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<br /> �C�rtttrlued� Page 4
<br /> �oined in any lawsuit. {3} The names given tQ paragraphs nr sections in #his Assignment are for con�enier�ce
<br /> purpases only.They are nvt t❑be used to interpre#or define the pravisivns of this Assignment.
<br /> No Vllai�er by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any ri�t�ts under this Rssignment u�less suc�
<br /> wai�er ts gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omissivn on the part of Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right ar any other righ#. 1� waiver ��r Lender of a pt�vvisian o�th�s Assignment
<br /> shali not p�ejudice or cvnstitute a waiver of Lender's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that
<br /> pro�ision or any other provision af this►4ssignment. No prior wai�er by Lend�r, nor any�ourse ot dealing between
<br /> Lender and Grantvr, shail consti#ute a wai�er of any of Lender's rights ar of any of Grantor's ob�igations as to �ny
<br /> future transac#ions. WLlhene�er the cansent af Lender is requ�red under #h�s Assignt��nt, the granti�� vf such
<br /> consent by Lender in �ny rnstance sha11 not �vnstitute continuing consent �o subsequent �nstan�es where such
<br /> consent is requ�red and in all cases suc�cansent may be granted�r wit�he�� in the so��tfiseret�a�a�Lender.
<br /> Not�ces. An� notice r�qu�red to be gi�en under this Assignment shall be g��en in writing, and shall be effecti�e
<br /> when actualiy deli�ered, when actuaily recei�ed by tele�acsimiie �unless otherwise re�uired by law�, when
<br /> depvsi#ed with a nativnaily re�ognized o�ernigh�cflurier, ar,if maifed,when deposited in the Uni�ed Sta#es mail,as
<br /> first class, �ertified or registered mail pas�age prepaid, directed#v#he addresses shawn ne�r'the beginning❑f fhis
<br /> Assignment. AnJ►par�y may change its address for notices under this Assignment by gi�ing f�rmai written notice
<br /> to the other parties, specifying �ha� the pu�pvse of the notice is to change the par#y's address, For notice
<br /> purpvses, Gran#or agr�es tv keep Lender infnrmed at a!I times ❑f Grantar's �urren# address. Un�ess a#herwise
<br /> pro�ided ar required by iaw, if #here is more than ane Grantvr, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Grant��- is
<br /> deemed ta be notice gi�en tv ai!�rantors.
<br /> Pawers vf Af#orney. The various agencies and powers af atto�-ney conveyed on Lender under this Assignment are
<br /> granted far purposes of secu�ity and maY nat be reuoked b� Grantar unti!such #�rr�e as the same are renounced by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 5e►rerability. If a �ourt vf campetent jurisdiction finds any pro��s�on of�his Assignment to b� i�lega�, inval�d, or
<br /> un�nforceable as fo any circumstance, that finding sha!! not make the off�nding pro�isivn illeg�l, in�alid, ar
<br /> unenforoeable as to any vther circumstance. If feasibie, �he offending pro�isian shati be ovns�dered m�vdified sa
<br /> that it loeoomes legal, �a�id arrd enforceable, lf the offending pro�ision cannot be sc� modified, it shall be
<br /> oonsidered delet�d frnm this Assignment. Unless o�herwise required by taw, the illegatity, inWal�d�t�, or
<br /> unenfarceability of any prv�ision af this Ass�gnment shall not affect the le�ality, �alidity o�en�orc�ability vf any
<br /> other pro�isivn vf this Assignment.
<br /> Su�cessors and Ass�gr�s. Subject to any fimitations stated in this Assignment on transfer�f Grantor's interest,this
<br /> Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. !f
<br /> vwr�ers�ip��#he Property becomes uest�d in a person athe�r than Grantor, Lender,withaut notice ta Grantor, may
<br /> de�l wtth Grantor's successvrs with reference to this Assignment and #he �ndebtedness by way of fvrbearance ar
<br /> extensian withaut releasing Grantor fr�m�he ob�igations of this Assignment or fiability under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the pertormance�f this Assignment.
<br /> Wai�e Jury. All parti�s tv this AssEgnment hereby wai�e the right to any�ury trial in any activn, prviceeding, vr
<br /> �aunterclaim brvught by an�party agains�any vther party.
<br /> Vllai�er of Homes�ead Exemptian. Grantor hereby releases and ►nrai�es all rights and benefts vf the homes�ead
<br /> ex�mption�aws af the Stat�v�lVebraska as to aff lndebt�dness secure�!by this Ass�gnmen#.
<br /> D�F�NITIDNS. The foflowing capitalized wards and terms shali have the following meanings when used in thts
<br /> Assignment. Unless specificaliy stated to the cvntrary, all r�ferences to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful
<br /> maney of the United States of America. Vllords and terms used in the singular shal! include the plural, and the plura�
<br /> shail�nclude the stngular, as the context may require. Words and terms not otherwise de�ned in this Rssignment shall
<br /> have the meanings attributed to such terms in the lJniform Commercial Cod�:
<br /> Assignment. The word "Assignment" means this ASSIGNMENT aF R�NTS, as this ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended ar modified from t�me ta time, tngether with al��xhib�ts and schedules att�ched to this ASSIGNMENT
<br /> �F RENTS from time to time.
<br /> Borrawer. The ward "Bvrrower" means H&J Properties, LLC; Island Plum�ing Company, Inc.; Fierman T IVleyer;
<br /> and Joanne G Meyer.
<br /> Default. The word "�efau It"m�ans the Defau�#set forth in this Assignment in the section t�tled "0 e�au It".
<br /> E►►ent af De�ault. Th�wards "Event of �efauit"mean any of the ev�nts of default set farth in th�s Ass�gnment in
<br /> the de�au�t sectiQn of this Assignment.
<br /> Grantor. The word "Grantor"means H&J Properties,LLC.
<br /> Guaran#y. The wvrd "�uaranty"means the guaranty from guaran#or,endorser, surety,or accommadat�ar� par#y#o
<br /> Lender, including without limitativn a guaranty of ali or part of the Note.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "indebtedness" means all princip�l, interest, and other amour�#s, cvsts and expenses
<br /> �ayat�l� under the Nvte or Re�ated Dvcuments, together wi#h all renewals ❑f, extensions of, madifications af,
<br /> �onso�idativns af and substitutions fvr the Note or Related Dacuments and any amvun�s expended or advanced by
<br /> Lsnder ta d�scharge Gran#or's obligativns or expenses incurred by Len�er to enforce Grantar's ��ligat�ons under
<br /> #his Assignment, together with interest vn s�ch amounts as pro�ided in this Assignment. Speci�ically, without
<br /> limitati�n, lndebtedn�ss includes the future advances set forth in the Future Advances provision, together with a!I
<br /> interes# #hereon and al1 amounts that may be indirec#ly secured by the Cross-�oilateralization pro�ision of this
<br /> Assignment.
<br /> Lender, The word "Lender"means Firsi Nation�!6ank of�maha,its s�ccessors and assigns.
<br /> Note. The wvrd "Note" means any and a!I o� Borrower's liabilit�es, obligations and debts to Lender, now ex�sting
<br /> or her�inafter incurred vr crea#�d, including, without limitatton, ali Inans, ad�ances, interest, costs debts, v�erdra##
<br /> indebtedness, credit card indebtedness, lease o�ligations, liabilities and obligations under in�erest rate protection
<br /> agreements or fvreign currency exchange agr�ements or commodity price protectivn ag�eements,other obiigations,
<br /> and lia�ilities of Borrower together w ith all modificativns, increases, renewa�s, and extensians of the
<br /> aforementioned. Addit�onally, hereby incvrporated as �f fully set fo�th herein are the terms and conditions of any
<br /> promissory note, agreement ar other document executed by Borrower andlor Lender indiGating this se�urity
<br /> instrument ar the property described herein shall be considered "C�llateraf" securing such promissary note,
<br /> ag�eement,or other instrumen#,or any simifar reference.
<br /> Prap�rty. T�e wnrd "ProRer#�" means al! vf �ran#or's right, title and in#e�est in and tv a!I the Property as
<br /> described in the"Assignment"sectivn of this Assignment.
<br /> Related Documents. The wards "Related Documents" mean al� promissory no#es, credit agre�ments, laan
<br /> agreements, environmenta� agreements, guaranties, security agreements, m�rtgages, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mortgagss, and alf other instruments, agreements and do�uments, whether rraw ar hereatt�r
<br /> existing,executed in connection with th� indehtedness.
<br />