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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> If the Loan is subj ect to a law which se�s max�m�m�oan charges,and that lavv�s fina����nterpreted sa that <br /> the interest or ather laan charges�otlected or ta be c�lle�ted in cannection with the Loan e�ceed the <br /> p�rmitted limits,then: �a}any such loan charge shall b�redu�ed b�the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge tv the permitt�d limit;and�b)any sums already collec�ed fr�m Borrower which exceeded permit�ed <br /> l�mits will be refunded to�orr��ef. i��ender may�hoase to make this refund by re€iucing the principal owed <br /> under the N��e or by rnaking a dir�ct payment to Barrower. Tf a refund reduces principal,th�reduction wi11 <br /> be treated as a partial prepayment without an}�prepayment charge�vvhether or not a prepayment charge�s <br /> pravided for und�r the�o�e). Borrawer's a�cept�nce of any such refund made by�lir�ct payment to <br /> Borrower witl canstitute a wai�er of any right of actian Borrower m�ght have arising out�f such�vercharge. <br /> 15. Notiees.All notices given by Borrflw�r or L�nd�r in connection with this Security Instrume�.t must be in <br /> writing.Any natice to Borr�wer in conan.�ction with thi�Security Ins�rument shal�be deemed to have been <br /> given to Borro�rer when mailed by firs�c�ass mail or when actual�y delivered�o B�rro�er's n��ice address <br /> if sent b�r o��her means,l�ot�ce to any one Borro�er sha11 constitute�4tice to all Borrawers un�ess <br /> Appli�able Law��pressly r�quires otherwr�e. The not�ce addres�sha��be the Property Address unless <br /> Borro�ver has des�gnated a substitute not�ee address by notice to Lender. Borrower shatl promptly notif� <br /> i�ender of Borravv�r's change of address. ��Lender�pecrfies a procedure for r�portin�Borrower`s change <br /> of address,then Borrower�ha��onty repor�a change of address through that specifed procedure. <br /> There rr�ay be onty one d�signated natice addr�ss under�his Security Instru�ment at�n�one t�rne.Any n�tice <br /> to Lender shall be given b�r de�ivering it or by mailing it by fust class mail to Lender's address stated herein <br /> unless Len�i�r has designated another address b�natice to Borrower.Any notice in cor�..n.ection with this <br /> Security Ins����.t shall not be deemed t�ha�e been given to Lender until actually received�y Lend�r.If <br /> any no�ice required by this Secur���nstrument is also required under Applicable Law,the Applicable Law <br /> r�quirement wi11 satisfy the correspond�ng requirement under this Se�urity Ins�rumen�. <br /> �I fi. �Qverning Lavr►; Se�erabifity;F�utes of Construetion.�his Security Instrument sha11 be governed by <br /> federal�a�and the 1aw of the jurisdiction i�a which the I'roper�is�acated. A��righ�s and obligations <br /> �ontained in this Securi�ty Instrument are s�b�ect to a�y requirements and limitations af App��cable Lav�. <br /> Applicable Law niight explic�tly or�mplicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it mi�ht be silent,but <br /> such s��enee�ha11 not be constru.ed as a prohibi�ion against a,greement b}�contract. �n the event tha�any <br /> provision or claus�of this Security Instrument or t'h�I�ote con�i�ts with App�icable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not affect other pro��si�ns of this Securi�y Instrument or the Note which can be given effect tivithout the <br /> c�nflicting pro�ision. <br /> As used in this S��ur��y Instrument: (a}urords of th�masculine gender sha11 rnean and include�orresponding <br /> neuter words or��rds af the femin�ne gender; (b}words in the singular shall mean and include the plural <br /> and vi�e versa;and(c)the vvord"may"gi�res sole di.scr�tion�vitho���n�obligat�on ta ta1��an�action. <br /> 'I?. Bvrrower's�apy.Borrower sha11 be gi�en one capy of th�Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 'l�. Transf�r vf th�Property or a B�neficiallnterr��t�n�arr�owe�.�s used in this �e�t�on 1�, "Interest�n <br /> the Property"means any 1ega1 or b�neficial interest in the PrQperty, including,but not limited�o,those <br /> benefcial interes�s transferred rn a bond for deed,contract for d�ed, insta.11ment sales contract or escraw <br /> agreement,�he intent of whic�i�s t�e transfer of title by�orrower at a fu�ure date to a p�.rc�aser. <br /> ��a11 or any part of the Property or any Inter�s��n the Property is sald or transferred(or if$orrow�r is�n�t a <br /> natural p�rson�.nd a beneficial interest in F�vrrvwer is sold or transf�rted}with�ut Lender's pria�����e� <br /> conse�tA Lender may requir�imm�diate payment in fu�l af a��sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> However,this option sha11 not be exerc�sed by Lender if such exercise i�prohibited by Applic�.ble Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 302$11�1 <br /> VMP C� VMPfiA[NE}[1342}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 12 of 97 <br /> q033G3�14665 4233 515 1Z17 <br />