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2� 1 ���913 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: �D�Z9937� {�antinued� Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In additian t��he Note,this Deed o�Trus�secures all futu�e ad�an�es made by Lender tv Trus�or <br /> whether ar not�he ad�ances are made pursuant ta a commitment. Specifically, w�thou� fimifia�ian, this Deed ❑f Trus� <br /> secures, in addition �❑ �he amaunts specified in the No�te, ajl �uture amounts Lender in its discre�ion may Ioan �o <br /> Trustor,tvgether with all interest thereon. <br /> Trus�or presently assigns to Lender �also known as geneficiary in �his Deed �fi Trust� al� �fi Trustor's right, �itle, and <br /> in�erest in and �t❑ a[I present and future leases ❑f �he Property and all Ren�s fr�m the Property. In addition, Trustor <br /> gran�s to Lender a Uni�rorm Cammercial Cade security in�erest in the Personal Praperty and Ren�ts. <br /> TH15 ❑EE❑ DF TRUST, INCLU�ING THE A551GNMENT DF FiENTS AN❑THE SECURITY lNTEREST 1N THE RENTS AN� <br /> PERSDNAL PROPERTY, i5 GIVEN T� SECIJRE {A} PAYMENT �F THE �NDEBTEDNESS AND {g} PERFORMANCE OF <br /> ANY AND ALL QBLIGATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�ClJC1flENT5, AND TH1S DEED �F TRUST. TH15 <br /> I3EE❑ �F TRUST IS GiVEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE F�LL�V11[NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERFDRMANCE. Ex�ept as ��herwise pro�ided in this Deed o� Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br /> amvunts secured by thFs Deed of Trust as th�y became due, and shall s�ric�ly and in a timely manner perform all o� <br /> � Trus�or's ob�igat�ons under�he N�te,�his Deed of Trust, and the Rela�ed Dacumen�s. <br /> Pa55E551�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. Trus�or agrees �hat Trustor's possession and use af the <br /> Property shall 1ae go�erned 1ay the following pro�isions: <br /> Possess�on and Use, Until �he ❑ccurrence o� an E�en� ❑f ❑efault, Trus�ar may ��} remain in possession and <br /> can�ral ❑f the Property; �2� use, operate�r manage th� Praperty; and �3} cvllect the Ren�s fram the Property. <br /> Du�y #o Maintain. Trus�or shall main�ain the Property in tenantable cvndition and prvmptly perform all repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its�a�ue. <br /> Cvmplian�e Vllith Env�ronmental Laws. Trusfivr represen�s and warran�s to Lender that: {�} ❑uring the period of <br /> Trustor's ❑wnership❑f the Praperty,there has been no use, gene�ativn, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, <br /> reiease or threatened release of any Hazardous Suhstance 1ay any person on, under, about ar #rom the Property; <br /> �2} Trus�or has no know�edge �f, or reason to belie�e fihafi there has been, excepfi as previously disclvsed t❑ and <br /> a�knowledged by Lender in writing, {a} any breach or �iola�kion ❑f any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generation, manufa�tur�, stvrage, �kreatment, dispvsal, release or fihreatened release a� any Hazardous Sulastance <br /> ❑n, under, alaout ❑r �rom the Praperty by any prior owners ❑r ���upants o� the Property, or �c} any actual or <br /> �hrea�kened li�iga�ion or claims ❑� any kind by any person re�atEng t❑ such ma�ters; and {3} E�ccept as pre�ious[y <br /> disGlosed tv and acknvwledged by Lender in writing, �a� neither Trustor nar any�enant, con�ractar, agent❑r o�her <br /> au�hori�ed user of the Praper�ty shall use, genera�e, manufa��ure, stare, ��-eat, disp�se of❑r release any Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�ance on, under, aboufi❑r fram the Proper�y; and �b� any such a�ti�i�y shall be canducted in compl�ance w�th <br /> all applicable federal, s�ate, and loca� laws, regulations and vrdinances, �ncluding wi�hvut lim�tafiivn all <br /> Enviranmenfial Laws. Trus�ar aufiharizes Lend�r and its agen�s �❑ en�er upan the Pr�perty to make such <br /> �nspec�ians and �es�s, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem aQpropriafie �o defiermine cvmpliance of �he <br /> Prop�r�y with �his sectian of the Deed of Trust. Any inspec�ions ❑r �ests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpvses �n�y and shall no�be construed fv create any responsibility or liabilifiy❑n the part of Lender fi❑Trustor❑r <br /> tfl any ofih�r person. The repr�esentat�ons and warranties con�kained herein are based ❑n Trus�ar's due dii€gence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Pr�perty for Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor hereby {�� releases and waiWes any �u�ure claims <br /> againsfi Lender far indemnity a�- cvn�ribution in fhe e�ent Trustor becomes liable for cleanup vr ❑�her costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees�❑ indemnify, defend, and hvld harmless Lende� against any and all claims, Ivsses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may directly❑r indirecfily sustain ar suf�er resu�ting from <br /> a breach of�his sec�ion of the €�eed o�f Trus� ❑r as a c�nsequence of any use, �eneration, manufa�ture, sfiorage, <br /> dispasa[, release❑r threa�ened ref�ase accurring p��ar ta Trus�for's ownership vr in�erest in the Property, whether❑r <br /> not the same was ar shauld ha�e heen known tv Trustor. The provisians ❑f this sec�ion o� the D�ed ❑�f Trus�, <br /> in�luding th�obliga�ion ta indemnify and defend, shaf[sur�i�e�he paymen�of the �ndebtedness and�he satis�action <br /> and recon��yanc� ❑f the fien �f this Deed ❑f Trus� and shall no�be a���c�ed by Lender's a�quisi�ion of any interest <br /> in the Property, whe�her by foreclasure or o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustvr shall nvt cause, conducfi o� permit any nu�sance nor commifi, permit, or su�f�r any <br /> stripp€ng vf ar was�e on vr �v fihe Praper�y vr any port€on o�the Proper�y. 1N€thou� limi�ing the genera€ity v�the <br /> farega�ng, Trustar will no� remo�e, or gran�to any other par�y the r�ght tv r�mv�e, any timber, minerals 4tncluding <br /> vil and gas}, coal, �lay, scoria, svil, gra�el vr rock produc�s wi�haut Lend�r's privr w�itfien cansent. <br /> Remv►ral v�lmprv�emen�s. Trus�or shall not demo[ish ar remo�e any lmpro�ements�rom the Real Proper�y withou� <br /> Lender's prior writ�en c�nsent. As a c�ndition tv the rema�a[ o�any lmproWements, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make a�rangem�n�s sat�s�ac�ory fia Lende� to replace su�h [mpro�ements with fmpro�ements of at Eeast equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ#tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon the Real Properfiy afi a[l <br /> reasvna�le times to attend �o Lender's in�eres�s and to inspect the Real Property ��r purpos�s af Trust�r's <br /> comp�ian�e wifih�he terms and cvndifiions vf thEs D��d ❑f Trust. <br /> Cvmplian�e v►rith Go�rernmental Requirements. Trustor shall promptly comply wi�h all �aws, ❑rdinances, and <br /> regulations, now �r herea-�ter in effect, o� all g��ernmen�al aufihorities applicable fio �he use vr occupan�y ❑fi the <br /> Prvperty, includ�ng wi�hau� limitation, �he Ameri�ans V11i�h Disabi�ities Act. Trus�or may �on�est in good fai�h any <br />