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Any notice shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner stated above. <br />19. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Borrower. If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or <br />transferred without the Lender's prior written consent, Lender may demand immediate payment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand <br />immediate payment if the Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in the Borrower is sold or transferred. However, Lender may <br />not demand payment in the above situations if it is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this deed of trust. <br />20. Reconveyance. When the obligation secured by this deed of trust has been paid, and Lender has no further obligation to make advances <br />under the instruments or agreements secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall, upon written request by the Lender, reconvey the trust <br />property. The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, or to Borrower's successor in interest, the trust deed and the note or other evidence of the <br />obligation so satisfied. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br />21. Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee by first, mailing a copy of the <br />substitution of trustee as required by applicable law, and then, by filing the substitution of trustee for record in the office of the register of deeds <br />of each county in which the trust property, or some part thereof, is situated. The successor trustee, without conveyance of the property, shall <br />succeed to all the power, duties, authority and title of the Trustee named in the deed of trust and of any successor trustee. <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Borrower agree to the terms and convenants contained in this deed of trust and <br />in any riders described above signed by Borrower. <br />1 e..2.2 -- <br />c. ate <br />aynard C Ritter <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL COUNTY SS: <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before <br />By Maynard C Ritter, A Single Person <br />£Notary Public) <br />Loan origination organization: Home Federal Savings and Loan Assn of Grand Island <br />NMLS ID 446443 <br />Loan originator: Kevin Ottman <br />NMLS ID: 494664 <br />October 24, 2016 <br />201607080 <br />A GENERAL NOTARY • State of Nebraska <br />@I KEVIN D OTTMAN <br />: *s My Comm. Exp. May 19, 2017 <br />