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2� 1 ���928 <br /> L�AN#: 3�23�320�'I <br /> Z. Applicat�on of Paym�nts vr Prac��ds. �xcept as �th�rwise d�scr�b�� in th�s Section �, a�l <br /> payment�ac�e��ed and applied by Lend�r sha�l be appli�d �n th�fol�owing ard�r of priari�y: ta} in��r��# <br /> due under�he NQt�; �b}principal due un�er the Not�; �c}amounts du�under Sectian 3. �uch paymen#s <br /> �half b�appf��d to each Peri�d�c Payment�n th��r�er in w��ch �t became due.An�rema�ning am�unts <br /> shal! be app{i�d f�rst ta iate charges, second to any vthe�amvunts due under thi�Security Instrum�nt, <br /> and th�n ta reduc��he principal balanc�of the IVate. <br /> !f L�n�er recei�es a paymen# fram Barrower fo� a d�linquent Periodi� Paym�r�t which inc�udes a <br /> suf�icient amount�o pay any iate charg�due,th�payment may be appli�d�o�h�delinq��r�t payment and � <br /> �h�la�e charge.if more than�ne Per��d�c Payment is vu�standing,L�nd�r may app�y any paymen�receiWed � <br /> fram Borrawer to the repaym�n#of th�Peri�dic Paym�nts if, and tv the ext�nt�hat, each paymen�can b� <br /> paid in fuli. To the exten#tha�any�xcess exists after�he paym�nt is applied to fih�full payment af on��r <br /> more Per�odic Payment�, such excess may b�ap�Eied ta any lat��h��rges du�. Voluntary prepaym�nts <br /> shall be appi�ed first�o any prepayment ch�r�es and then as d�scrib�d in the Note. ; <br /> Any appli�cation of paym�nts, insurance prnceeds,orMisc�llaneous Proc�edsto principai due under ; <br /> the Nafie shall not extend or pvstpan�the du�date, or ch�nge th� amount, of the Per��di� Paym�nts. � <br /> 3. Funds for Escraw Items. Barro�►er sha��pay t�Lender on the day Periodic F'ayments are du� � <br /> und�r�he Nate, unti��he Nat�is paid in fu�i, a sum tthe"Fun�s"}�v provide fQr paym�nt af amount�due � <br /> , <br /> for: �a}�ax�s and assessments and other items wh�ch can at#ain pri�ri�aver th�s Se�uri�y Instrument as I <br /> a fien or encumbran�e an the P�op�rty; ��} leasehold paymen�s or ground r�nts on th� Praperty, if any; <br /> �c}pr�m�ums for any and al! insuranc�r�quired by Lender und�r Sectian 5; and �d}Morkgage Insuranc� i <br /> premiu ms,�f any,or any sums p�yabl�by Bar�awer to Lender in iieu of the paymen��f M�rtgage I nsu rance � <br /> prem�ums in accordance with th� prov�sion� of��ction 1�. These it�ms are �al�ed "Es�rav� i�em�."At <br /> origination or at any tEme during the terrr�of th� Loan, Lender may require�hat�ommuni#y Association � <br /> Dues, F�e�, and Ass�ssments, if any, he esGrowed by Borrvv�er, and such dues,fees and as��ssments <br /> shall�e a�Escraw l��m.Barrower shal#pr�mptly f�rnish�a L�nd�r a!I no���es�f amvunts�a�e paid und�r <br /> �his Section. �arr��►er�hall pay Lender th� Funds for Escrow It�m� ur�l��� L�nder wa�ves Borr�v�er's <br /> obligation to pay�he Funds for a�y or a�l E�crow I�e�n�. Lender may waive Barr�v�er's ob��gation to pay <br /> ta Lender Funds for any�r a�� Escr�w It�ms at any t�me.Any such waiver may an�y b� in w��#ing. In�h� <br /> ev�nt of such �ai��r, Borrower shall pay directly, �nrhen a�d where paya��e, th� a�ounts due for any <br /> Escr�w Items for whi�h paymen� �f Funds has �een waiv�d by Len�er and, if Lender r�qu�r�s, sh�i! <br /> furni�h ta L�nder r�c�ipts e��denc�ng such paymen� �ithin su�h time pe�io� as Lender r�ay requ�re. <br /> Borr�wer's obligation to make such payments and#� pr�����recei�ts sha�l f�r a�� purposes be de�med <br /> to be a covenant and agreem�n� �ontained in this �ecurity instrument, as #�e phras� "coWenant and <br /> a�reement" is used in Sectian 9. �f E�orraw�� �s abiiga��d tfl pay Escr�w it�ms dir�ctly, pursu�nfi t� a <br /> waiv�r, and B�rr�wer fa�ls to pay the amaun� du� fvr an Escrow lt�r�, Lender may exerc�s� i�s rights <br /> und�r��ction 9 and pay su�h amount and Borrower sha�t th�n be vb�igat�d und�r Sec�i�n 9 �o r�pa� <br /> to Lender any such amaunt. L�nd�r may re�ok�the waiver as to any or all Escr�w ft�ms at�ny tim�by <br /> a no�ic�given in a�cordan�e with �ection �5 and, upan such r�u�cation, gorr�wer sha�� pay ta Lender <br /> all Funds, and in such amounts, that are th�n required und�r#h�s Section 3. <br /> L�nder mayt at any�im�,cal�ect and ho�d Funds rn an am�unt�a}sufficien�ta pe�mi�Lender ta apply <br /> tF�e Fund�at the time specifi�d under RESPA, and �b}n�t t�exceed the�nax�mum am�unt a lend�r can <br /> require und�r RESf�A. Lender sh��l es�ima��the amaun�af Fund�due�n the �asis of cur�en#data and <br /> r�asonable estimat�s�f expendi�ures�ffuture Escr�wltems orotherwise in�ccord�ncew�thApplica�le <br /> La�. <br /> The Fun�s shall be held in an institution►rvhvs�deposits�re insur�d by a f�deral agen�y,instrumen�al�ty, <br /> or�ntity �includin� Lender, if L�r�de�is an insti�ut�an whose d�posits ar� �o in�ur��} or in any F�d�ra� <br /> H�rr�e Loan Bank. Lend�r shail a�ply�he Funds tv pay th�Escr�w I�ems n�la��f than the time specifi�d <br /> und�r RESPA. Lendershail natchar��Bo�row�rf�rholding and apply�ng�he Funds,�nnually ana�yzing <br /> the escraw accvunt, ar v�rifying�h� Escrov�Items, unl��s L�nder pays Borr�wer i�terest an the Funds <br /> and Appiica�le Law perm�ts Lend�r to mak�such a charge. Ur�less an a�r�emen#is made in wr���ng or <br /> Applicable Law r�qu�res�nter�st�a b� paid on th� Funds, Lender shall not be r�quired ��p�y Barro�rer <br /> an�ir►fier��t�r�arnings on the�t�nds. Barrower and Lender can agr��in wrifiing, ho�ever, th�t interest <br /> sh�ll be pa�d �n �he Funds. Lender sha�l giW�to �arrower, wi�hout cha�g�, an annua�accounting of the <br /> Funds as r�quired b� RE�PA. <br /> �f there is a surplus af Funds h�ld �n e�crow, �s def�ned under R�SPA, L�nd�r shali a�caun� �o <br /> Sorra�n►�r for�he excess funds in accordan�e with RESPA. if thEr�is�shorta��of Fun�s he#��n�sGrow, <br /> as defined under RESPA, L�nd�r shall n�tify gflrrower as requir�d by RESPA,and Bvrrower sh�li pay to <br /> Lend�r t�e amvunt n�c�ssary�o mak�up th�shorta��in accordan�s�vith f�E�F'A, but in n�more t�an <br /> �2 manth�y payments. If�here Es a d�ficiency of Funds h�ld in escr�w, as define� under RESP�►, Lender <br /> shail na�ify Bor�vwer as r�quir�d by F�ESPA, �r�d Borrower sha�i pay t� Lender�he �m�unt ne�essary <br /> t� make up th�deficien�y �n a�cordance with RESPA, but in na more t�an �2 m�nth�y paym�r�ts. <br /> Upan paym�nt in full�f all sums s�cured by thi�Security �nstrument, Lender shal� pramptly �efund <br /> ta Borra�ver any Fu nds he�d loy Lend�r. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Borrower shall pay al� �axes, assessm�nts, char�es, fines, and imposi�ians <br /> at#ribu�abl�t�the Proper#y which can a�tain priori�y ov�r this �ecurity Instrumen�, I�as�hold payrr�en�s <br /> NEBRAS�{A--Singl�Fami�y--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFORAII�NSTRUNlENT Farm 3D281l0'! <br /> Ellie Mae,inc. Page 4 of 1� NEEDEED �3�5 <br /> NEEDEE❑�CLS} <br /> �. . <br /> � <br />