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. 2� 1 ���723 <br /> an agreement is made in writing or A�p�icable Law requires interest to b�paid on such insurance <br /> pro�eeds,Lender sha11 not be requir�d�o pay Bvrrower any ir�terest or earnings on such proc�eds.Fees <br /> for public adjusters,or other third parti�s,retained by Borr�wer sha11 not be paid aut of the insuranc� <br /> proceeds and shall be the sole vbZigation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is not ec�namical�y <br /> feasible or Lender's security would be Iessened,the insurance praceeds shall be applied t�the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,w�th the excess,if any,paid to Borrower. <br /> Such insurance proc�eds shall be applied in the order provided for in S�ction 2. <br /> If B�rrower abandons the Property,Lender may fi�e,negotiate and settle any ava�lable insurance <br /> claim and related rnatters. If Borrower does n�t respond withiri 3�days to a natice from Lender that <br /> th�insurat�ce carrier has �fFered to sett�e a claim,then Lender may negotiat�and settle the c�aim. <br /> The 3�-day period will b�gin when the notic�is given. In either event,or if Lender acqu�res the <br /> Praperty under Sec�ion 22 or otherwise,B�rrower h�reby assigns to Lender(a}�orrower's rights to <br /> any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unp�.id under the No�e or thi� S�curity <br /> Instrument,and�b}any other vf Borrower's r�ghts(�ther thar�the right to any r�fund�f unearned <br /> premiums paid by Borrower}under al�insuran�e p�lici�s covering t1�e Property,insofar as such rights <br /> are applicable to the cov�rage of the Froperty. Lend�r may us�the insuranc�proceeds either to repair <br /> or restore the Praperty or to pay amaunts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument,whether <br /> or n�t then due. _ <br /> � S. �ccupancy. Borrower sha�1 occupy, es�ab�ish, and use the Property as Barrow�r's principal <br /> residence within��days after the execution of this Security Ins�rument and shall continue�o occu�y <br /> the Property as Borrower's princ�pal residence for at�east on�year after the date of occupancy,L1I11�55 <br /> Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which�on�ent shai�not be unreasonab�y withheld,or unless <br /> ext�nuating circumstances exist which axe beyond Borrovver's contr�l. <br /> 7. Preservation, IlAaint�nance and Protectian of the Property; Inspections. Borrower <br /> sha��not destroy,damage or impair the Property, allvw the Praperty to deteriorate or commit waste <br /> on the Pr�pert�.Whether or not Borrawer is residing in the Property,Borrower sha11 the <br /> Property in order to prevent the Proper�y from de�eriorating or decreasing in value due to its condition. <br /> Unless it is determined pursuant to S�ctian 5 that repair or restoration is not economi�ally feasible, <br /> Borrower shall pramptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid fi�rther deterioration or d.a.mage. <br /> If insurance or condemnation praceeds are paid in conn�ction vvith damage tv, or the ta,king of,the <br /> Prop�rty, Borrower shall be responsible for repa�ring or r�s�oring the Pr�per�y only if Lender has <br /> r�leased proceeds far such purpos�s. Lender may disburse proceeds for the re�airs and restorati�n <br /> in a s�ngle payment or in a ser�es af progress�ayments as the work is comp�e�ed. If the i.r�surance or <br /> condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Proper�y,Borrower is not relieved of <br /> Borrovv�r's ob�igatian for the completion of such repair or r�staration. <br /> Lender or�ts agen�may make reasanable entries upon and inspecti�ns of the Property. If it has <br /> reasonable caus�,Lend�r may insp�ct the interior of the impr�vemen�s on the Property. Lender sha�� <br /> � <br /> give Borrower noti�e a�the time af or prior to su�h an interior inspecti�n specify�ng such reasonable <br /> cause. <br /> 8. Sorr�we r's Loa n Ap p I i eati on. B orroWer sha11 b�in default if,during th�Loan appiicati�n <br /> pro�e s s, B orrower or any persons or enti�ies acting at the d�rection of B orr�wer�r with Bo�-rower's <br /> kn�w�edge or consent gave materially false,misieading,or inaGcurate infc�rmation ar s�a��ments to <br />; L�nd�r[or failed to provide Lender with material informa�ion}in cannection with the Loa�n. Materia� <br /> 8o�5rr4os� <br /> NE6RA5KA-5ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 91�1 <br /> VMP� �412�1fi <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Finanaal Services 209 fifl9231 fi.1.3.3fi21-J2Q1 fiDfi9 fiY Page 7 of'�fi <br /> , <br />