<br />A. This Deed of Trust is made by and among:
<br />1. 1803, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, located at 17750 Burt Street, Omaha, Nebraska
<br />68118 ( "Borrower ");
<br />2. Ally Bank (Ally Capital in Hawaii, Mississippi, Montana and New Jersey), located at 6985 Union Park
<br />Center, Suite 435, Midvale, Salt Lake County, Utah 84047 ( "Bank "); and
<br />3. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, located at 400 Second Avenue
<br />South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 ( "Trustee ").
<br />B. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,
<br />Borrower grants, conveys, bargains, sells, and warrants to Trustee, WITH POWER OF SALE
<br />1. All of Borrower's fee simple right, title, and interest in the property described in attached Exhibit A,
<br />including, without limitation, any and all appurtenances thereto, and any and all buildings, structures,
<br />fixtures, and improvements thereon, whether now or later existing (collectively "Property");
<br />2. Any and all existing and future leases, subleases, and other agreements affecting the use, enjoyment, or
<br />occupancy of the Property, including all extensions, renewals, and/or replacements thereof (collectively
<br />"Leases ");
<br />3. All rents, revenues, profits, and other benefits arising under Leases or relating to the Leases and/or
<br />Property ( "Rents ");
<br />4. All of Borrower's rights under or relating to the Leases, including, without limitation, the rights to:
<br />a. Claim, receive, collect, and pay all Rents payable or receivable under the Leases;
<br />b. Apply such Rents to Borrower's Obligations.
<br />5. Proceeds of the foregoing.
<br />C. This Deed of Trust secures payment and performance of any and all present and future debts, advances,
<br />obligations, and duties that Borrower owes to Bank however arising under, and/or relating to, any and all
<br />loan and fmancing accommodations extended by Bank to Borrower, and includes future advances made by
<br />Beneficiary to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, advances to pay real
<br />property taxes, special assessments, prior liens, hazard insurance premiums and costs of repair, maintenance
<br />and improvements (collectively, the "Obligations ").
<br />1. The Obligations include, without limitation, the real estate loan in the amount of $2,400,000.00 plus
<br />interest and all of Bank's costs and expenses incurred in connection with this loan (collectively "Loan")
<br />evidenced by the Commercial Real Estate Loan and Security Agreement and Promissory Note, dated
<br />September 30, 2016 ( "Loan Agreement "), hereby incorporated by reference into this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. The Loan bears interest in accordance with the Loan Agreement and is due and payable in 119 monthly
<br />installments beginning November 1, 2016.
<br />3. An additional full and final payment of the Loan is due and payable on October 1, 2026.
<br />CHI 67430504v4
<br />2
<br />201606625
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