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2� 1 ���9�5 <br /> If this Security Instrum�nt is on a leasehold,Borrovver sha1�comply vv�th all the provisions of the <br /> lease.If Borrower acyuir�s f�e title to the Prop�r�y,the Ieas�hold and the fee title shall n�t merge <br /> unless Lender agrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> 'I�. AAortgag� lnsurance. If Len�ier re�uired Martgage Insurance as a candition of making the <br /> Laan,B�rrawer shall pay the premiums re�uir�d to maintain the Mort�age Insurance in effect.If, <br /> for any reason,the ll�ortg�.ge Insurance co��ra�e requir�d by Lender ceases to be a�ailable from <br /> the mortgage�nsurer that previously provide� s�ch insurance and Borrawer was r�quired to make <br /> separ�te�y designated payment�toward t�e prem�ums f�r Martgage Insurance,Borrower sha�l pay t�e <br /> premiums required to obtain co�erage substaratial�y equi�a�ent to th�Martgage Insurance pre�iously in <br /> eff'ect,at a cost subst�ntially e�ui�alent t�th�c�st to B�rrower�f the Mortgage Insurance pre�ious�y <br /> in effect,from an alternate mnrt���e insurer se�ected by Lender. l�f s�bstantial�y eaui�alent Mortgage <br /> Insurance co�erage is not a�ailable,B�rr��er shall continue to pa}�ta Lender�h�amaunt�f the <br /> separately des�gnate�payments that were�ue when the�nsurance�o�era,�e ceased ta be in ef�`ect. <br /> Lender wi��acc�pt�use ar�d reta�n the�e payments as a nvn�refur�dab�e I�ss r�serve an �i�u of 1Vlortgage <br /> InsuranGe. �uch �oss reserve shall he n�n-refun�iable,not►�vithsta.ndin�the fact�h�.t th�Loan is <br /> ult�mat��y pard in fu�l,and Lender shall n�t b�require�to pay�orr�wer any interest or�arnin�s an <br /> such��ss reserve.Lender can no lar�ger require l�ss re�erve payments if Mortgage Insura.n�e co�erage <br /> (in the am�unt and for the per�od that Lender r�quir�s}pra�ided by an insur�r selected by Lender <br /> again becorr�es available, is obtained,and L�nder requires separate�y designated payments taward the <br /> premium s for Mart�age Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insuran�e as a condit�on of n�al��ng <br /> the Loan and Borro,►�ver was required ta m�ke �eparately de�ignated payments toward the pr�miums <br /> for Mortgage Insuran��,Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to Mor�gage Insurance in <br /> effect,or to pro�ide a nan-refundable loss resexve,untii Lender's requirement fur Mortgage Insurance <br /> ends in accordance vvith any written agreeme�t�etween I��rrower and I,ender providing for such <br /> termination or unti,I terrr�ination is re�uir�d by A�plica��e L�avv.I�athlri�lI]t�'l1S S�Ctl�I] 1 D a.�eCtS <br /> Borrovver's obligat�on to pay interest at the rate pr��ided in the Nate. <br /> Mortgage Insurance reimburses Len�er(or any ent�ty that purchases the N�te�far certain�osses it <br /> may incur if Borro�ver does nat repay the Loan as agreed.Borrower is n�t a party to the Mortgage <br /> Insurance. . <br /> Mnrtgage insurers e�aluate their tatal risl�on all such insurance in force from time to time,and <br /> may enter intv agre�ments with other parties that�hare vr modify their risk,or reduce losses. These <br /> agreements are an terms and conditions that are sat�sfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other <br /> part�y(or par��es�to these agreerr�ents.These agreements may require the martgage insurer to make <br /> payments using any saurce�f funds that the m�rtgage insurer may ha��a�ailable�whi�h may inc�ude <br /> funds obtained from Martgage Insurance premiums�. <br /> As a result of these agreements,Lend�r,�.�y purchaser of the�at�,an�ther insurers any reinsur�r,a.r�y <br /> other entity,ar any af�iliate of a.r�y af#he ft�regain�,may receive(direct�}�ar indir+��ti}�}axn�unts that <br /> deri�e from[ar might be character��ed as�a pot��o����orr�wer's payments for M�rtga�e In�uran�e, <br /> in exchaxxge for sharing or madify�ng the mar�ga�e insu��r's risk,nr reducing lqss�s.If such agreemex�t <br /> pro�ides that an a�liat�of Len��r takes a sh�re�f the insurer'�ri�k in e���an�e for a�hare of the <br /> premiums paid to the insurer,the arrangement i s often termed "capti�e reins�ranGe."Further: <br /> HCFG-U0359 <br /> NEBRASKA 5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTR�MENT Form 302811Q1 <br /> VMP� U�411 fi <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services ZDig9[�fi15.3.�.35�9-J24'3fiQ4zfiY Page 9 0#17 <br /> � � <br />