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2� 1 ���918 <br /> DEEa �F TRUST <br /> ��ont�n ued� Page 3 <br /> Duty tv Protect. Trus�ar agrees neither to abandon or �ea�e unattended the P�op��ty. Trustor shafl do all other <br /> acts, in addition to those a��s set for�h ab�We in this section,vuhich from�he charac�er and use o�the Property are <br /> reasanably necessary to pra#ect and preserve th�Proper#y. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fallowing pro�isions relating to the taxes and liens an the Property are part of th€s Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trus�or sha�l pay vuhen due tand in all e�ents prior'�o de�inquency}a�f taxes,specia�tax�s, assessmen�s, <br /> ch�rges �in�fuding water and sevuer), fnes and impasitions le�ied against or on accaunt o�th� Property, and shal! <br /> pay when due a�� cfaims far work dane ❑n or for services rendered or mater�a� �urnished ta the Pr�perty. T�ustor <br /> shal� maintain the Prape�ky free❑f all liens having priori�y❑ver or equal to the interest of L�nder under this Deed of <br /> T�us�, except for the lien of taxes and assessments no� due, except for the Exist�ng �ndebt�dness referred �o <br /> be�ow, and except as othervvise provided in th�s Deed of Trus�. <br /> Right to Contes�. Trustor may withha�d payment of any�ax, assessment, or claim in connec�ion with a good�'aith <br /> dispute over the ob�igatian to pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Proper#y is n�t�eopardi�ed. lf a lien arises or <br /> is fled as a resu[t a� nonpayment, Trustor sha�l within ffteen �15} days after the lien arises or, if a l�en is f�fed, <br /> within fifteen [�5} days after Trus#or has notice of the filing, secure the dis�harge of the lien, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash a�a suf��cien�carporate surety band or other securi�y sat�sfactary to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient to discharge the �ien plus any cos�s and attorneys'fees, o�othe�charges that c�uld a�crue as a <br /> resu�t o�a foreclasure or sale under the#ien. In any contest, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and sha�[sa�isfy <br /> any adverse judgment be#�ore enfor�ement against the Property. Trustor sha�l name Lender as an addit�onai ob�igee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest praceedings. <br /> E��dence �f Payment. Trustor shal! upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory��idenCe a�payment af the taxes <br /> �r assessments and shall authori�e fhe appropria#�go�ernmental otfcial to de�i�er ta Lend�r at any time a written <br /> s�atement of the taxes and assessments against the Proper�y. <br /> Notice a'�Construc�ion. Trus�or sha�f not�fy Lender at least fifteen {�5} days befor� any work is cammen�ed, any <br /> services are furnished, or any materials are suppl�ed�� #he Properky, i�any mechanie's lien, materialmen`s l�en, or <br /> other l�en could �e asse�ed on account a�the work, S�IVIC�S, or materials. Trustor will upan request of Lender <br /> �urnish �o Lender advan�e assurances satisfac�ory to Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cost of such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMA�E INSURANCE. The fallowing pro�isions relating �o insuring �he Property are a part of this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Ma�n�enan�e o�insurance. Trustor sha11 procu�e and ma�ntain paficies af fire insurance wi#h standard extended <br /> _ coverage �ndarsements on a replacemen� basis for th� fuf� �nsurable �a�ue co�ering ai! fmpr��ements on the Rea� <br /> Property �n an amount sufficient to avaid applicatian of any coinsurance cfause, and with a standard mar�gag�e <br /> clause in favor vf L�nder,toge�her w�th such other hazard and liability insuranc� as Lender may reasonably requir�. <br /> Po�icies shalf be wri�ten in form, amounts, cfl�erages and basis reasonably ac�eptab�� to Lender and issued by a <br /> company ar companies �easonably acceptable�o Lender. Trustor, upon request af Lender, will del�ver tn Lender <br /> from time to�ime the poli�ies or�ertificates of insurance �n farm satisfactory�o Lender, including stipuiations that <br /> coverages will nat be canc�lled ar dim�nished rrvithou�at least ten (10} days prior written notice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance policy alsv shall �ncfude an endorsemen� praviding that coverage in favar of Lender wi�l not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omission or default af Trustar❑r any other pe�san. ShauEd the Real Praperty be located in <br /> an area designated by the Administrator of the Federa! Emergency Management Agency as a special f[ood hazard <br /> area, T�-us�or agrees ta obtain and main�ain Federal Flood Insurance, i� a�aifable, for the maximum amount of <br /> Trustor`s credit line and the fu11 unpaid princ�pal balance flf any pr�or liens on #he prap�r�y securing the loan, up to <br /> the maximum policy limits set under the National Flo�d Insurance P�ogram, ar as❑thenavise r�qu�red by Lend��, and <br /> to main�ain such insurance for the�erm of�he loan. <br /> App[ica#ion of Pro�eeds. Trustar shall promptly notify Lender�f any loss or damage ta th� Prope�ty. Lende�may <br /> make prao� of loss if Trustar fails to da so within �i�teen �'15} days of�he casual�y. Whether or not Lender`s <br /> securi�y is impa�r�d, Lender may, a� Lender's election, receive and reta�n the proceeds o�any insurance and appiy <br /> the proceeds to the reduction of the lndebtedness, payment of any l�en affecting the Properky, or the restoration <br /> and repair af�h� Property. lf Lender elects �o apply th� proceeds t� resto�ation and repair, Trustor shall repair or <br /> repla�e the damaged o� des�royed Impro��men�s in a manner sa�isfactory ta Lender, Lende� shall, upon <br /> satisfactory proof of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trustor from the pro���ds far the reasvnable cost o� <br /> �epair or restoration if Trust�r is not in default under this Deed af T�ust. Any proceeds which have not been <br /> disbursed within 18� days after their receipt and whic� Lender has no� comm�tted to the repair ar res�oration ❑f <br /> #he Praperty shal! be used f rst�o pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of Trust, �hen to pay accrued <br /> interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied ta the prineipaf ba�ance o�the Indebtedness. If Lender holds <br /> any proceeds aft�r payment in full of �he lndebtedness, such proceeds shafl be paid to Trustor as Trustor's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Compliance w��h Existing Indebtedness. ❑uring the period in which any Existing �nd�btedness described belovu is <br /> �n ef�ec�, compliance w�th the insurance provisions c�ntained in the instrument ev�dencing such Existing <br /> fnd�b�edn�ss shafl cons�i�ute compliance with the insurance p�ovisions und�r� this Deed of Trust, t❑ the extent <br /> c�mpliance with the terms of this I7eed of Tr�ust wauld constitu�e a dupl�cation of insurance requirement. �f any <br />