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2� 1 ���939 <br /> , <br /> En�iranmel��a1 Law; and �d} ai� "Env��onrnental Co��c��tion" n�eans a co��ditian that can cause, contributc to, or <br /> o�herwise�rigger an En�ironr��cia�al Cl�a��up. <br /> Borrawer shal�no�cause or permit the p�-esence, �zse, disposa�, �tor�gc, or i-cleas�af a1�y�-�aLardous Substances, <br /> or threaten to release any Hazardous Substa��ces, an�r in tl��:Pz-operty, �3a��raw�r shal�nn�do, ilor allow anyone else <br /> to do, anything affecting the PI"npC3•�� ta} that is in �iolatio�� of any E���irol�r��ental L�w, �b} w��icl� creates an <br /> Environme��tal Condi�i�n, or �c} which, due t� the presc��ce, use, or releasc af�. �-�az���do��s Su�s��i1��, crea�es a <br /> conditior� �hat ad�ersely �ffects tl�e �alue of tl�e Y�•operty. `I1�e pt-eccdii�g two sentences sl�ati not ap�ly to �he <br /> presence, use, a� storage an the Property of s1�7ali c�u�ntities of HaLardo«s Substa���es that ar-c�;enc�-ally x'�C0�1711LC� <br /> to be appropriate ta ��arma� resid�l�tial uses al�d t� maiz�tel7ance of th� Yi�aperty ��ncl��di��g, but not li�ni�ed to, <br /> hazardous �ub�tances in consumez• products�. <br /> Borrow�r sl�ali promptly give Lender writtc;n notice of�a} any i���est��a�ion, claim, demand, lawsuit �r other <br /> action by any gn�ernmental o�•regulatio�-y agency ar�r�vate party��a�ol�ing the Prope�•�y and d��y Haza�-dous 5ubstance <br /> or En�ironmei��a�Law af which Borrower h�s ac�ual lcnawlec�g�, �b}any E���iranmental���-�ditia��, i��cluding�ut not <br /> �imited to, any spilling, lea�ti�7g, discharge, release or tl�reat of release of any �-�azardous Substa��ce, �nd ��} any <br />� candi�ion caused by �he prese��ce, use o�- rele�se of a Hazardous S��Ustar�ce which ad�ersely affe:cts the�al��e ❑f tl�� <br /> Proper�y. If Borrower learns, o�• is notified by any gflvern���ental ot�regulatory a��thority, or- a��y priv�.te par�y, that <br /> any remova� ot• �the�• remediatian of any ��azardaus Substance affectin� �he I'rop�rty is �7ecess��z�y, �3orrowcr �hall <br /> pr�mp�ly take all necessary rem�dial action��n acco��dan��witl�En�iranl-��e��tal L�w. Nothii�g hez��:in shall �r�eate�z�y <br /> obligation on Lender far an En�iroi�me��tal Cleanup. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM Ct3VENANT�w Borrowe�- and Lende�- fur�her cove��ant and agi-�c as f'ollows: <br /> �2. A�celeration; Remed�es. Lcnder shalZ give notice to Borrower prior to accelcration follawing <br /> Bvrrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in th�s S�turity�nstrument�hut not prit�r to acceleratzon�undcr <br /> Sectian 18 untess App�icable Law pro�ic�es othcrwise�. rl,he notice sha�l specify: �a} t�e def'ault; �b}�hc acti��n <br /> requir�d to cure the defauZt; �c} a datc, no�:�ess than 30 days from the c�a#:e#:hc no�:ice is given fc� �3orr�wcr, by <br /> ��hich the d�fault must bc curc�d; and (d}tha#:#aiXurG to curc th� defaul# t�n on c�forc thc ��a�.i 5p�c��ied i�� thc� <br /> notice may result in acce�era�ion of thc sums seiurcd k�y thx5 S�curity �n�trument and sa�c��1'#:he Prap�rty, ri�hc <br /> nati�e shall fur�hcr�nform Borrov�ver of the right to rcin�tate after accclera�it�n and thc right t« brin� a ccaurt <br /> acfion to assert the nan-ex�stcnce of a default or any other defense of 13t�rrvvver to acce�eratz«n and sa�e. �f'thc <br /> defaul� is no�cured on o�r befvre the date spccif�ed in thc notice, Lender at its apfion may rcquir� �mmediate <br /> paymQnf: in full of all sums secured by this Secu�rit� �ns�rum�n�:wi#:haut fur�:her dcmand and may in►voke th� <br /> power of sal� and any other �emcdies permit�cd by .�1.pplzca��c Law. Lcndcr sha�l be entiticc� to collcct al� <br /> expen�es incurrcd in pursuing th�rernedics pro�idcd in#:his Scct�t�n 22, incl�ding, brx�no���mited to, reas[jnab�e <br />� a��orncys' fees and costs af ti�ic c�idencc. <br /> rf�he power of salc is in�okcd, Trustee shall recorc� a nuticc ��f dcfaul#:in each ct3un�:y �n which any ��rt <br /> af the Proper�:y is �ocat�d and shall ma�� copi�s of such noticc in t�hc manncr prescribcd hy.�.ppl�cab�c �a�vv t�� <br /> Bor�rower and#:o the othcr persons prc�cri��d by Applicab�e�ar�v. timt� rcquired�y�pp�i�:abZ� La�v, <br /> Trus�ec shall gx�e public no�ice of salc to thc persons anc��n the mann��r presc:r�hcd�y Applicablc La�►rv. �I,rustcc, <br /> wi�:hout demand on Borro�ver, sha�l scrl the Froperty at pu�il�c auctit�n ta the highc�st biddcr at thc 1:�mc anc� <br /> pla�e and under the �crms d��ignated in the notici of sal� in onc or morc parccZs and xn any orde�- r��rust�c <br /> d�termincs. Trustce may posf:pone salc af a�I or any parcel of#hc�'r�per#:y�y publ�c ann�uncement at the timc <br /> and p1aCe of any prc�iously scheduled sale. Lcnder or i#:s dc�ignce may purchasc thc �'roper#:y at any sale. <br /> Upan rcceipt of payment of the prz�c bid, Trustec shaZl deli�cr to thc purchas�r 7,rustec's dicd ct;n�cying <br /> �hc Prvperty. Th� recif:a�s in �he Trusf:ce's decc� shall h� prirna facie cvidencc of th� truth of fhc �tatcmcnts <br /> made therein. Trustee sha�� appiy#he praceeds of th�sale in the folZawing arc�cr: �a}tc� all cvsts anc� expcnse� <br /> af exerCis�ng�:he power of sale, and the saZc, inc�uding thc paymen� t�f the r�,rustec's fees actua��y inturred and <br /> reasonable a��orn�ys' fees a5 perm�tted �y App��cablc La�►�v; �b}to aZl�uxns se[:ured by t��i4 Sccurit���nstrum�n�; <br /> and �c} any excess fo �he person or per�ons �cgally cntiticd ta it. <br /> NEBRASKA--Singls Family--Fannie MaelFr�ddi� Mac IJNiF�RM INSTRIJMENT - MERS Da�A7a,gic�r�o_�'�r� <br /> Form 3��8 11�1 Pag� 12 of �5 www.docmagic,com <br /> � N� � � � � <br /> � �� ���f , � � <br />