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2� 1 ���939 <br /> . <br /> In the event of a total �aking, des�ruction, or lass in valuc of���e Yr-ape���y, the Miscel�al��a�.is I'rocceds sha�l be <br />: applied �o the sums secured b� �his 5ecuz-ity rnstrument, wl�etl�er or ��ot then du�, with the �xcess, if an�, paid to <br /> Borrower. <br />: In the e�en�of a par�ial �al�ing, destructian, ar loss in �alue af thc P�-aper�y iz� which the fair marl�.e��alue of <br /> tl�e Praperty imz��ediately�efore the pai•tia�tal{ing, des�ructiat�, o��loss iz��alu�is ec�ual to�r�ret�ter�han the amou��t <br /> of the sums secured by thrs Secuz�ty 7t�strum�nt immec�iately bc�fore t��e partial t�lcin�, de:struction, or los5 iz� �al��c, <br /> unless Borrower and Lender o�herwise a�;�•ee i��wr-iti��g, tl�e su��t�s secured by�his 5ecur�ty Zx�strui���nt�ha�l bc r-�d��c�d <br /> by�he amaui�t of the Miscellaneous �'raceeds multiplied by tl�e followir�� fract�o��: �a}th�to��i a���ouz�t of tl�e s��ms <br /> secured i�-ninediately before the partial takin�, destri.�cti���, o�-Ios� in�alue divided by�h}the f�i�•i��al�lt�t�aiue of tlle <br /> Property im��7���iately before�I-�e partial tal�ing, destrucfion, or loss in value. .E1,.ny balance sha�l�e p�id to Borrower, <br /> �n the e�ent of a pa�•tial talcing, destruct�on, or- loss ir� va�ue of the Pr�perty in whicll the faia- market value�f <br /> the�'roperty immediately befare tl�e partial talfing, destruction, or loss i�-��alue is less thai� t��� a�nou���of the su1��s <br /> secured im���ediat�ly before the part�al ta�c���g, destruc:tioz�, or loss in �aluc, unle�s Boz�rotive�- and Lender ot��erwise <br /> agree�n writi�7g, the Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds shall ve appl ied to the sums secured by this Securily Iils�rume��t w��ether <br />. or not the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Prflperty is abandon�d by�3o�-rower,or if, afte����aticc by Leildc�-to�.3ori-awer�l�a�t��e Qpposing Par-�y�as <br /> defined ii� the next sentence} offers to malce at� award to �ettle a claim fo�� c�amages, �3a�-rowcr �ails ta re�pflx�d to <br /> Lender within 3�days after the�atc�he no�ie� is giv���, L�nder is autl�oriL�d�o collcc�and apply the Miscel�aneaus <br /> Proeeeds either �a z estorat�on o� repair flf�he Prnperty ar �o the sums sec�xred �y this Sccuz-ity Instrume��t, whetl�er <br /> or i�ot then due. "�pposing Pa��y" r��eans th� tl�ird par�y tl�at owes Borrower Misce�lai�eous 1't•acc�ds or the party <br /> against w��am Barr�wer has a r�ght�f action in regard to Miscellaneous Procecds. <br /> Barrower shall be in default if any actian ar proceeding, whetller c�vil ar �riminal, i� begun that, in Let�d�r's <br />; judgmez�t, Gauld result in forfe�ture of the Propei•ty oz-a�her�71ate�-ial impairm��-�t of Lei7dc�-'s i��t�rest in the�'z-oper�y <br /> or rlghts under this 5ec�lri�y Inst�-um�nt. Borrawe��can cure sucll a defau�t�nd, if acce�era�ion has occu�-��ed, reinstate <br /> as pr�vided ii1 Se�tian 19, by �ausil�g the action or procecdii�g to bc disn�issed wi�h a rulzng t��at, in L�11C�L�'�S <br /> judgm�nt, p�•ecludes f�i fe�ture of�he Property or other material �mpair�n�r�t of L�ndex�'s inte��est in the Pr�perty ar <br /> rights under tl�is Secu�-ity Instrument. 'I�he procGc�s of��ny award or c�a��n fo�� ci�mag�s tl�at are a�tz-ibutable �o the <br />� impairl-nent of Le��de�-'s interest zn the Pr�perty ar�l�c�-eby assig��ed and shall bG paid to Le��dc�t•. <br /> �.11 Miscel�a»eous Proceeds that ar��lot appli�c�to x•estoration or repaiz� of t�1e Pz❑p�r�y shall be applied in the <br /> ot•der provided f�r in Sec�ion 2. <br /> I2. Borror�ver l�rot ReXeased; ��orbearan�e ��y �endcr Ivat a'L�Vai�er. Ex�ension of'the time fflr payment or <br /> mfldification of ai�»rtization of the sun-�s secu��ed by t��is Sec��rity �nstrume��t�ra��ied by Le�-�der ta Borrowe��or at�y <br /> 5uccessor ii�7nterest❑f Borraw��- shall nat ape�-a�e to �•elease the liabili�y of�3nrrotiver or �ny 5ucce�sor5 1�7 II7lL1•e�t <br /> of Barz•ower. Lender sl�a�l nnt�e requi�ed to commence proceed�n�s against any S��cces�o�-i�� Interes�of�3at•rowc�- <br /> or to refuse to ext�nd tim� f�r payn�ent ar otherwise modify amo���izatioi� af th� sums 5ecured by this Security <br /> rn��rument by reasai�of�ny demand made by�he original Borro�ver�r ai�y Successars it7 In�erest of�3orr�wez•. ��y <br /> forbearance �y Lender in exerc�sing any z�ight or remedy 1�7CIL.1C�lI`��, rNithout Iimita��on, Le��der's �cceptanc� of' <br /> payments frol�z tl-�rrd persons, ent�ties o�• Suc�essors i�� �nterest of�3oi-rowe�•or in a1��ou��ts Ies�tha�� the amo�ii�t the�� <br /> due, sha11 ��ot be a wai�er of or preclude tl�� exercise af ai�y ��ight oz-remcdy. <br /> 13. Joint and Se�cral Liab���#:y; Co--si�ncr�; Successors and Assigns�3[fund. �3orrowe�•c���i�����s��nd a�recs <br /> that Borrowet-'s ab�igatians a��d liabil�ty sha��be joi��t ai�d scUeral. Howe�ez•, any Borrow�t'W17�CQ--S1�i7S��715 S�CU�'f�:� <br /> Instru��nent b���c�oes not execute tl�e Note�a"co-sigi�cr"}: �a}is co-signi��g�his Secut'11�y�175frL1IZ1C17t a17�y�C)I�I7QI"1.�a�E, <br /> grant and �onvey tl�e C�--S1g�3�I'�S 111te1'�St 11`1 ��7E ��1�pL'I"l;y �.111C�e�' ��`1L' �.ei'i775 4� ��715 �LC;LII'l�y �175�:i"Lit��L'17�:; ��} IS 17fl� <br /> personally obligated to pay th� sums secured by this Secur��y �nstrui��ent; and �c} agre�s ���at Lender and az�y other <br /> B�rrovver can agree�o extend, modify, foz•bear�r mal�e ax�y a�commodatio��s witl�regard to thc t�r���s of this Securi�y <br /> Instruinent or the Note withou�the co-si�ner's co��sc:nt. <br /> Subject to �he pr-o�isions of Sec�ion 18, a��y SuccessQ�- i�7 In�erest af Bor-�-awer wl�o �.sszii��es F�orrflwer's <br /> obliga�ions uz�de�-tl�is 5ecurity�nstr-umeilt i1�wr���t�g, ���d is app�-o�ed by I�en�.�c�z�, s11�I1 obtair�a�l�f�3arrowe��'s 1-ig��ts <br /> a��d benefits undez�tl�is Security Instrumen�. Lorrowcr shall��ot be released fz�on�L�orrower's al�l��atio��s and liab�Iity <br /> NEBRASKA---Singie Famify--Fanni� Ma�IFreddi� Ma� UN�F��M INSTRUMENT- MERS DocMa,�ic������� <br /> Farm 3�28 11�� Pag� 9 of �5 <br /> � M �� �E <br /> I !I i � I � � � <br />