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rn I og <br />-ri m <br />C n = <br />= <br />11 F <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND UNDERSTANDING <br />AND <br />WAIVER & DISCLAIMER OF HOMESTEAD RIGHTS <br />acknowledges, waives and disclaims as follows: <br />(Attachment to Trust Deed with Power of Sale) <br />The undersigned, as Trustor (Borrower) in a certain Trust Deed with Power of Sale <br />(herein called Trust Deed) to be executed immediately following the execution hereof, which <br />Trust Deed is identified as follows: <br />-4 <br />Date: 10/14/2016 <br />Trustor: Osni Ponca, LLC <br />Trustee: Daniel A. Smith, Attorney At Law, P.O. Box 250, Lyons, NE 68038 - 0250. <br />Beneficiary: Rural Investment Corporation, P.O. Box 136, Lyons, NE 68038(Lender) <br />Consideration: Deed of Trust dated, 10 /14/2016 securing the following real estate: <br />A portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 11 North, <br />Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at <br />the Southwest corner of the intersection of Anna and Eddy Streets, which streets are now <br />established and in use; thence Southwesterly along the South boundary of Anna Street, a <br />distance of 164.4 feet; thence Southeasterly at right angles, a distance of 140.0 feet; thence <br />Northeasterly at right angles, a distance of 164.4 feet; thence Northwesterly along the <br />Westerly boundary of Eddy Street, a distance of 140.0 feet, to the place of beginning; said <br />tract being a rectangular tract, having a frontage of 140.0 feet on Eddy Street, and a frontage <br />of 164.4 feet on Anna Street, all in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />1. The undersigned understands that the document to be executed is a Trust Deed with Power of <br />Sale, and is not a mortgage. <br />2. The undersigned understands that the power of sale contained in the Trust Deed provides the <br />undersigned with substantially different rights and obligations in the event of a default or breach <br />of obligation that the right and obligations provided it in a mortgage. <br />06 <br />