<br />rn
<br />A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE% NE %) of
<br />Section Twenty -One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br />West of the 6 P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Anna and
<br />Eddy Streets, which streets are now established and in use, thence
<br />Southwesterly along the South boundary of Anna Street, a distance of
<br />164.4 feet, thence Southeasterly at right angles, a distance of 140.0 feet;
<br />thence Northeasterly at right angles, a distance of 164.4 feet; thence
<br />Northwesterly along the Westerly boundary of Eddy Street, a distance of
<br />140.0 feet, to the place of beginning; said tract being a rectangular tract,
<br />having a frontage of 140.0 feet on Eddy Street, and a frontage of 164.4
<br />feet on Anna Street, all in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, commonly referred to as 801 W. Anna Street.
<br />RETURN TO: Barry Hemmerling, Wolfe Snowden, 1248 "0" St., Ste. 800, Lincoln, NE 68508
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made and entered into this 14th day of October, 2016,
<br />by and among OSNI PONCA, LLC, a Tribally Owned Limited Liability Company, whose
<br />address is 2756 "0" Street, Lincoln, NE 68510, herein referred to as the "Trustor ", and
<br />Barry L. Hemmerling, Attorney at Law, whose mailing address is 2756 "0" Street,
<br />Lincoln, NE 68510, herein referred to as the "Trustee ", and FIRST PONCA FINANCIAL,
<br />INC., whose mailing address is 211 West 3 Street, Grand Island, NE 68801, herein
<br />referred to as the "Beneficiary'.
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers,
<br />conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit
<br />and security of the Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this
<br />Deed of Trust, the real property more particularly described as:
<br />