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2� 1 ���959 <br /> Z. Applicat�onof Payments or Prviceed�.Except as otherwise described in this S�ctian 2, a11 payments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shall b��pp�ied in the folit�wing ord.e�r of pr�ority:(a}inter�st d�e under the <br /> Na��? (b}principal c�ue un.der the N�te;�c�amoun.�s due under Secti�n 3. Such payments shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order in tivhich it beca�rne du�. Any remaining amounts sha11 be app�ied first to <br /> Iate ch.axges,�eco�nd�o a�.�other an�ounts due under t'his Securxty Instrumen�t,and then to r�d�.e�the <br /> principal balance af the Note. <br /> If Lender recei�es a payment from Borrower for a d��inquent PeriodiG I'ayment�vhich inc�udes a sufficient <br /> amount to pay an.y late charge due,th�payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late <br /> charge. �f more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding,�ender may apply any paymen�received from <br /> �orrower to the repayme��of�h�1'eriod�c Payment�if,and ta th�extent that,each�ayment can b�paid in <br /> full. To the�xten.t that any excess exists after the pa�ment is a�plied to the fu11 payment of ane or more <br /> Per�vdic Payments,such exce�s may b�applied to any lat�charges due.�olun�tary prepayme�ts sha11 be <br /> applied first to a�y pre�a�rnent ch�rges and�t�en as described in the l�ote. <br /> An.y agplicat�an of payments, insurance proceeds,or M�scellaneaus Proceeds to principal due under the Note <br /> shall not extend or postpone the due date,or change the amount,of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Escrovv Items.Borr��er shall pay to Lender on the day Periadic Payments ar�due under the <br /> Note,until the Nate is paid in fu11,a sum(�he"Funds")to pro���e for paym�nt af amounts due for: �a)tax�s <br /> and assessments�.nd other items wh�ch can attain priority�ver this Security Instrument as a l�en or <br /> encumbr�.nce�n the Property; (b)�easeh�ld payments or gr�und rents on the Property, if any;(c}prem�ums <br /> for any and a11�nsurance required by Lender under Section S;and(d}Mortgage Insurance pr�m�ums, if any, <br /> or any surns payable by Barr��er to Lender in lieu af the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in <br /> accorda�ace with the pro�isions of Section I�. 'These items are called"Escrow Items."At�r�g�nation or at <br /> any time during the term of the Loang Lender ma�requ�.re that Cammunit�Association I�uues,Fee�,and <br /> Assessments, if any,b�escravved by Borro�ver,and such dues, fees and assessments sha11 be an Escro�v <br /> Item. Borrov`rer sball pramptly furnish to Lender a11 noti�es of amoun.ts to be paid under this Section. <br /> Borrower shall�ay Lender the Funds for Escro�r Item�un�ess Le�nd�r wai�e�Borrower's obli�ation�v pa�r <br /> the Funds for any or a1�Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrawer's obligation to pay�o Lender Fun�is for <br /> any ar a11 Escr��v Items at an�time.Any such waiver may only b�in vv�riting. In.the��rent�f such waiver, <br /> Barrovver sha11�ay d�.rect��,�hen and v��ere p�y�b�e,the ar�au.nts du�for a�.y Escro�v Items for�hich <br /> payment of Funds has been�raive�d by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha1�furn�sh to Lender rec�ipts <br /> ev�dencing such payment wi�hin such time per�ad as L�nder ma}�require. Borrower's obligation to mal�e <br /> such payments and to provide receipt��ha�l far a�l purpose�be deerned to be a co�en�.nt and agreement <br /> c�ntained in this Security Instru.ment,as the phrase "cavenant and agreement" �s used in Section 9. If <br /> �3orrower is obligated tn pay Escrow Items d�rectl�,pursuant to a�aiver,and Barrower fails to pay the <br /> amoun�t due for an Escrow Item,Lender may ex�rcise i�s rights under Sectio��and pay such amount and <br /> Borrowear shail then be obligated under Section�to repay�o Lender any such amount. Lende�'may revoke <br /> the waiver as to any or a1�Escrow Items at any time�y a notice given�n accordance w�th Section 1 S and, <br /> upon such r�vocatian,Borrovver sha1�pa�to Lender all Funds,and in such amounts,that are then required <br /> und�r thi�Section�. <br /> �.end�r ma}�,at any tim�,collect and�ho�ct�unds in an amaunt(a)sufficient ta p�rmit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds at the time spec�f�ed under RESPA,an.d(b)nflt�o exc�ed the max�mum amouat a lender can requir� <br /> under RESPA.Lender�ha�l est�ma�e the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reaso�able <br /> estimat�s of expenditures of future Escraw Item�or�therwise in accardance w�th Applicabie Law. <br /> NEgRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNiFpFiM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3�28 1149 <br /> VMP� VMP�BA�NE)�1342}.Q� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services P�ge 5 vf 17 <br /> qU3361792581 ��33 �65 4517 <br />