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2� 1 ���927 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> � . <br /> �Gontlnued} Page 2 <br /> En��ronmen�al Laws, Trustor authorizes Lender and its a��n�s to enter upon the Property �o make such <br /> in�spections and tests, a� Trustor's expenser �s Lender may deem apprapriate to determine comp�ian�e ❑� th� <br /> Praperty with this sectivn of th� D��d of Trust. Any inspec�ivns or tests made by Lender shaII be far Lenderrs <br /> pu�-poses onIy and sha11 not be construed ta create any responsibiIity vr liabiIity vn the part a�F Lender�o Trustor or <br /> �o any other person. T�e representations and warranties contained herein are based on�T'rustor;s due diligen�e in <br /> in�es�igating the Property for Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby �1) re�eases and wai�es any future claim� <br /> against Lender for indemnity ar con�tribution in �the e�rent Trustar becom�s liabfe for c��anup or �ther costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees to �ndemnifyr defen�, and hoId harmless Lender against any and a�� c�aims� �ossesr <br /> IiahiIities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lenc�er may directIy❑r indirectIy sus�ain or suffer resuiting�rom <br /> a breach ofi this �ectinn of the ❑eed ❑f Trust or as a consequence of any use, �ene�ation, manufacture, storage, <br /> ds�posaI, release or threatened reIease occurring priar to Trus�vr's ❑wnership ❑r in�erest in the Property,wh��he�or <br /> not the same was or shouId have been known to Trustor. The pro�isions of this section ❑�F the Deed of Trustr <br /> 'rnciuding the obliga�ian to�ndemnify and defend;shall sur�i�e the payment of the �ndebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and rscon�eyance of the Iien ofi this Deed n�Trust and shaIl no�be afFected hy Lender's acquisition af any in�erest <br /> in the Properry,whether by foreclosure o�-ofherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1lVaste. Trustor shaI1 no� cause, conduct o� permit any nuisan�e nor commit, permitr or suf-Fer any <br /> stripping of ❑r waste on or to �he Praperty or �ny p�rtivn o�the Praperry. Withvut Iimitin� the generality of the <br /> �oregaing. Trustar wifl nvt remave. or gran��❑ any other party the right�o remo�e� any timber, minerais {inGIuding <br /> oiI and gas}, coaI, cl�y,s�oriat soil, gra�el ar rack prvducts w�thnut Lender's prior written cons�nt. <br /> Removal❑f tmprovements. Trustor sha11 not�iemoIish ❑r remova any Impravement��rom the Real Property withau� <br /> Lender's p�ior wr�tten consent. As a �onditivn to the remv�a� af any impro�remen�s. Lender may require Trustar�a <br /> make arrang�men�s satisfa�tary t❑ Lend�r �o repface suc� Impro�ements wi�h fmpro�emen�s vf a� feast equal <br /> = value. <br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. L�nder and Lender`s agents and representati�es may enter upon �he Rea1 Properry at aII <br /> re�sanable times to attend t❑ Lender's in�erests and to inspect the Rea1 Property �For purposes of T�ustvr's <br /> compIzance with the terms and condi�ions o-��his Deed vf Trust. <br /> CampIiance with Go�ernmentaL Requiremenfis. Trus�or sf�aII promp�ly comply wltf� aII Iaws, ordinances, and <br /> r�gulations, now or hereafter in e�Ffect, of al[ go�ernmen�al authorities app[icable ta �he use or occupancy of the <br /> Praperty. Trus�or may contest in gaod�aith a�ny such Iaw. ordinancer vr regula�ion and withhold compl�an�e c�uring <br /> any proceeding. including appropria�e appea�s, sa Ivng as Trustor has n�ti�Ied Lender in wri�ing prior to dving s❑ <br /> and so �vng as� in Lender's sale opinian, Lender's inte�-ests in the Prvperty are no�jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> T�ustor�❑ post adequate security ar a surety bond, reasonabIy satis�ac�ory to Lender,to pratect Lender's interest. <br /> D�ty t❑ Pratect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandvn or lea�e una�ended the Property. Trustor shall dv a�l o�he� <br /> acts, in addition t❑thvse acts set forth ahave�n fhis sec�ion, which�rom the character and use of�he Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to protec�and preser�e th�Praperty. <br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSFNT�Y LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's apt�an, declare immediately due and payab[e ail sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed of Trusf upon the sa�e or trans�er. without Lender's priar w�itten consent, �f a�1 0�-any part❑f the <br /> R�a! Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale ❑r t�ansfer" means the con��yance of ReaI Prvperry a�any <br /> right, titie ❑r interest in the Real Prnperty; whe�her legalr beneficial or equitable; whether �olun�ary or �n�olunfiary; <br /> whether by ou�right saIe, deed, instalImen� sale contract, Iand contract, contract fo�- deed, Ieas�hald in�erest with a <br /> te�m greater than three {3} years, fease�op�ian contract, o�by sa1e, assignment, ❑r�ransfer of any ben�ficial inte�rest in <br /> ❑r to any Iand trus�hofding titIe ta the Real Property, ❑r by any ❑ther mefhod ot canveyance of an interest in the Reaf <br /> Property. Howeverr this �ption sha�r nat be exercised by Lender if such e�cercise is prohibited by federal Iaw ❑r by <br /> Nebraska faw. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The fo�lowing pro�isions reiating t❑ the taxes and liens vn �he Property are part ❑f this Deed afi <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in a�I e�en�s priar to delinquency� aII taxes, special taxes, asses�ments, <br /> charges �incfuding water and sewer}r fines and impositians Ie�fed against or an accaunt of the Praperty, and sha�� <br /> pay when due all claims �vr work done on ❑r far se�i�es rendered or material �urnished to the Property. T�ustor <br /> shall maintain the Property free af all Iiens ha�ing privrity over or equal t❑the inte�est of Lender under this Deed o-F <br /> Trust, except for the lien vf taxes and assessments not due, ex�ept tor the Exis�ing Ind�btedness referred to <br /> befow� and ex�ept as atherwise provided in this Deed af Trust. - <br /> � Right ta Contest. Trusta�may withhoid paymen�❑f any�ax, assessment� ❑r c�aim in �annection with a good fai�h <br /> dispu�e over the obl'rgativn�o pay{ �o long a� Lender`s interest in the Properry is not}evpardized, lf� lien aris�s or <br /> is filed as a resul� of nonpayment� Trus�or sha[� within �i�fteen �15} days afte�-the lien arises or, if a l��n is �iled, <br /> wi�hin fifteen {'�5} days after Trust�r has notice of the filing, secure the disahar�e ❑f the Iien, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender�ash ar a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfa�tory to Lende�r in an <br /> amount sufficient to discharge the lien plus any �osts and atkorneys` fees, or ofiher charges tha�could accrue as a <br /> result❑f a forecIosure or sale under the Iien. �n any conte�t,Trustor shaII detend ifself and Lender and shali satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment before enforc�ment against fihe Properry. Trus�or shall name Lender as an addi�ional oblig�e <br /> under any surety band�Furnished in the cantest proceedings. <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trustvr�hall upvn demand furnish to Lender safisfactary suidence af payment of the taxes <br /> ar assessmen�s and shalf authorize the appropriate governmenta� �fficia�to deli�er t❑ Lender-a-C any time a writ�en <br /> s�a�ement ot�he taxes and assessments agaznst the Praperry. <br /> i�otice of Canstructian. Trustor sha�I notify Lender at [eas��ifteen {�5} days he�o�-e any wark is �ommenced, any <br /> senrices are#urnished, or any materials are suppIied to the Propet�t�r, ��any mechan�c's Iien, materia�men's lien, ❑r <br /> ather Iien cauld be asserfed fln account of the work� services, or materia�s and the cost e�cceeds $'i,���.��. <br /> Trustor wiI! u�on �equest of Lender fumish �❑ Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender tha�Trustar can <br /> and wiII pay the cost o�such improv�ments� <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURAl1IGE. The#ollowing provisions r�lating ta insuring the Property are a part o�this Deed ot <br /> Trust. <br /> Maint�nan�e of [nsurance. T�u�tor shall procure and maintain pv�i�ies of fire insurance with standard extended <br /> ca��rage endorsements on a replacem�n� ha�is for the�u�l insurable value covering all ]mpro�ements ❑n the R�af <br /> Property in an amount sufFicient to a�oid appIica��on of any coinsurance cIause� and with a standa�d mortgagee <br /> ciause in ta�or o�Lender,tagether with such other ha�ard and iiabifity insurance as Lender may rea�onabIy require. <br /> Policies shaII be written in farm, amoun�s, �o�e�ages and basis reasonabIy acceptab�e to Lend�r and issued by a <br /> company or companies reasonably ac�ep�ab�e to Lender. Trustar, upon request of Lender, will deiivs�to Lender <br /> from fime�o time�he poIicies ar cer-�`r�i�ates o�insurance in form satisfactory ta Lenderr including stipuCations tha� <br /> coverages wiII no�b� cance��ed or diminished without at least thirty �3�} days prior written notice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance policy aIso shall �nclude an endorsement pro�iding t�a� co�era�e in�avor of Lender wilI not �e impaired <br /> in �ny way by any act, omission or default o�Trus�ar❑r any o�her person. Should the Real Property be Iocated in <br /> an area designa�ed by�he Administra�or a�the Federal Emergency Managem�nt Agency as a speciai �iaod hazard <br /> area, Tru�tor �grees to ob�ain and maintain FederaI Flood insurance{ i� ava�iabfe, �ar the maximum amoun� a-F <br /> T�ustor�'s �redit l�ne and the�ulI unpaid principal baiance of any prior liens on�he property securing�he loan, up ta <br />