2� 1 ���918
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �Contin ued} Page �
<br /> the a�count, transfer af title or sal� of the dwe!ling, �reation of a seniar lien on the dw�lling without Lender's
<br /> permissian, foreciosure by the hoider of another lien, �r the use of funds or the dwelfing far prohibited purpases.
<br /> RtGHTS AND REMEDIES QN DEFAULT. If an Event of Defauifi vccurs under�his Deed of Trust, at any#ime�hereaf�e�,
<br /> Trus#ee or Lender may exercise any one or more af the follQvving rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleration Up�n Defau��;Addi�i�naC Remedies. I�any Event o�Defau[�occurs as per th�t�rms o�the Credit
<br /> Agreemen#s�cured hereby, Lender may declare a!I Indeb�edness secured hy this Deed❑�'Trust to be due and
<br /> payahle and the same shall thereupon become due and payahle wi�hout any presentment, demand, protes�or
<br /> notice of any k�nd. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Eith�r in person o� by agent, with or without bringing any actian or pro�eeding, or by a receiver
<br /> appo�nted by a cour�and without regard to�he adequacy a�its security, enter upon and take po�session
<br /> of the Prope�ty, or any part thereof, in its awn name flr in�he name of Trus�ee, and do any ac�s which �t
<br /> deems nece�sary or desirable to preserve the�alue, marke�ability or rentability of the Property, or part of
<br /> the Pr�pe�ty o�in�eres�in �he Praperty; increase�he income from the Prope�ty or pratect the security of
<br /> the Prope�ty; and, with or withaut taking possessian of the Property, sue for ar otherwise collect the
<br /> rents, issues and profits of�he Proper�y, ineluding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> costs and expenses of aperativn and co1lection at�orneys'fe�s,to any indebtedness secured by this Deed
<br /> af Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and #aking possessian of the
<br /> P�operty, fhe collection of such rents, issues and profits, and the application thereof shall not cure or
<br /> wai�e any defauft or notice o�default under this Deed of Trust ar inWa�idate any acf done in response�❑
<br /> such defaul�❑r pursuant to such notice of defauft; and, notwi�hstanding�he continuance in passessian of
<br /> the Praper�y or the co�lection, �eceipt and applicat�on of rents, issues or pro�i�s, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be enti�led to exerc�se e��ry right provided fo�in �he �r�di�Agreement or the Related ❑ocuments ar by
<br /> law upon the occurrence of any event of defaul�, includ�ng#he right�o exercise the power af safe;
<br /> �b} Cammence an ac�iQn to fo�eclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver or specifically
<br /> enforce any ofi�he co�enan�s hereof; and
<br /> �c} Deliver to Trustee a written declaration of d�fault and demand for sale and a wri#�en notice of default
<br /> and efection t��ause Trustor�'s inter�st in �h� Property to be sold,which notice Trustee shalf cause to be
<br /> duly fi[�d�or recard in th�apprapr�ate❑ffices of�he Caunty fn which�he Proper�y�s located; and
<br /> �d} With respe�t�o a[i ar�any part o�th� Personal Properky, Lender shafl ha�e all the r�ghts and remedies
<br /> �f a secured party under fhe Nebraska Unifa�m Commercial Code.
<br /> Fore�lasurQ by Pnwer of Sale, lf L�nder el�e�s t�foreclose�y�xercise of�he Povuer of Sale herein cantai�ed,
<br /> Lender shal! notify Trustee and shafl deposit with Trustee �his Deed af Trus� and the Credit Agreemen� and
<br /> such receipts and��idence of expenditures made and secured by�his ❑eed of T�rust as Trus�ee may requir�.
<br /> �a} Upon receipt of such notice fr�am Lender, Trustee shal! �ause�o he recorded, published and delivered
<br /> ta Trus�or su�h Notice of Defau�t and Notice ❑f Sale as then required by law and by#his Deed af Trust.
<br /> Trustee sha�l, without demand an Trustor, after such time as may then be required by �aw and a�te�
<br /> recordation a�such Notice of Defauft and after Notice of Sale ha��ng been given as r�quired by law, sell
<br /> the Property a� the time and place of sa�e fixed by it in such Natice of Sale, either as a whole, or in
<br /> separate la�s or parcefs❑r i��ms as Trustee sha�f deem exp�dient, and in such �rder as it may determine,
<br /> at pub�i�auct�on to�he highest b�dder far cash in lawfu� maney o�the �nited States payab�e a�the�ime
<br /> ❑� sa1e. Trustee shalf deli�er �a such purchaser or purchasers th�reof its gaad and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so so�d, but without any cavenant ar warran#y, express or implied. The
<br /> recita[s in such deed o�any matters o�r fac�s shal! be conelusi�e proo�af#he tru�h�uEness�hereof. Any
<br /> person, in�iuding wi�haut�imita�ion Trus�or,T�ustee, or Lender,may purchase a�such safe.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, af�e� deduc�ing a[� casts, fees and expenses of Trustee and of th�s
<br /> Trust, includ�ng c�sts a�evidence of title in connection with sa�e,Trus#ee shali apply the pra�eeds of sale
<br /> to payment o� ��} all sums expended under the terms of th�s Deed a�Trust or under the terms of�he
<br /> Credit Agreemen� not then repaid, in�luding hut not lim��ed to accrued interest and la�e eharges, {i�} a1f
<br /> o�her sums then secured he�reby, and �iii} the r�mainde�, if any, fia the person or persons legafiy entit�ed
<br /> theretQ,
<br /> {c} Trustee may in the manner provided by law pastpone sale❑f al�or any portion of the Property.
<br /> Remedies Nat ExcCusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each o� them, shal! be entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> perfiormance of any indebtedness or ob[igations secured by�his Deed of Trust and to�xercise al[ righ�s and powers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Credif Agreement, under any of the Related Documents, or under any ather
<br /> agreement or any laws now ar hereafter �n force; notwithstand�ng, same ar a�l of such indeb�edness and
<br /> obfigations secured by this Deed af Trust may now or hereafter be o�herw�se secured, vuhether by mortgage, deed
<br /> af trus�, pledge, lien, assignment or atherwise, Neither the accep�ance of this Deed of Trust nor i�s enforcement,
<br /> whe�he� by cou�t action or pursuant to fhe pawer of sa�e or other powers con�ained in this Deed ❑�Trust, shal[
<br /> prejudice or in any manner afFect Trus#ee's or Lender's right ta realize upon �r enfarce any other security n�w or
<br /> hereafter held by Trustee or Lender, if being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall he entitfed to
<br /> enfarce this ❑eed of Trust and any other securi�y naw o� hereafte� held by Lender ar Trustee in such order and
<br />