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xi nel <br />iv Ell Fi <br />n z n2 <br />> cn <br />N <br />Return to: <br />RaNae Edwards <br />City Clerk <br />100 East 1st Street <br />Grand Island NE 68801 <br />* This Space Reserved for Register of Deeds <br />SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />CALDWELL SUBDIVISION <br />(Lots 1,2and3) <br />In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />CO <br />The undersigned, KENNETH D. CALDWELL and PAMELA R. CALDWELL, <br />husband and wife, hereinafter collectively called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land <br />comprising a part of Lot 'C' Garden Subdivision of Lot One (1), Mainland in Section Thirteen (13), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th. P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section Thirteen (13), said point <br />also being the northwest corner of said Lot 'C', Garden Subdivision; thence <br />running easterly on the north line of said Section Thirteen (13) and said Lot <br />'C', on an Assumed Bearing of S88 °59'42 "E, a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Seven and Forty Three Hundredths (707.43) feet, to the northeast corner of <br />said Lot 'C'; thence running SO0 °46'25 "E, on the east line of said Lot 'C', a <br />distance of Six Hundred Seventeen (617.00) feet; thence running <br />N89 °00'51 "W, a distance of Seven Hundred Sixteen and Thirty Eight <br />Hundredths (716.38) feet, to apoint on the west line of said Section Thirteen <br />