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<br /> ASSI�NMENT �F ��NTS
<br /> �Cont�nue�� Page �
<br /> any assignment for the benefit�f creditars,any type of credt�ar workout, ❑r the cammencem�nt a�any pr�ceeding
<br /> undgr any bank�-uptcy vr inso��ency laws by vr against Borro�nrer ar Grantor.
<br /> Greditor vr FarFeiture Proceedings. Cvmmencement vf fvrec�osure vr far�ei�ure pro�eedinc�s, whether by�u�iicial
<br /> proceedin�, self he�p, repossessian vr an� vtl�er meth�ad, by any cred�tor of Sorrower or G�antar or by any
<br /> gvverrzmenta�agenc�►against the Rents or any property securing the Indebtedness. This includ�s a garnishment of
<br /> any of Bvrrvwer's ar Grantvr's a�counts, including deposit accaunts,with Lender. Hvwe�er,this E�ent af Default
<br /> shall not apply if there is a good faith dispute by Borrower or Grantor as ta tt�� validtty ar�reasanabl�ness o'�the
<br /> claim which is the basis af the creditar nr�or�ei#ure proceeding and if Borrower or Gr�ntor gives Lender written
<br /> �atice of the creditar or forfeiture proceeding and depasi�s with Lender mvnies ar a sure�y bond far the creditor ar
<br /> forfeiture proceeding, in an �mount determined by Lender, in its sale discretivn, as �eing an adequate reserve vr
<br /> bvnd for the dispute.
<br /> Praperty Damage or Lass, The Property is iost, stoien,substantial�y dam�ged,sold,or borrowed against.
<br /> E�ents Affecting Guarantor, Any vf the preceding e�ents o�curs with respect to any gua�antor, endorser, surety,
<br /> or accvmmadatian party af any vf the lndebtedness vr any guarantor, endorser, surety, ❑r accammadation party
<br /> d�es vr beoomes incampetent, ar revakes or disput�s the Ualidit� of, or liabilit� under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> �ndebtedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�e�a� adverse change occurs in �rantor's financial cond�tion, �r Lender beiie�es th�
<br /> praspect vf payment or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> insecurity. Lender�n good�aith belieues�tself insecure.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REIIAEDIES�N DEFr4ULT. Upor�the accurrence of any Even�a�Default and at an�time thereafter,Lender
<br /> rr:a�r exercise any ene or more of the�ollowing rights and rernedies, in addition t�any other rights ar remedies pro�ided
<br /> by law:
<br /> A�ce�erate Indel�tedn��s, Lender shall have the right at its option to declare the entire lndebtedn�ss immediately
<br /> du�and payable,tncluding any prepayment penalty that Borrower wvuld be required to pay.
<br /> Cvllect Rents. Lender shall have the rig h#, w ithv u t notice to Borrower v�' G rantor, to tak� possession o� the
<br /> Praperty and callect the R�nts, including �mounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net prace�ds, a�er and
<br /> ahv�e Lender's costs, against the Indebtedness. In furtherance ot this right, L�nder sha11 have all th� rights
<br /> pravided #or in #he Lender's Right ta Rec�iv� and Coilect Rents Section, above. If the Rents are cvllected by
<br /> Lender,then Grantar irrevocably designa�es Lender as Grantvr's attorney-in-fact to endorse instruments recei��d in
<br /> payment thereof in the name of Grantor and#o negotiate the same and�o��ect the praceeds. Paymen#s b}�tenan#s
<br /> or other users to Lender in response to Lender's d�mand shall sat�s�F�#he ��ligations far►n�h�ch #he payments are
<br /> made, whether vr not an� proper gr�unds for the d�mand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under this
<br /> su�parag�aph either in person,�y agent,❑r thraugh a receiver.
<br /> Q#her Remedie�. Lender sha!! havs all vther rights and remedies pro�ided in this �Issignment �r the No#e or by
<br /> 1aw.
<br /> E�ec#ivn vf�em�dies. Electivn by Lender ta pursue any remedy shalf not exclude pursuit of any other remedy,and
<br /> an electian to make expenditur�es vr to take action to perfor�m an ob��gation of Grantor under this assignment,after
<br /> Grantor's failure ta p�r#orm,shal�no�a�fec�Lender's rtght tv de�tare a default and exe�c�se i#s remed�es.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or ac:tion to enforoe any of ti�e terms of#his�tssignment,
<br /> Lend�r sha�[ be entitled to reao�er such sum as the caurt may adjudge re�sanal�le as a�tvrne�s'�fees at tr�a! and
<br /> upan any ap�eal. l�h�tn�r �r not any court acti�n is in�ol�ed, and ta the �xt�nt not prohibited by law, al1
<br /> re�asonabte expenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'s opinion are necessary at any time far the protectian Q# its
<br /> interest or the enfa�cemen�of its righ#s shall be�vme a part o�the Indebtedness payab�e on demand and sha��bear
<br /> inter�st at the Nv#e rate frvm the da�e vf the expenditure un�ii repa�d. Exper�ses cvW�red by th�s paragraph�nclude,
<br /> w�t�tout�i�nitation, hawewer subject#a any#im�ts under applir�able law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lende�s legal
<br /> expenses, whether or nat there is a lawsuit, inc�uding attarneys' fees and expens�s for bankrupt�y prv�eedings
<br /> (including effarts tv modify vr�acate any autamati�stay or in�unction},a�peals,and an�ant��ipated post judgment
<br /> collection serv�oes,the cost of searching records, ❑bta+ning title reparts fincluding it�reclasure r��ports}, SUN�yDrs�
<br /> reports, an�! appraisal fees, title insuranr�e, ar�d tees for the Tn�stee, to the extent permitted b� applicable law.
<br /> �rantor also will pay any court casts, in addition to all other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> ELECTR47N�C CQP#E5. Lender may copy, �lectronicaliy or atherwise, and th�reafter destray, the ariginals of this
<br /> Agr�ement andlor Related ❑vc�ments in the regular co�rs� of L�nder's business. A�I such copies prvduced from an
<br /> ele�tronic fvrm or by any other reliahle means ti.e., photographic ima�e or facsimi�e�sha[I in ali respec#s be considered
<br /> equivalent to an vriginaf,and Sorrower hereby wai�es any rights vr objectivns to#he use ot such c�pi�s.
<br /> AAISCELLAN��US PRQVISI�NS. The foilQwing miscel[aneous�ro��sions are a part of this►�ssign�ent:
<br /> Amendr�ents. This Assignm�nt, together with any Related Dacuments, constitutes the enfire understanding and
<br /> agreem�nt of the parties as to the mat#ers set forth in this Assignment. No al�era�ivn Qf ar amendmen� #v #his
<br /> Assignment shail be ef�ectiVe unl�ss given �n wr�#�ng and �igned ay t�e party or parties sou�ht to be charg�d or
<br /> bvund by the a�teratipn or amendment.
<br /> �apti�n Headings. Cap��vr� headings in this Assignment are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used
<br /> ta interpret ar define the pro�isions nf this Assignmen#.
<br /> Gv�erning Law. This Assignment will be gv�erned by #ederai law appliGable tv Lender and, to the extent not
<br /> preemp#ed by federal law,#he laws of the S#ate vf Nebraska wi#h�ut regard tv its c�nflicts v�law pra�isions. This
<br /> Assignment has been aCcepted by Lender in the S#ate of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice of Venue. lf there is a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upan Lend�r's request t� submit to the�urisdictivn of fihe
<br /> courts vf Haff Caun�y, State of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�eral Liability. A!I obligatians v� Bvrrower and Crantor urrder this �ssignm�nt s�a�l b� �oint and
<br /> se�erai,and al�referenoes to Grantor sha�l mean each and eW�ry G��ntvr,and ali referer�oes ta Borr�wer shall mean
<br /> each and e�e�y Sorrvwer. This m�ans that each Gr�ntar signing beiow is respvnsible fvr a11 obligations in this
<br /> Assignmer�t. Where any one or mvre a�the parties is�carporativn,partnership, limited li�bility ovmpany or simiiar
<br /> entity, it is not necessary fvr Lender to inquire into the powers of any of the officers,dire�tors, partners, members,
<br /> or other agents acting ar purpv�king to act on the�n#ity's �half, �nd any Qb�igativns made a�crea#ed in r�liance
<br /> up�n#�e�rvf�ssed ex�rcise of such pawers shalf be guaranteed under this Assignment.
<br /> Merger, There sha�� be n� rr�erger ot#�e interest ar estate created by this Assi�nment w ith any ath�r interest or
<br /> �state �n#he Property at any�ime held by or fvr the benefit o#Lender in any capacity, without the written consen�
<br /> ❑f Lender.
<br /> �nterpretation, �1} In ail cases where there is mare than ane Bc�r�-owe�vr Grantor, then a!I words used in this
<br /> Assignment in the s�ngular shal�be deerr�d to ha�e been used in the plura{where#he context and constructian s�
<br /> requi�e. (�} If more than vne person signs t�is/�ssignment as"Gr�antor,"the�bligatior�s��each Grantar ar�e jtiint
<br /> and several. Th�s mea�s �hat if Lender b�-ings a lawsui#, Lend�r may sue any one or more o#the Grantors. If
<br /> Bor�-ower and Grantar are nvt the sams persan, Lender need not sue Borrvw�r first, and that Bvrrvwer need not be
<br />