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2� 1 ���913 <br /> I�EED �F TRU�T <br /> Laan Na: �D�29937� ��onti�ued} Page g <br /> Trustee vr Lender, it 1�eing agreed that Trus�ee and Lender, and each o#�hem, shall he enti�led ta enfivr�e this Deed <br /> vf Trus� and any �ther securi�y naw or hereafter he�d 1ay Lender ar Truste� in such ❑rder and manner as �h�y or <br /> either af them may in fih�ir ahsolute discretian determine. Nv remedy conf�rred upon ar reser�ed tv Trus�ee ❑r <br /> Lender, is intended �0 1�e exclusi�e ❑f any o�kher remedy in�khis Deed of Trus�or by law provided or permitted, but <br /> each sha[[ b� cumu�afii�e and shall be in addi�ion ta e�ery other remedy giv�n in �his Deed o� Trust or now o� <br /> hereafi�er existing at law or in equi�y a�by statute. Every power or remedy giWen by�he No�e or any a��he Rela�ed <br /> Docum�nts to Trustee or Lender ❑r to which ei�her ❑f �them may be ❑�herwise enti�led, may he exercised, <br /> concurren�ly vr independently, fram fiime�a �ime and as ❑ften as may be deemed expedsent by Trustee or Lende�, <br /> and ei�her af �hem may pursue inconsistent remedies. No�hing in this Deed of Trust shall he cvnstrued as <br /> prohEbiting Lender�ram seeking a deficien�y judgment agains�the Trus�or to�he exten�such a��ion is pe�mitted by <br /> law. Ele�tion 1ay Lender to pursue any remedy shall no� exclude pursui� ❑f any ❑ther remedy, and an e�ection �o <br /> make expenditures or fio take a�tivn to perform an ohligatian af Trustor und�r this Deed ❑f Trus�, after Trus�or`s <br /> failure�❑ per�arm, shall no�affect Lender's right t�de�lare a default and exercise i�s remedies. <br /> Request�vr Nv�tice. Trus�ar, on behalf❑�f Trustor and Lender, here�y reques�s�hat a �opy❑f any Notice❑f❑efiault <br /> and a copy afi any Nvtice ❑f Sale under this D�ed af Trust be mailed to them a�the addresses set farth in the firs� <br /> paragraph❑f�khis Deed of Trus�. <br /> Atkorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender inststufies any suit ar actian to enforce any ❑� �he terms o� this Deed of <br /> Trus�, Lender shalf be ent�t[ed to �eco�er such sum as�he court may adjudge reasonable as attarneys' �ees a�trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Whether ❑r nofi any c�urfi ac�ian is inWolWed, and �o fihe exfient not prohii�ited by law, all <br /> reasanable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's opinion are necessary at any �ime for �he pratection o-F its <br /> in�erest ar fihe enfvrcement o�its rights shall becvme a part o�the Indehtedness payal�ie ❑n demand and shall bear <br /> in�erest at�he No�e ra�e fram the date of�he expendi�ure un�il repaid. Expenses co�ered by�his pa�ragraph include, <br /> wi�hout lim�tation, hvwe�er subject to any limits under applical�le law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whe�her ❑r not there is a lawsu�t, including att�rneys' ��es and expenses for bankruptcy pro�eed�ngs <br /> �including efifiorts to modify or�acate any au�amatic stay❑r�n�unction}, appeals, and any anticipated pos�t judgment <br /> co�fec�ion ser�i�es, the cos� of searching recards, ab�aining ti�le reports {inc[uding fore�losu�� reports�, sur�eyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal �ees, �i�le insurance, and fees �ar �he Trus�ee, to the ex�ent permit��d by app[icable law. <br /> Trustor also will pay any court casts, in additivn to all other sums pro�ided i�y faw. <br /> Righ�s v�Trusfiee. Trustee shall ha�e all of�he rEghts and duties of Lender as set for�h in�his sec�ion. <br /> P�1NER5 AND �gL�GATiDNS �F TRUSTEE. The follawing pro�isions relating ta the pvwers and abliga�ivns af Trus�ee <br /> are part o-��his ❑eed af Trust: <br /> Powers o#Trus#ee. in addi�ion to a�l powers ofi Trusfiee arising as a ma��er❑�F law,Trustee shall ha�e the power to <br /> take�h� �of[owing ac�ions with respec�to th� Prop�rty upon the written reques�❑f Lende� and Trus�or: �a}join in <br /> preparing and filing a map ❑r plat ot fihe Rea[ Praperty, including the dedica�ian �� sfireefis or ❑fiher ri�hts �❑ �he <br /> public; �b� j�in in gran�ing any easement or crea�ing any resfiricfiivn ❑n the Reaf Praperty; and ��� join in any <br /> subordina�ion or o�h�r agreement affecting this ❑eed❑f Trust❑r the in�eres�o�Lender under this ❑eed❑f Trus�. <br /> Trus#ee. Trus�ee shall mee� all qua�ifi�ations required fvr Trustee under applicable law. En addition �o �he rights <br /> and remedies set�orth aba�e, with respect-�❑ all or any part ❑f th� Proper�y, �he Trus�ee shall haWe fihe right t❑ <br /> �oreclase by no�ice and sale, and Lender shali haWe th� right to ��re�lose by judicial forec�osure, in either case in <br /> accordance with and t�the full extent pro�ided 1�y appficable �aw. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's ❑p�ion, may from �ime tn time appoin� a successor Truste�to any T�ustee <br /> appaFnted under this ❑eed of Trust by an instrumen� executed and acknawledged by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> ❑ffice a��the recorder a�HALL C�UNTY Caunty, Sta�e ❑� Neb�-aska. The instrument shall con�tain, in addition�o all <br /> o�her ma�ters r�quEr�d by state law, the names o�fihe vriginai Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustar, the book and page �or <br /> computer sys�em refierence� where this Deed of Trust is �-ecarded, and the name and address of the successor <br /> �rus�ee, and the instrumen�shall be execu�ed and a�knowledged by all the beneficiaries under�his Deed af Trust or <br /> �heir suc�essors in interest. The su�cessvr trus�ee, without �vn�eyance of th� Pr�per�y, shall succ�ed �o all the <br /> �itle, power, and duttes con�erred upvn�he Trustee in�his Deed of Trusfi and by applicable law. This prvicedure�or <br /> substitutian of Trus�ee shaE[go�ern to�he exclusion af ai�❑ther pro�isi�ns for subs�i�ution. <br /> NDTlCES. Any natice required �a be gi�en under�his ❑eed ❑�f Trust, including wi�hout limita�ian any notic� of default <br /> and any notice of sale shall he giWen in writing, and shall be effective when actually deli�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by te�e�facsimile �unless o�herwise required by law}f when d�p�sit�d with a natianally recognized o�ernigh��ourier, or, �� <br /> mailed, wh�n deposi�ed in�khe United States maif, as first class, certifiied vr registered mail postage prepaid, direct�d�❑ <br /> the addresses shown near the �eginning of th;s D�ed ❑f Trust. All capies ❑�f notic�s v�fv�-eclosure �Fram the halder of <br /> any lien which has priori�ty ❑�er this Deed of Trust sha1� be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning ��f <br /> this Deed o� Trusfi. Any par�y may �hange its address �or noti�es under �his ❑eed a� Trust by gi�ing �ormal written <br /> no�ice �o �he o�her par�ies, spe�ifying tha� the purpose o� the natice is t❑ �hange the party's address. For not�ce <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees fi❑ keep Lendsr informed at all �imes ❑f Trus�or's current address. Llnless o�herwise provided <br /> or required by law, if there is m�re than one Trustor, any nofiice giWen by Lender ta any Trustor is deemed t� be notice <br /> given ta af�Trus�ors. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�V151QN5. The fallowing miscellaneaus pro�isians are a part❑f this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. Thss Deed of Trust, tagether with any Rela�ed Documents, consti�utes�he entire understanding and <br />