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2� 1 ��7�41 <br /> LDAN#: '�'I'!1088�?8 <br /> ar ground ren�s or��he Proper�y,i�an�,and�ornmuni�y l��sociation�ue�,Fees,and As��ssrnen�s, if <br /> �ny.To the extent that th�se items are Escra►,rv It�ms,Borrower shail pa��hem in the rnanner pro�rid�d <br /> In SE:C�l�tl 3. <br /> Borrv►nr�r shalf�romptl�+d+scharge�n�lien which has�riarity over this�e�uri�y�ns�rument uni�ss <br /> Borro�rer:�a}agrees in writing�a�he pa�men�af the ob�ig�tion secured by�he lien in a m�nner acceptable <br /> ta Lend�r,but only��iang as Bvr�Qwer is performin�such agr�emEn�;�b}can�ests the I��n in good�aith <br /> by,or defends against enforcemen�Qf�he lien�n,lega(pro��eding�which in Lende�'s�pinion apera��to . <br /> pr�vent�he en�'orcemen�a�f the lien whil��ho�e proc�edings are pending,but an�y un#il such proceedings <br /> are�oncluded;�r�c}�ecuresfrom the hofdera�the lien an agreemen�sa�isfactary#o Lendersubord�nating <br /> �he lien fio th��Securi�y Instrument.�f Lender de�erm�nes that any par�of�he Prflper�y is subjec��v a�ien <br /> wh�ch can attaEn priority ov�r this Se�urity lnsfrum�n�, L�;nder may g�ve Borrow�r a n�t�ce iden���+ing <br /> th�lien.�llfi�h�n'i Q days af the date on wnich�hat nat�c�is gi►�en,gvrrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or#ake <br /> ane a�mare of�h�actions se�€o�h aho�e tn thi�5�c�i�n�4. <br /> Lender ma�+ requi�-e Bor�ower�a pay a ane--ti�ne char�e far a rea! �state tax�er�f�a#ian andlo�- <br /> rep�r��ng ser�i��used by Lender in connectian virith this Ld�n. � <br /> 5. �rvperty lnsurance.Barro►nr���hall keep the impravernen�s no►�v existing or hereafter erected an <br /> th�Prvpe�ty insured against loss�y�re,hazard�included within�he term"ex�ended co�erage,"and any <br /> other ha��rds�nclud�ng,hut not limit�d ta,ea�hquak�s and f�aods,��r which Lender r�quir��insurance. <br /> This insur�nce sha�l be maintained in the�moun�s��ncluding deductible le�e�s}and��r the periQds tha� <br /> Lender requ�res. 1Nhat�.�nder�equires pursuanf ta�he preceding sentences can�hange during the <br /> term o�the Laan.The in�urance ca�r�er pro�iding th�insurance shall be chvsen by Bor�-ower sub�e�t to <br /> Lender's right tv disappr�we Barro►nrer's choic�,whi�h righ�shall no�be exercised unreasvnab[y.Lender <br /> may require Bvrrow�r ta pay,in connec�ian►►vi�h�his Laa�n,either:�a}a one-time charg�far flo�vd zan� <br /> de�e�minafian,certifcatian and tracking services;or tb}a one-time charge�'ar flood�one de�erminat�on <br /> and c�rkif cation s�nrices ar�d subsequen�charges each tim�rernappings vr s�milar chang�s occur►nrhich <br /> reasona��y m�gh�af�ec�such determination or certificatian. Barrvv�rer sha11 ai�a�e resp�nsible for the <br /> paym�nt of any f�es irnposed by the Federal�m�rgen�y M�n�gemen�Agenc�r in connect�an with�h� <br /> reWi�w of any flo�d zane determination resultin��r�m an obje�tion by Borro�rer. <br /> lf Borrowe�r fai�s to maintain any af the�a�erages described ahv�e, Lender rnay ob�ain insu�-ance <br /> ca�r�rage,at Lender's op�i�n and 8�rraw�r'�expens�.L�nd�r is unde�na obligation�o purGhas�an� <br /> par�i�ular type or amount a�cav�rage.Therefo�e,such cQve�age shall caver Lender,but rnighfi or migh� <br /> na�p�atect�Qrrovu�r,Bar�av�e�'s equity in�he Prap�;�y,ar the contents a��he Praperty,against any risk, <br /> ha�ard or liabiiity and migh�provide�rea�er ar�ess�r coWerage than�vas pre�iously in e�'ec�.�orrowe� <br /> acknvv�rledges�hat the�ast vf the insurance�over�ge sv abta�ned m�gh#signif�can�ly ex�eed#he cost <br /> af�nsurance tha�Borrawer could ha�e ab#�ined.Any amoun�s disbursed b�Lender under this Se�tion <br /> 5 shall become additi�nal debt o�f Barrower secured by this Securi���nst�-ument.These amvunts shall <br /> bea��n��r�st at�he Note rat��r�m�he�ate��disburs�ment and shall be payable,w��h such�ntere��, <br /> upan notice from Lender to Borroi►ver reques�ing payment. <br /> Afi in�urance po�icies required by Lender and r�n�v+�als of such pvli��es sh�l1 be subject#o Lend�r'� <br /> right t�o d�sappra�e such poli�ies,sh�ll include a standa�d mortgage clause�and�h�ll name Lender as <br /> rno�kgagee andlor as a��ddi�ionaf�ass�ayee.L�n�er shall have fihe right��hvld�he pal ic�es and renewral <br /> �erti�ica�es.If L�nder requires,Borra�rv�r shall promp�ly give to�.�nd��all receipts of paid premiums and <br /> rene�al nof�ces.�f garro�+,+er vb�ains any form of in�urance correrag�,not otherwise required by Lend�r, <br /> �ar damag��Q,or d�strucfion o�,�he�'raperky,such policy shall include a stand�rd mar�gage clause and <br /> shall name Lender as mortgagee andlar as an additianal loss payee. <br /> !n the event of loss,gorrower shali give prampt natice#o the insuran�e carri�r and Lender.L�nder <br /> may make pr�of�f Ioss if nat made pramptly��Bc�r��wer.Unless Lender and Barrawer ath�rwise agree <br /> in�n�+ri�ing, an�insur�r�ce prac�eds,wh��her ar no�th�underlying in�urance was required by Lender, <br /> �hal[be app�i�d�o restaration ar repair��the Pr�p�rt�,i�fhe res�ora�inn❑r repair is e�n�mi�al�y�'eaSibi� <br /> and Lender's secu�ity is nofi lessened.Duri ng such reRai r and re��ora�ion p�riod,Lender shall ha���he <br /> righ#ta hald su�h insurance prvc�eds until Lender ha�had an oppo�unity fo insp�c�su�h��oper�y�a <br /> ensure the work has been comple#ed to Lender'�satisfaction, Rro�ided that such inspec�ion shal! be <br /> und��aken pramptly.Lender rnay disburse pr�ce�ds for#he repai�and res�ara��an in�single payrn�nt <br /> or in a s�ries of prag�es�p�yments as�he wa�k is�ample�ed.lJnkes�an�gr��men��s made�n writing�r <br /> Applicab��La�r�quires interesf ta k�e paid�n such insurance proceeds,Ler+de�-sha�l nat be rr�quired�a <br /> p�y Bc�rrower any�nteres�or�arnin�s on such pr�ac�eds.F�es�ar pu�lic adjusters,or t�ti�er�h�rd pa�k�es, <br /> retained by Bvrror�er shall no�be paid au�af t�e insurance proceeds and sh�ll be the sole o�ligat�on of <br /> Bvrrower.���h�r�stora�ian or r�p�ir is nat e�onomi�all�feasible or Lender's secur�ity v+�ould be I�ssen�d, <br /> th�insur�nce pro��ed�shall be appli�d�a th�sums secured by th�s�e�uri�y Instrumen�,►nrh�ther or <br /> nat th�n due,with the�xcess,if any,paid ta Borra�ver.Su�h insurance proceeds shal�be app�i�d in the <br /> o�der��avided f�r in Sectian�. <br /> If�orrower a��ndons�he Property, Lender m�y file, negatiate�nd settle any a�ailable insuranc�; <br /> claim and rela�ed matters.�f BQrrawer does nat re�p�nd�nrithin 3U days to a n�tice f�om L�nd�r th���he <br /> insurance carrier ha�offe�ed tv settle a claim,then Lender m�y nego#iate and setkie the�laim.The 30� <br /> d�y per�od�vill be�in when the nvtice is g�ven.In either e�ent,�r�f Lend�r acquir�s the Pra e n�er <br /> �� <br /> Initials�.� <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famiiy-�Fannie MaefFr�ddi�Mac UNIFQRM INSTRU�lENT Form 3028'�Ia1 <br /> E�iie Mae,Inc. Page 5 af'I 1 NEEDEEd 0315 <br /> NEEDEED�CLS} <br /> 10!'i 212a 1��7:48 AM P5T <br /> rr <br />