2� 1 ����77
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �Cont�r�ued� Pa�� z
<br /> on, under, about or from th� Proper�y by any prior owners or �ccupants of the Property, or �cy any actuaf or
<br /> threatened liti�atian or c�aims o� any kind by any person rela�ing to such matters; and �3� Except a� pre�iousfy
<br /> disclosed�o and ackn�wl�dged hy Lender in writing, �a� nei�her Trustor nor any tenant, contractor, agent or other
<br /> authori�ed user❑f the Property shal� use, generate, manufacture, store, �r�a�, dispose �f or release any Hazardous
<br /> Substance on, und�r, abaut a�from�he Property; and �h� any such ac�i�i�y shall be conducted in com��iance with
<br /> a�1 �pplicable federaf, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinan�es, including without limitation all
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trusto� authori�es L�nder and its agents to en�er upon the Praperty tv make 5L€Ch
<br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trusto�'s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance ❑f the
<br /> P�oper�y with this section o� �he �eed o� Trust. Any inspections or tests made hy Lender sha[! be for Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shaff not be construed to create any responsibility or liability on�he part of Lender to Trustvr vr
<br /> ta any other person. Th� r�presentatiQns and warranties confiained herein are based on Trustor's du� diiig�nce in
<br /> in�estigating the Property for Ha�ardous 5ubstan�es. Trustar hereby {1} reieases and wai�es any future claims
<br /> against L�nde� for indemni�y or contribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liah�e for cl�anup ar other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and ��� agrees �a indemnify, defend, and hofd harmless Lender against any and all claims, i�s�es,
<br /> liabili�ies, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suf#er resulting from
<br /> a brea�h af this section of the t7eed af Trus� ar as a consequen�e of any use, generat�on, manu�acture, s�orage,
<br /> disposal, refease or threatened re�ease occurring privr�o Trus�or's ownership or interest in th� Property, whe�her or
<br /> not the same was or shouid ha�e been known ta Trustvr. The pro�isions of this section af the ❑ee� of Trus�,
<br /> inc�uding the vbliga�ion to ind�mnify and de�end, sha�! sur�i�e the payment of fihe indehtedness and the satis�action
<br /> and recon�eyance of the lien of this Deed vf Trust and shai� not be af#ected by Lender's acquisition of any interest
<br /> in the Property, whether by fareclosure or❑therwise.
<br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trus�or shall nvt cause, canduc� vr permit any nuisance nor �omm�t, pe�m�t, or suffer any
<br /> stripping af or wast� on or to the Property or any partivn of �he Praperty. 1Nithout fimiting the generality of the
<br /> forego�ng, Trus�or wiff not remv�e, v� g�ant to any other party the right to remo�e, any timber, minerals �inc�uding
<br /> ai� and gas�, coal, clay, scaria, s�il, gra�el or rock products w�thout Lender's priar wri��en consent.
<br /> Remo�al of Impro�emen�s. Trustor shall not demolish or remv�e any Impro�ements�rom the Real Property withaut
<br /> Lender's prior written consent. A� a condition to the remo�al of any fmpro�ements, Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangements satis�actory tv Lender to repla�e su�h Impro�emen�s with Impro�ements a� at �east equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lend�r's agents and repr�sentat��es may enter upvn the Real Prop�rty at all
<br /> �easanable times to a�tend �a Lender's interests and t❑ inspect the Rea� Property fv� purpases of Trustor's
<br /> compliance with the terms and �ondi�ions of�his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Compiiance with Go�ernmental Requiremen#s. Trustor shall pramp�ly �omply with all laws, o�dinan�es, and
<br /> regu�ations, now or hereafter in e��ect, o� a�l go�ernmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy o� the
<br /> Prop�rty, inc�uding wi�hout limitati�n, the Americans VIlith Disabilities Act. Trustor may cantes� in good faith any
<br /> such law, ordinance, or regulation and withh�ld compfiance during any praceeding, including appropria�e appeals,
<br /> sv long as Trusto�has notified Lender in wri�ing prior to daing so and so long as, in Lender's so�e opinian, Lender's
<br /> in�erests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may re�uire Trustor �o pas� adequate s�curity �� a surety
<br /> bvnd, reasvnably satisfactary to Lender, to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> ❑uty �v Pro�#ec�. Trustor agrees neither to abandan or lea�e unattended the P�aperty. Trus�or shalf da a�i other
<br /> acts, in additi�n to those a�ts se��or�h abo�e in this section, which fr�m�he character and use of the Property are
<br /> reasonabfy necessary t�pro�ect and preser�e�he Property.
<br /> DUE DN SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, declare immedia�ely due and payable al� sums
<br /> secured by this �eed of Trust upvn the safe ar trans�er, w�thout Lender's prior written Gonsent, of all vr any part of the
<br /> Real Prop�rty, or any interes� in the Real Property. A "sale ar transfer" means the con��yance of Real Proper�y or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Rea� Prvperty; whether legal, beneficial ar equitable; whether ��iunta�y or in�alun�ary;
<br /> whether by �u�right safe, deed, installm�nt sale cont�act, fand can�ract, cantract �or deed, leasehold inte�esfi with a
<br /> term greater�han three {3} years, �ease-option �ontract, or by saie, assignment, v��ransfier o# any heneficiaf interest in
<br /> or�o any fand trust ho�ding title ta the Real Property, or by any other methvd of con��yance o� an intsrest in the Reaf
<br /> Property. Howe�er, this option shall not be exercised �y Lender if such exer�ise �s prohibited by fed�ral law or �y
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TA)CE5 AN❑ LIENS. The following pro�isivns refating tv the taxes and liens on the Praperty are part of this Deed ��
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in a�l ��ents pr�ar�o de�inquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges tincluding water and sewery, #ines and impositions le�ied against or vn account of the Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when du� afl ciaims fo� work done on vr for ser�ices rendered or material furnished to the Property. Trustor
<br /> sha�l main�ain the Property fre� o�a�l liens ha�ing prio�ity o�er or equal to the in�eres�of Lender under this D��d of
<br /> Trust, except far the lien of taxes and assessments not due and except as atherwise prv�ided in this ❑eed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right�o Contest. Trustor may withhold payment of any�ax, assessment, or claim in �onnection with a goad fai�h
<br /> disput� o�er the obligatian ta pay, sa long as L�nder's inte��st in the Prop�rty is na�jeopardized. lf a IiEn ar�ses o�
<br /> �s #ifed as a resu�t of nonpayment, Trustar shall within fifteen �'15� days a€ter the lien ar�ses or, if a lien �s fif�d,
<br /> within fifteen {'I 5� days aft�r Trustar has notice ❑f the filing, secure the discharge of th� �ien, o� �f requ�sted by
<br /> Lender, deposi�with Lender cash o�a su��icient carparate surety bond ar other securi�y sa�isfactory tQ Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient to dis�harge th� fien plus any �osts and attorneys' fees, or other charges�hat coufd a�crue as a
<br /> �esu�fi a�a#oreclosure or sale under the fien. In any c�ntest, Trustor shai�de�end itself and Lender and shaff satis�y
<br /> any ad�e�se judgment be#ore enfor�ement against the Property. Trustor sha(I name Lender as an additional obligee
<br /> under any surety hond furnished in�he cantes�proceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustar shail upon demand furnish t❑ Lender satis#actory e�idenGe flf payment o�the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authorize the appropr�ate go�ernmental v���cia� to deii�er to Lender at any time a written
<br /> s�atement af the taxes and assessments against the Property.
<br /> Notice vf�onstruction. Trustor shall nati�y Lender at leas� fi#teen ��5� days before any work is commenced, any
<br /> s�r�ices are furnished, or any materiafs ar� suppiied ta �he Property, i�any mechanic's fien, ma'�erialmen's lien, or
<br /> ❑�her lien couid be asser#ed vn account vf the wark, ser�ices, or materials. Trusto� wi�� upon reques� �f Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfac�ory to Lender that Trustor can and wifi pay the cost af such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMACE INSURANCE. The �ollowing pro�isions rela#ing to insuring �he Property are a part of this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Nta�ntenartce o� Insuran�e. Trustt�r sha�i procure and mainta�n policies af fire insurance with standard extend�d
<br /> co�erage endorsemen�s on a replacement #�asis for �he fu�� insurab�e �a�ue co�ering all Impro�ements ❑n �he Real
<br /> Property in an amount sufficient to a�oid applicat'ron of any coinsurance ��ause, and with a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clause in �Fa�or o�Lender. Trus�or shall also procure and maintain comprehens€�e gen��a� liabi�ity insurance in such
<br /> co�erage am�unts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additiona� insureds in such
<br /> fiability insurance policies. Additianally, Trustor shall maintain such other insuran�e, �ncfud�ng but not limi�ed to
<br />