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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> Parcei �D N u m��r: 4��1�5 7 7 5 which currently has the address of <br /> 1�23 �ari a� Lr� �,scr��t� <br /> �rand I s�and (City}, Ne�raska�$$��--222� �z�Code} <br /> ("Prap erty Addre ss"}: <br /> T�GETHER WITH a11 the impro�rement�now or her�af��r er�cted on the property,and all easements, <br /> appurt��ances,and fixtures not�or hereaf�er a par�of�he property. A��r�placements and add�ti�ns shall also be <br /> covered by this Security Instrument.A11 of the foregoing is referred to in th�s Security Instrument as the <br /> "Propert}�."Borrower understands and agrees�hat MERS holds oniy iegal�i��e t�the interest granted by Barrower <br /> in this�ecurity Ins#.rument,l�ut, if necessary to comply with lavv or custom,MERS(as nominee for Lend�r and <br /> �.ender's successors and ass�gn�}has the right:to exerc�se a�y or a���f thase�nterests, ��c�ud�ng,but not��m�ted <br /> to,the right to fQreclose and se11 the Property;an�i to take any action required of Lender including,but nat <br /> limited to,releasing and canceling this Security Instr�uum�nt. <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS tha�Bono�rer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br /> grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumber�dA except for encumbrances of record. <br /> BoFro�ver�arrants a�.d��1�defend generally the�it�e t�the Property again�t a11 claims�a.nd demands,subj ect t� <br /> any encumbrances of rec�r�.. <br /> TH�S SECURIT�INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants f�r national use and non-uniform <br /> covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitu�e a un�form security in�trum�nt eo�ering real <br /> prop�rty. <br /> Unifarm Co�enants.Borrower and�ender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> �. Paymen�of Principal,lr�terest, Escro►n►Items, PrepaymentCharges,�nd Late Gharges.�orrower <br /> shall pay when due the principal of,and interest on,the debt e�id�nced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges a�ad la�e charges due under the Nat�. Borr�wer shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to <br /> Section 3. Payments du�under the Note and this Security Instrument�hall b�made in U,S,currenc�. <br /> However, xf any cheek��-�ther Ynstrum�nt rece�ved by Len�er as�a�rment ur���r the Not�ar th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrum�nt is returned to Lender unpaid,Lender ma.y require that any or al�su�sequen�payrri�nts due under <br /> the No�e and this Security�nstrument be made in one or mvre of the fo��awing f�rms,as selected by Lender: <br /> (a�cash; (b}money order; (c�cer�ified ch�ck,bank check,treasurer's cheGk or cashier's check,pravided an�r <br /> su�h check is dra�n upnn an institution whose depvsits are in�ur�d by a federal agency, instrumentality,or <br /> entity;or(d}Electronic Funds Transfer, <br /> Paymer�ts are deemed received by L�nder vvhen received at the locati�n designated in the Note or at such <br /> other locatio�t as may be designated by Lender in accordanc��ith the notice provisions in Section �5, <br /> Lender may return any payment or partial payment rf the payment ar par�ial payments are�nsuffYc�ent to <br /> bring the�Loan current. Lender may accept�.ny payment or partial paymen�insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current,without waiver of any righ�s hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial <br /> paym�nts in the future,but Lender is nat o�ligated ta app��r such payments at the��me such payments are <br /> accepted. If each Periodic�ayment i�appli�d as of its scheduled due date,then Lender ne�d not pay int�rest <br /> on unapplied fu�.ds. Lender may hold such unappli�d funds until Borrotiver makes payment to bring the Loan <br /> current. If Borro�ver does not do so within a reasonable period of time,Lender sha11 either apply such funds <br /> or return.them to Bortower. If not applied earlier,such funds will be applied t�the out�tanding principal <br /> balanGe under the Note imumediately prior to for�closure.No offse�or claim which Borra�v�r might have <br /> now ar in the future against Lender s�xa11 reli�v�Borravver fram making payments due under the Note and <br /> this Security Instrum�nt or perfarming the covenants and a�reements se�ured b}r this Security Ins�rument. <br /> NEBR�►SKA-Single Family-Fan€�ie Mae1F€�eddie Mac UNIFOFiM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 11Q1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA[NE}(1342}.44 <br /> Wolters ICluwer Financial Services Page 4 of 17 <br /> q43363614655 4�33 515 �417 <br />