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<br /> NoN•UN�FOxtrtt CovENwt�'�s.Bortawer and Lender tlirther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 19. Accelentlo�; Remedia. I.ender shall gi�e notice to Borrower pdor to accalarRtion foUowtng Borrower•�
<br /> bracb of aqy rn�eo�nt ar�reemeat ta thb Security Iwtrumaot(but not prlor to acce�ention unde�puagrap6a 13 and 17
<br /> � �ulea�sp�ltcabte law�ra�tda ot6'rwi�e).The aot�ce slull spocity: (�)the defial� (b)the action requtred to cure t6e
<br /> defaat�tc)�date,aot las riao 30 day�hoo t�e d�te the AoNce ta�Ieeb to Borrower,by whkh H�e det�utt mu�t be cured;
<br /> a�d(d)t�tt falluro M twre the deiaWt on or befon tbe date s�ecIBed in tLa aotice may rault in accelentlon ot the�ueu
<br /> � �sad ey aw�ecwiiy�t�ad wie oi t�e Froperiy.3'be notice scaIl far�er inform Borrower of ti�e�i�t to
<br /> reta�tste atber ace�lerattoe�ud t!e d�kt to brinQ a coart sctioa to s�ae�t tbe non-extatence ot a detault or any other
<br /> defe�fe ot Borrower to aooakradon�ad ak.Iithe dehWt b aot cured on or before the date�peciaed in the aotice,Leader
<br /> at ib optlo� ne�y requtn immediate p�ym�nt in lf�ll of�11 �uma recured by thti Securlty Innsumsat wtt6out turt�er
<br /> � deoaad rui my�taroke the power o!s�le�ud u�y ot�e rem�dies permitted 6y�ppllcable uw.Leader a6a11 be esNtled to
<br /> �ollect a11 e:�a i�cwrred tn p�ra�is� the nmedia pro�lded la thi� para�ap6 19, includln�, but eot limited to.
<br /> reaan�Dk attarney�'fea a�d cash of t�tk erldeace.
<br /> It the power o!ate is in�oked,Trustee a��i rec�d a aodce ot defiult ia eub county In w6ic6 any part ot the
<br /> Prop�ty b lopdal a�shW adl aopia of a�c►�otice In the aiaaur praerlbed by�ppltcable I�w to Horrower sad to the
<br /> other penom prqedbed by applieabte lsw.Atter the ttme required by�ppllcable law,Trustee a6a11 gire pablic notice o!
<br /> � sde to H�a�ee�o�s aad in tLe maaner preseribed by applicabk law.Truatee,wtthout demand on 8orrower,shap sell the
<br /> Properq+at pnblic auctlon to the hi�hat bidder at tLe tlme and place aad unde�the term�dai�ated in the notice o!sde in
<br /> oee or more p�roeb aad in ay order Tiuitee determiaa.Trustee maY Patpoae sale o!�il or aay pucel of the Property by
<br /> public aaaorscemeat�t the dme and place ot�ny pndously ecLeduled sale.I.ende�or ib desipee e�ay purchafe the
<br /> Propd�ty at aay ale.
<br /> Upon receipt of psymeat oi tbe p�ice bld,�ustae shall dell�er to tbe purchuer Trusteda deed con�eyin�the
<br /> 1Property.lLe recitaL in the Timte�'e dad�hall be prim�faaie e�ideece of We trut6 of th�e atatementa made t6eretn.
<br /> 1'rwtee s�all spply tLe proceed�ai t6e sale ia tLe following order.(�>to all e:peases of the ale,includiag,but not limited
<br /> to,Tnatee's fea as permitted by spplia�ble law wd reasonable attorneys'fee+;(b)to all s�secured by this Securtty
<br /> Innrumea�and(c)any e�ccas to tbe peraon or per�ons legaUy entltled to it.
<br /> 20.I.eader in Poueasioa. U�a accelaration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Praperty, Lender(in
<br /> person�by sgmt or by 2udiciully appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage tl�e
<br /> Property and to collxt the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be�pplie.d 8rst te Fsymeni of i�e c�sts ot'managemsai of 3he Proporty and c�llxiion of rents,including,bui noi
<br /> limited to,receiver's foe�,preauums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fas,and then to the sums secwed by
<br /> this Secwity Instn�ment.
<br /> 21.Recw�eyaaoe.Upon puyment of all sums securad by this Secwity Instrument,Lender shall reyuest Trusta to �
<br /> reoonvey the Pmperty and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instnunent to Trustce.Trusta shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br /> :..a.j;�C,S�'.;w iv r.vi��pc'�I"�auia v?Ycr�111J$ili�Ij Ytt)I$Ily 11�7f1itLlUtl t:tl$tS. �
<br /> 22.Sab�tituh 1�ta.Lender,at its option,may from rime to time remove Trusta and appoint a saccessor trustee �
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an inswment recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. � _
<br /> Without conveyance of the Progerty,tltt succtssor trusi�shall succeed to all the title,poe�er and dnties confezted ugon
<br /> Trustee herein aad by applicable laa.
<br /> ?3.Request for Notloes.Boaower reguests that copies of the notioes of default and sale be sent to Bonower's address �'
<br /> which is the Pmperty Address.Borrower fiuther requesu that copies of the notia of default and notice af sale be sent to each � -�
<br /> peraon who is a puty horeto at the address of snch person set forth henin. ��.
<br /> 1A.Ridas to thi�Security Instrumen�If ons or more riders are executed by Hoaower and rocorded together with "
<br /> . this Security Insuument,the covenants and agrxments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> suppkment the covenants and agroements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security "
<br /> e
<br /> Instrument.[Chxk applicable box(es)] ,
<br /> ; �..
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2� Family Rider
<br /> ?.t�
<br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Developrnent Rider •��
<br /> I.� `
<br /> ❑ ��ns) [sP�'Y] .
<br /> BY SIONINO BELOW. Borrower acc�pts end agrees to th erms and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> , Instrument and in any rider(s)executod by Borrower and record i it.
<br /> 'r�.an� . ��ri�..... ..... ..................(Seal)
<br /> -8onorrer
<br /> �I�Iur�.%Y�,Li..dsa. ..........�.. ............. .(Seal)
<br /> }� y �,►�.,
<br /> STATE OF N1LS�A19SA................�L....................---...._....----...................COUIIty 6B:
<br /> On tbis......lQth............. day of_..I�nuar.y.........., 19..30..,before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br /> - duly commiaeaoned.and qualified for eaid vount3►, ne�sunsllY came .....�1dx:�,�tl..A�,...L�,u�is�y...anr3.................
<br /> � �;�urigl..�.:..LindsaX.�..husband,.and,wif e_ .. .................... ......... to me kno�wn to be the - -- _--
<br /> _.. . .............. .. ......... . . -
<br /> ideatical person($) whose newne(ej are subscn't�ed to the foregoing inatrument ancl acknowledged t1�e ezecu- �
<br /> tion thereof to be ...........................theix............................._........................voluntary act and deed.
<br /> � � Witne$e my hand and notarisl seal at ..Grand Island:__Nebraska .. __ �g�d County,the
<br /> �ja- asie afui�aauci. �
<br /> �� My Comnniseion espiree: � �
<br /> L, �� .........��..r.�:s.P.....�:��.���.G.�r...................................... �
<br /> ���� �
<br /> ` s� ployment Opportutity/Affirm.�tive Action Employer M/F. +.��
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