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2� 1 ���959 <br /> ser�ices and subsequent charges each time remapp�ngs or similar changes accur which rea�onab�y might <br /> �.ffect such d�et�rminati�n or certif�cation.Borrower sha�l a��o be responsib��far�he payment of any fees <br /> impased by the Federal Nfanage�nent Agency in connectian w��h the revie�v of any fload 2one <br /> de�ernni�.ativ�resulting frQm a�obj ecti��b�Borrav�er. <br /> If Borr�wer fails to maintain any of�he coverages des�ribed above,Lender may obtain insurance coverage, <br /> at�.end�r's aption and�orrotiver's ex�ense.Len�.er is under no obligation to purchase any particular typ�ar <br /> amount af cov�rage.Th��ef�re,such�o�erage sha�l cvver Lender,but might or might not pratect Borrotiver, <br /> Borrower's ey�uity in the Property,or the can�en�s�f t�e Property,a�ainst any risl�,hazard�r liabilit�r and <br /> might pro�ide greater or lesser co�erage than�as�re�ious�y in�ffect. Borro�er aclfnowledges�hat the cost <br /> of the insurance�ov�rage sa obta�ned might signi�cant��r exceed the cost af insurance that Barrower could <br /> ha�e obtained.Any amounts d�sbur�ed by Lender under this Section 5 sha�l become add�tiona�debt of <br /> Bvrrower secured by this�ecurYty Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at th�Note rate fr�m th� <br /> dat�of disbursem�nt and sha11 be payable,wit�such�nterest,upon notice from Lender to Borro�ver <br /> requesting pa�ment. <br /> A11 in�urance pol�cies r�quir�d by Lender and renewa��of such pol��ies shall be subj�ct to Lend�r's r�ght to <br /> L�1S�.��3��V�SUC�1�3fl�1C1�S,sha��include a standard mor�gage c�ause, and shalr name Lend�r as mor�gagee <br /> and.l�r as an a�.ditional lv�s�payee. �ender sha11 ha�e the�.ght tc�h.old the po�ici�e�and rener�al certificates. <br /> If I�ender requires,Borrower sha11�romptly give to I�ender al�r�ceipts�af pa�d�remiu�s and rene�al <br /> notices. If Borra�ver obt�ins any form of�nsurance cav�rage,n�t otherwi�e rec�uired by Lender�for darnage <br /> tio,or des�ruct�on of,the Pr�perty, such policy s�.a��inelude a standard mortgage c�au�se and sha11 name <br /> Lender as�nortgagee andlor as an additi�nal�oss payee. <br /> In the event of 1Q�s,$orro�ver sha11 give prompt no�ice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make pr�o�of loss�f no�made promptly by Bor�ower. UnXess Lend�r and Borrow�r ather�ise agre�in <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,�vhether or�o�the underl�r�ng insurance was required by Lender, sha�1 be <br /> applied to�restorati�n or repair of the Pro�aert�, if the restoration or repair is ecQnnmica��y feasible and <br /> Lender's securi�is not le�sen.ed. Duri�.g�uch repair a�d restoratian per��d�Lender sha�l have tl�e right to <br /> hald such insurance proceeds u�til Lende�r has had an oppartunit�ta inspect such Proper�y�tv ensure the <br /> work has been compieted to Lender's satisfaction,pravided that suc�.inspec�ion shal�be undertal�en <br /> �arompt�y. �.ender may disburse proce�ds for the repairs and restoration�n a payment or in a series of <br /> pr�gress pa�rments as the work is completed.Unless an agteement is made �n�riting or Applicable La�v <br /> requires interest to be paid on such�nsurance proceeds,L�nder shall not b�required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earn�n�s on�uch pr�ceeds.Fees for public adjusters,or ot�.er third part�es,retained by Borr��ver <br /> shar�not be paid out flf the insu�ance proceeds and�shall�e�he sole ob�igat�on of$arx�ower. If the restora��on <br /> ar repa�r is not ecanom�cally f�asi�ie or L�nd��r's se�urity�vould�be 1es�ened,the insurance proc�eds sha11 be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Securxty Instrument,whether or not then due,�vith�he excess,if any, <br /> paid to�orrower. Such insurance pro�eeds shali be applied in the order provided f�r�n Section 2. <br /> If Borro�ver abandon�the I�roper�y,Lender n�ay file,negotiate a�d settle any a�a��able�n.surance claim and <br /> related matters. If Borrawer d�es not respond within 3�days to a notice from Lender that th��nsurance <br /> ca�rier has offered to settl�a claim,then Lender may negot�ate an.d se�tle the claim. The 3�-,day per�od�vi�� <br /> begin vvhen the no��ce�s given. In�ither even.t,or if Lender a�quires the Prope�y und�r Section��or <br /> o�hear�vise,B�rrower her�by assigns to Lender�a)B��row�r's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount <br /> na�to exceed the am�unts unpaid under the Note or this Security I��trument,and�b]an�other of <br /> Bvrrvwer's rights(other t�ha�n the right t�an�re�nd�of unearned premiums paid by Borrawer}under all <br /> insurance policies cover�ng the Prop�rty,insafar as such rights are a�pl�cabl�to t�.e�ove�r�ge of th� <br /> Property. Lender may use th�insurance proceeds either to regair or restare the Prop�rty ar to pay arriounts <br /> unpaid und�r the Note or this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> MEBRAS�CA-Single Famify-Fannie M�elFneddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3�28 1l4"1 <br /> VMP� VMP�A(NE}[13U23.d4 <br /> 1Nolters Kiuwer Finar�cia!Services Page 7 of'€7 <br /> q�3361 9�581 ❑233 �65 471T <br />