paragraph A3. <br /> The fee ov��ner�s}of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 shall nnt interfere with the use and enjoyment <br /> of the Parking Easement by any other Users of the Parking Easement. ln the e�ent a f�e owner <br /> of Parcel 1 or Parcel 2 fails to pay its share nf the Farking Area Costs,the other fee�wner may, <br /> but is not obligated to,pay the Parking Area Casts❑f the defaulting fee owner and pla�e a lien <br /> against the prnperty awn�d lay defaulting fee owner until the non-defaulting fee owner is <br /> reimbursed for Parking Area Costs paid on behalf af'the defau�ting fee owner. Any suGh lien <br /> sha�l be subordinate to any third par�y financin�deht secured by Parcel 1 or Parcel �. In no <br /> e��nt shall tlle fai�ure to pay Parking Ar�a Costs result in the lass af usa�e of the Parking <br /> Easement. <br /> 4. A urtenant Easement. The Parking Easement created hereunder shall be <br /> appurtenant to and burden th�respecti�e partions af Parcel 1 and Parcel Z. <br /> G. RE�REATI�NAL FACILITIES EASEMENT. <br /> 1. Cr�ation of EasemQnt. TS 12 herehy creates, �rants and establishes a nan- <br /> exciusi�e easement o��er and across Parc�l l for the benefit of Parcel Z for use of the community <br /> 4 <br />