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2� 1 ���9�5 <br /> Borrower,this Security Instrument and oi�ligations secured here�y shall remain fully ef�'ecti�e as if n� <br /> �.cc��eration had occurr�d. Howe�er,th�s right to reinstate shalj nat apply in the case of accelerat�on <br /> under Section 18. <br /> ��. Sale af Note; Chang� of Loan Ser��cer; Notice of Grie�ance. The N�te ar a pa.rtial <br /> inter�st in the Note�together with th�s Security Instrument}can be sold ane or mare tim�s without <br /> priar notice to B�rrower.A sale might re�ult in a change in the entity�known as the "Loan Servicer"} <br /> that callects Periodic Payments due under the Nate and this Security Instrum�nt and performs other <br /> martgage loan serv icing obligations under the Not�,this Security Instrument,and Appl icahle Law. <br /> There alsa might be one or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the N�te. If there <br /> is a change of the Loan Service�,F3orr�vv�r wi�l l�e gi�en written notice of the change which will state <br /> the name and address of the new Lo�n Servicer,the address�a which payments should be made and <br /> any�ther information RESPA requires in connect��n with a notice of tran�fer of��rvicing.If the I�ote <br /> is sold and th�reafter the Loan is servic�d by a Loar� Ser►�icer other tha.n the purchas�r of the Note,the <br /> mortgage loan ser�icing abligat�ons to Bnrrower wil�remain with the Laan Ser��cer ar be transferred <br /> to a successar Loan Servicer ar�d are not assumed by the Note purchaser un�ess�therwise pro�ided by <br /> the Note pur�haser. <br /> Neither Barrower nor Lender may commence,jain, ar be j�ii�ed to�ny judicia�action(as either an <br /> indi�idual Iitigant�r the member of a class�that arises from�he other party's actions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument or that al�eges that the other party has hreached any pr��ision of,�r any duty <br /> awed t�y reason of,th�s Security lnstrurr�ent, until such Borrawer or Lender has notified the oth�r <br /> party(with such not�ce gi�en in comp�iance with the requirements nf Section 1 S}vf such alle�ed <br /> breach and af�'orded the ather party heret�a reasonable period after the gi�ing�f such notice tfl take <br /> corr�cti�e action. If Applicable Lavv pro�ides a time perifld�vhich must e�apse bef�re certain actian <br /> ca,n be taken,that tim�per�od wi��be de�m�d to be r�a�onab�e for purpas�s of this para.graph.The <br /> ��ti�e of accelerat�on and opportunity ta cure�i�en to B�rrower pursuant t� Sect�on 22 and the notice <br /> flf a�ce�eration giWen to Borrower pursuant to Sec�ion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice�.nd <br /> D�]1]�I'�L1I]l����.IC�C�17�Ct1V�aGt14I]�]I'4V 1 S l�rl S af trl l S S�Cti Un Z�. <br /> 21. Hazardaus Suhstances. AS L1S�C�lri#�115 S�Ctl�rl��: [a�"Hazardous Substances" are those <br /> sub�tances defined�s toxic or hazard�us substanc�s,pollutant5,or w�t��by En�ironmenta.I <br /> Law and the fo�lowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammable or t�xic petrc�leum <br /> products,toxic pesticides and herri�ides,��iati�e s�lvents,m�teria��c�n�aining asbest�s or <br /> forma�dehyde,and radioacti�e materials;(b} "En�ironmentaj Law"means federa��aws anal lavvs of <br /> the jur�sdiction where the Prr�perty is Iocated that re�at�tc�hea�th, safety ar environmenta� prote�ti�n; <br /> �c) "En�ironmental�leanup" includes any response act�on, r�media�action,or remo�al actic�n,�.s <br /> defined in En�ironmenta.l Law;and(d}an "EnW�r�nmenta���ndition"r�eans a condition that can <br /> caus�,Gontr�bute to,or ott�erwis�trigger an Environmental�leanup. <br /> Borrower sha�l not cause�r permit�he pr�sence, use,disposal, storage,or release of any Haza.rd�us <br /> Substances,or threaten t�re�ease any Haz.�rdous�u�starices,on or in the Property,.Borrow�r��al� <br /> not da,nor al��w anya�e else to da,anythir��affeCt�ng th�Pr�per�,��a}t��at�s in�io�at�on of any <br /> Environmenta�La►�,�b}which creates an Environmenta�Condition,nr(c}which,due ta the presence, <br /> use,or release of a Hazardaus Substanc�,creates a conditi�n that adWersely affects the�alue�f the <br /> HCFG-00�59 <br /> NEBRASKA-Stngle Famiiyy-Fanr+ie MaelFfeddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTR��NENT Fvrm 3U2811�1 <br /> VM� �41i$ <br /> Woiters Kluwer F�nanri�l 5ervices 24�fi 1 fl�fi���1 fiQ�2�Y Page 14 of 17 <br /> ; i <br />