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t <br /> s'�` <br /> 2� 1 ����34 <br /> BQRR�WER��VENANTS that Barrower is lawfully s�is�d of the estat�her�by canvey�d and has the righ�ta <br /> grant and con�ey �he Propert� and that the Praperty is unen�umbered, �xcept for en�umbran��s of rec�rd, <br /> Borrovver vvarrants and u��ll defend generally the title ta the Prflperty agains� a�� ��aims and demands, subje��to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SE�URITY INSTRU�ENT c�mbines un�form co�enant� fflr natiana�use an�non-unifflrm covenan�s with <br /> � �imited var�at��ns by�ur�sd�c��on to c�ns�itu�e a un�farm security �nstrument covering rea� pr�perty. <br /> Unifo�m C�venants. Borrower and Lender Covenant and agree as fo�iows: <br /> 1. Payment vf Princ�pal, Inter�st, Escraw �tems, Pr�payment �narg�s, and Late Charges. Borrow�r <br /> shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, �he debt evidenced���he Nate and any prepay�x�.ent <br /> Charges and�ate charges due under the Note. Borrou�er shall also pay funds for E�crav� �tem�pursuant to <br /> �ectinn 3. Payments due under th�Note and th�s�ecuri�y �nstrument sha1�be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Hovvev�r, if any check or other�nstrument rece�ved b�r Lender as paymen�under the Not�or th�� �ecurity <br /> �nstrument is return�d to Lend�r unpaid, Lender ma� require that any or ai� subsequent payments due under <br /> �he Nat�and�hzs S��ur�ty �nstrum�nt be made �n one or more�f the fallow�ng farms, as se�ected by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; tb} maney ord�r; ��}certzf�d ch�Gk, bank check, �reasurer's check or cashz�r's ch�ck, pra�ided any <br /> Su�h check is drawn upon an institution whose d�posits are�nsured by a federa� agency, instrumen�al��y, �r <br /> entity; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece��ed by Lender when received at �h�location designated in the No�e or a�such <br /> o�h�r l�cation as rnay be desi�nate�by Lender�n accardan��with th�notice pravisians in Sec�ion 15. <br /> Lender ma� re�urn any payment or par��a� pa�ment �f the payment ar part�a�payments ar�insuffic�ent�o <br /> bring the Laan curren�. Lender ma� accep�an�paynlen�or partia�pa��n�nt insuff�c�ent tn�r�n� the Loan <br /> current, �vithout waiver��'any rights hereunder ar prejudic�to its rights ta refu��such payment�r par��a� <br /> payments in the future, but Lender�s no�obliga�ted to apply such payments at the�ime such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Periodic Paym�nt is applied as of its sch�duled due date, then Lender need not pay in�erest <br /> on unapp��ed funds. Lender may ho�d such unapp��ed funds un�il Borrower makes payments to brin� th� <br /> Loan curren�, �f Borrovver does nat da so with�n a reasonab�e per�od of��me, Lender shall either apply such <br /> fund��r return them�o Barro�ver, If n�t app�ied earlier, su�h funds will be app��ed�fl the ou�s�anding <br /> principa�ba�ance under�h�Note immediately pr�nr to foreciosure. Na offse�or claim wh�ch Borrower might <br /> have naw or in the future aga�nst Lender sha�l r�l�eve Borrnw�r from making payrnents du�und�r�he No�e <br /> and�his Security Instrum�nt or perfflrm�ng the co�enants and a�re�men�s secured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrument. <br /> �. Applicativ� of PaymentS or Praceeds. Except as atherwise described in this Sect�on�, a�i payments <br /> acC�pt�d and applied b�r Lender sha���e app��ed ��.the fal�ow�ng ar�er af pr�ority: ta) in��r�st du�under th� <br /> No�e; �b}princ�pal due under the Nflte; �c} am�unts due under SeG��on 3. Su�h paym�nts shail b�appl�ed to <br /> each Periodi� Payment in�he order in v�hich it became due. Any rema�ning amaunts sha�� be app��e� f�rs� t� <br /> Iate charges, seCond to any�ther amoun�s du�under this Security Instrument, and then to reduc��he <br /> principai ba�ance flf the Nate. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment frorr�g�rrawer far a delinquen� Perifld�c Paymen�wh��h �ncludes a suffic��nt <br /> amaunt to pay any late charge due, the paymen�may be applied to the de�inquent paynzent and�he�a�e <br /> charge. If more than�n�Periodic Payment is outs�anding, Lender may apply any payment received from <br /> Borrower ta the repaymen�af�he Periad�c Payments if, ar�d to the ex�ent tha�, �ach payment can be pa�d in <br /> fu��. To the��tent that any excess ex�s�s a��er the paymen��s applied to�he fu�l payment of one ar more <br /> Periodic Payments, such excess may�e app�ied�o any�ate charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be <br /> applied first to any prepayment charges ar�d then as d�scrib�d in the Nate. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingi��amily-F�nnie MaelFreddie M�c UNI��ftM INSTRUM�NT Form 3428�141 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�Z 413421 <br /> Wvl€ers Kluwer�inar�cial 5�r�ices Page 4 of 7 7 <br />