2� 1 ���913
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: '���299372 {Cont��ued} Page 't D
<br /> limitation �he Comprehensi�e En�ironmen�al Respvnse, Compensation, and Liabili�y Ac� of 1984, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sec�ion 96��, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, �he Super�und Amendments and Reau�hvrizati�n Ac� ❑� 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. �9--499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardous Materials Transpar�afiivn Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ection �8D1, et seq.,the Resaurce
<br /> Canser�a�ian and Recv�ery Act, 4� V.S.C. Sectian �9D1, et s�q., or other applicable state or federal laws, rules,
<br /> ar regula�ions ad�p�ed pursuant there�o.
<br /> Even�o�Defaul�. The wvrds "E�enfi of❑efaulfi" mean a�y❑f�he events af de�au[fi se�forth in this Deed fl�Trust�n
<br /> the events❑f default sec�ion of�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Existing indehtedness. The w�rds "Exis�ing 1ndel�tedness" mean �he indebtedness described in the Existing Liens
<br /> pro�ision af this Deed❑�Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means�he guaranty fram guarantvr, endorser, surety, ❑r accommodation party t❑
<br /> Lender, including wi�hout�imifiafiion a guaranty o�all ❑r part❑f�he Note.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances. The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean materia�s �hat, because ❑-� their quan�ity,
<br /> cancentration ❑r phys�ca[, chemical ar in�Fectious characteris�ics, may cause ❑r pose a presen� ar poten�ial hazard
<br /> fia human heal�h or the environmen�when improperly used, treat�d, sfiored, dispvsed ❑f, genera�ed, manu�ac�ured,
<br /> �ransported ar vtherwise handled. The words "Hazardvus 5ubstances" are used in their�e�y brvadesfi sense and
<br /> include withvut limi�a�ion any and all ha�ardous ❑r �oxic subs�ances, materEals ❑r was�e as defined by vr listed
<br /> under�he En�ironmen�al Lavus. The term "Ha�ardous Subsfiances" alsa includes, without[imitation, petral�um and
<br /> pe�roleum by--produc�s a�any�ra��ion�hereof and asbestvs.
<br /> lmprvvements. The wvrd "Imprv�emen�s" means a�� exis�ing and future impro�emenfis, }�ui�dings, structures,
<br /> moh�le homes afffxed ❑n the Real Property, facili�ies, additions, repla�ements and o�her �ons�ru�tion ❑n �he Real
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> �ndeh�edness. The wvrd "lndebt�dn�ss" means all principaf, in�eres�, and other amvunts, �osts and expenses
<br /> payable und�r �he No�e ❑r Related Documents, together wi�h all renewals of, ex�ensions ❑�, modifications ❑f,
<br /> consolidatians ❑f and substitutivns for the Nate ❑r Rela�ed ❑acuments and any amaunts expended ❑r ad�anced by
<br /> Lender to discharge Trus�or's abligations or expenses incur�-ed 1�y Trus�ee ❑r Lender to enforce Trustor's
<br /> obligations under �his I�eed ❑� Trus�, �ogether with in�kerest on su�h amoun�s as prv�ided in �his I�eed �f Trust.
<br /> 5peci��cally, without limi�a�ivn, Indebtedness includes fihe tuture adWan�es se� for�h in the Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision, fivgether wi�h all interest there�n and all amounts that may be �ndirectiy se�ured by �he
<br /> Cross--Callateralization pro�ision a�this Deed vt Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�ks gank, its successvrs and ass�gns.
<br /> Nv�e. The wo�rd "Note" means �he promissory na�e dafied gctvber ��, ����, I11 th� ❑riginal prin�ipa[
<br /> amount of $���,���.�� from Trusfivr t� Lender, tage�her with all renewals v�, ex�ensi�ns of, modi�i�ations
<br /> of, refinan�ings❑f, conso[ida-�i�ns of, and subs�i�utions for the promissary note ar agreemen�.
<br /> Persvnal Prope�ty. The wards "Persanal Property" mean a[I equipment, fixtures, and other articles ❑� persanal
<br /> property nvw ❑r hereaf�er own�d by Trus�or, and naw or hereafter a��ached ❑r a��ixed �❑ fihe Real Property;
<br /> �ogether with all accessions, parts, and additions to, a�� replacements o�, and all subsfii�utians for, any o� 5L1Ch
<br /> prvperty; and �ogether virith a�[ proc��ds ��ncluding wi�hvufi l�mitati�n all insuranc� proceeds and refunds ❑f
<br /> premiums} frvm any sale or❑�her disposi�ion a�the Proper�y.
<br /> Prvperty. The wvrd "Property" means cvlle�ti��ly the Real Property and the Persvna[ Prvperty.
<br /> Real Praperfiy. The wards "Real Property" mean the real prvperty, inter�sts and rights, as further descr�bed in�his
<br /> L�eed of Trust.
<br /> Related Dvcumen�s. The w�rds "Re[atsd Documen�ts" mean all promissvey nvtes, credit agreements, �van
<br /> agreements, en�ironmenta� agreemen�ks, guaranties, security agreemenfis, marfigages, deeds of t�ust, securi�y
<br /> de�ds, calla�era� mar�gages, and all other instrumen�s, agreemen�s and dacuments, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in cannect�on wi�h the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Ren�s. The w�rd "Rents" means aIl present and fu�ure rents, re�enu�s, incame, issues, rayal�ies, prvfits, and
<br /> a�her hene�its deri�ed fr�m the Proper�y.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trus�ee" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, whos� address is P.D Box �507, Grand lsland, NE
<br /> 6880�-15n7 ahd any subs�itute or successor trustees.
<br /> Trusfior. The wvrd "Trustor" means W��DR�W K NELS�N and CARDL A NELS�N.
<br />