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2� 1 ���9�5 <br /> obtain all a�Borrower's rights and benefits unc�er th i� Secur�ty Instrument.Borrower shall not be <br /> released from Barrower's al��igations and liahility und�r this�ecurity Instrument un�ess Lender agrees <br /> to such releas�in writing.The co�enants and agreements of this Security�nstrument�hall bind(except <br /> as pro�ided �n Sect�on 2�}and benefit the successors and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> '14. Loan Charg��. Lender may charge Bon•awer fees fc�r ser�iGes performed in connection with <br /> Borrower's default,for the purpose�f protecting Lender's�nterest in the Property ar�d rights under this <br /> Se�urity�nstrument, inc�uding,but not Iimit�d to,attarneys'fees,property insp�ction and�aluation <br /> fees. In regard to any other fees,the absence af express authority �n this Security Instrument to charge <br /> a specific fee to Barrower sha1�not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender <br /> may not charge fees that are expr�ssly prohibited by this Security Instrument�r by Appl�cable Law. <br /> If the Loan is suhject to a law which sets maximum ��an charges,and that lavv is f nally interpre�ed <br /> so that the interest�r other loan charges collected or t�b�collected in�onnecti�n with the Laan <br /> exceed the permitted li.mits,then: (a}any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary <br /> t�reduc�the charge to the permitted l�mit;and (b}any sums already collected frnm Borr�wer which <br /> exceeded permiited limits wi�l be refunded to Borrovver. Lender may choose to make this refund by <br /> reducing the principa�owed under the Note ar by making a direct payment to B�rrower. If a refund <br /> reduces principal,the reduction wi11 be treate�as a partial prepayment without ar�y prepayment <br /> chaxge�whether or not a prepayment charge is pro�ided for under the Note}.Borrovver's acceptance <br /> of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrow�r will canstitut�a wai�er of any right of action <br /> Borr�wer might ha�e arising out of su�h o��rchar�e. <br /> 'I�. Noti�es.All notices gi�en�y Barrow�r�r Lender in cannection with this Security Instrument <br /> must be in writing.Any notice tfl F�orrower in c�nnection with this Security Instrument sha1�be <br /> deemed to ha�e been g��en to Borrovver when mai led by first class mail or when actually deli�ered <br /> to Borrovver's notice address if sent l�y other means.N�tice�o any ane Barr�wer sha�l constitute <br /> notice ta a1l Borrowers un�ess App�icable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall <br /> be the Pr�perty Address un�ess Borrower has des�gnated a substitut�notice address by notice to <br /> Lender.Borrower shal�promptly n�t�fy Lender of Borrovver's change of address.If Lender specifies <br /> a prncedure for reporting Borrovver's char��e o�'address,then Borrnwer sh�.11 on�y report a cha.nge of <br /> address thraugh that specified procedure. There may he on�y one designa�ed notice address under this <br /> Security Instrument at any one time.Any no��c�to Lender shall be gi�en hy del�vering it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail to Lender's a.ddress stated heretn unless Lender has designated another address <br /> by natice to Borr�wer.Any notice in connect�on with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to <br /> ha�e been gi�en ta Lender until actually recei�ed by Lender.If any notice required by this Security <br /> Instrument is also requir�d under Applicable Law,the Applicable Law requirement vvill satisfy the <br /> carresponding requirement under this Security�nstrument. <br /> 'I�. �o�erning �aw; 5e�erabil�ty; Rul�s of Cons#ruetion. This Security Instrument shali be <br /> govern�d by federal iaw and the law of ti�e jur�sdiction in which the Property is I�cated.All rights and <br /> abligations contained in this S�curity lnstrument are subject to any re9uirements and limitatians of <br /> Applicable Lavv.App�icable Law might explicitly or implicitly allnw the parties to agree by c�ntract <br /> ar it m�ght be silent,but su�h silence shal�nat be construed as a prahibition against agreement by <br /> contract. �n the e�ent that any pro�ision nr clause of this Se�urity Instrument or the Note conflicts with <br /> HCFG-0�359 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac 11NIFdRM IN5TRl1MENT Form 3�281IU1 <br /> �p� D411 B <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finanaal 5ervices 2fl�1fi1QU515.3.�.35U9-,l2�16Q426Y Page 12 of 17 <br /> � , <br />