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2� 1 ���� 12 <br /> �F�� aF T�usT ' <br /> {C�n��nu�d} Page 5 <br /> and election to cause Trustor's intet-esf in�he Property to be sold, which natice Trustee shall cause to be <br /> _ duiy filed for re�ard in�h�appropr��te of-Fices of the Coun�y in whi�h the Property is Iocated; and . <br /> {d} Wi�h respect to a11 or any part vf the Perso�al Prvperty� Lender shall have a�l the righ�s and reme,dies . <br /> of a secured party unde�r the N�braska llni�Form Commercial Cade. <br /> Foreclosure by Pawer of SaIe. If Lender eIects to�oreclose by exercise o��he Power❑f Sale herein containedr <br /> Lender sha�I notifiy Trustee and shalI d�posit wifh Trustee this Deed of T�ust and the Credif Agreemen� and <br /> such re�eipts and e�idence a�expenditures made and secured by this Deed ❑f Trus�as Trustee may require. <br /> fa� �pon receipt of�uch no�ice from Lender,Tt'us�ee shall cause to be recorded, published and delivered <br /> �a Trustor such No�i�e of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by th�s Deed a�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee shal�, without demand on Trustor, aft�� sUch �ime as may then be requ;�-ed t�y �aw and after <br /> recvt�da�ion of such Nati�e af Defaui�and after Natice of 5aie having been given as required by �aw, sejl <br /> the Prvpet�ty at the ��me and pIace of sale �ixed by �t in such No-rice a� Sa�e, ei�her as a wh,ole� or in <br /> separa�e lo�s or parceIs or-items as T�tustee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as i�may determine, <br /> at public auc�ion fo �he hig�es� bidder for cas� �n IawfuI money ❑f�he Unit�d Sta�es paya�Ie at��e time <br /> of saIe. Trusfee shaIl deli�er t❑ such purchaser ❑r purchasers thereo� its goad and suf�icient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the property sa sold, but without any co�enanfi or warranty� express or �mp�ied. The <br /> reci�als in such deed of an� matters �r facts shall be conclusf�e proof of the �ru�hfulness thereof, Any <br /> pers�n, inc�uding wi��out limitatian Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such saIe. <br /> {b} As may be permrt�ed by Iaw� a�fte� deducfiing a�! cos�s, fees and expenses af Trustee and o� this <br /> TCus�, including costs❑f e�idence ot��tle in connectian wi�h saIe,Tr'ustee shall appiy the proceeds o�f saIe <br /> to payment of {i� aII sums expended under th� ter-ms af t�is De�d ❑f Trust or ur�de� th� terms ❑t the <br /> Cr-edi�Agreement not then repaid� including but nvt Iimi�ed to acGrued inter-est and iate C�"1SC9E5� (ii} all <br /> o�het-sums then seaured hereby, and (iiiy the remainder, if anyr ta �he person or persons �ega!!y en�itled <br /> the�-e�to, <br /> �c) Trusfee may in the manner p�o�ided hy iaw pas�pone saje o�all or any portion❑f the Property, <br /> Remedi�s No� Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each �of fhem, shall be enti�Ied �o en�orce paymen� and <br /> performance ❑�any indebtedness ar abligafions secured by this Deed o�Trus�and�o exercise a�� rights and p�w�rs <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Gredit Agr�emen�r under any o�F the Related ❑ocumentsf o� under any ❑ther <br /> agreemen� or- any iaws now ❑r hereafter in for�e; notwi�Chs�anding, some vr all of such indebtedness :and <br /> obliga�ions secur�d by this Deed o�f Trust may nnw or hereafter be o�herwise secured, whe�her by mortgage, deed <br /> of�rus�, pledge� lien, assignment or v�l�erwise. Neithe�the acceptance of this Deed of T�us�nor ifs enfvrcement, <br /> whe�her by caur�t action ot- pu�suant fv �he power of sale or o�her powe�s can�ained in fhis ❑eed of Trus�, shalj <br /> prejudice ❑r in any manner affect Trustee's ar Lende�-'s righ�to reali�e upan or en�or�e any o�h�r seaurity now or <br /> hereafter held by Trusfee ❑r Lender, it being agreed fha�Trustee and Lender��and each of them, sha�� he entitjed to <br /> er�for�e this I�eed of Trust and ar�y other se�urity now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in su�h order and <br /> manner as they o� ei�her of th�m may in �hei� absalut� discretion determine. No rem�dy conferred upon ❑r <br /> reser�ed to Trustee ot� Lender, is intended �o be excIu�i�e of any ❑ther� r�emedy in �his Deed of Tr`ust or by Iaw <br /> pr-o�ided vr permit�ed, bu� each shalE be cumuja�i�e and sha1Z he in additian t❑ e�ery other remedy given in'�his <br /> Deec� o�Trus�ar now ❑r hereaft�r exist'tng at�aw or in equity or by s�a�ute, EW�ry pow�r or remedy g��en by�he <br /> Credi� A�re�ment or any o� the ReIated ❑acumen�s �o Trust�e ❑r Lender ar to which either o� them may be <br /> o�herwise en�itledr may be e�cerGised, �ancu�ren�Iy o� ind�penden�ly, f�om fime �o time and as of�en as may be <br /> deemed expedient b�r Trustee or Lender, and eifher of them may pursue incansis�ent remedies. Nothing in this <br /> ❑eed a�Trust sf�a<< be canstru�d as prohihifing L�nder from seeking a d�ficiency judgm�nt a�ainst th� Trus�ar to <br /> the ex�en�such ac�ion is perm'rt-ted by law. <br /> Election of Remedies. All of Lender`s rights and remedies will be cumuIatzv� and may be exercised aiane or <br /> tage�her, �f Lender decides t❑ spend money ar�o per�arm any of Tru��or`s obligat�ons under fihis L]eed of Trust, <br /> af�er Trus�or's faiIure �❑ da sa, that decisia� by Lender wi�l not affect Lender's right t❑ declare Trustor in default <br /> and�o exe�-cise Lender's remedi��. � � <br /> Request for Notice. Trustor, on behalf af Trustor and Lenderr hereby t-equests�hat a evpy of any Notice af Defauit <br /> and a Gopy of any Nofiice af Sale under�hi� ❑eed of Tr'ust be mailed to�hem at the addresses set farth in the,first <br /> parag�raph ❑f this �eed of Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender ins�itufes any suit ot- a�fion to enfarce any of the �erms a� this Deed a�F <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entit�ed t� reco�et�suc�sum as the caurt may adjudge reasonabte as attarneys' �ess at�rial <br /> and upon any appeai. Whe�her ❑� not any �ourt ac�ian i� in�oi�ed, and t❑ the extent not prohibited by Iaw� a1I <br /> reasona�le expenses Lende� in�urs that in Lender's apinion are necessary a� any t�me far rth� p�afection ot its <br /> in�erest or�he enfor�cement of i�s rights shalf �ecome a part of�he ind�btedness payable on demand and shaII bear <br /> inferes� at �he �redit a�lgreemen� rate fram the date o� fihe expenditure un�if repaid. Expenses co�ered by ��is <br /> paragraph include, wi�hout limitation, however subjec�t❑ any limi�s under appl�cabie law, Lender�`s attorne.ys' fees <br /> and Lend�r's legai expenses{ whethe�- or not �here is a Iawsui�, inc�uding atrorneys' �ees and expenses �or <br /> bankrup�cy proceedings {including efforts to modify or�acate any au�oma�i� stay or injuncti�n�, appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated p�s��judgment �o�I�ctian services. fhe casf ❑f sear�hing �ecords, ob�aining �ifle repvrts {including <br /> fa�eclnsur� repor�s}r surveyors` reports� and apprai�a� fees� ti�Ie insurance, and �ees for�he Trus�ee, to th� extent <br /> permitted by applicable law. Trustor als❑wii! pay any court cas�s, in addi��an tv al!ather sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Righrt� of Trus�ee. Trustee shal� ha�e aII af fh� r�gh�s and duties ❑�Lender as se�forth in th�s sectson. <br /> P�WERS AND OgL1GAT[QNS �F TRU�TEE. The foliowing provis�ans reiating �o the pow�rs and ❑bIigatians of Trus�ee <br /> are part❑f thxs ❑�ed o�Trust: � <br /> Pvwers af Trustee. !n additian t� ajj powers of Trustee arising as a matter❑f Iawr Trustee shaff have t�e pawer to <br /> �ake�he faIIowing a��ions w�th respect t❑the Prop�rty upon the written request o�Lend�r and Trustor: {a} jain in <br /> prepar'rng and filing a map or plat of fhe Rea� Praperty, including �he dedreafion ❑f s���e�s or ❑�her righ�s to'the <br /> pubj�c; �b} join in granting any easement or creating any res#riction on fhe Rea! Pr�perty; and �c� join in;any <br /> subordination❑r other agreement affecting this ❑eed of Trust or the interest of Lender under this �eed❑f Trust: <br /> Trus�ee. Tt�us�ee shajI meet all quaIifiGa�ions required tor Trusfee under appiicabje Iaw. �n additro� to the r'igh�s <br /> and remedies set forth abn�e, with respec�ta aj� vr any part o��he Praperty, the Trustee shali ha�e the right�a <br /> forec�ase by na�ice and sale, and Lender wiif ha�e t�e rig�t #o foreclose �y judi�ial fo�ec�osure� in ei�he�r �ase in <br /> accardance with and ta the�ull ex�ent pro�ided by applicable law. . <br /> Successvr Trustee. Lender� at Lender=s option� may from t�me to�ime appaint a successo�Trus�ee to any Trustee <br /> appa�n�ed under this ❑e�d ❑�Trust by an ins�r�rmen� executed and acknow�ed�ed by Lender and recorded in�the <br /> office ❑� the recarder ❑� Hall Caunty, Sta�ke of Nebraska. The insfrumen� shai� contain, in addi�ion �o ail other <br /> matt�rs required by s�a�e Iaw, th� names of the originai Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�or� th� book and page �or <br /> computer sys�em reference} where �h'rs Deed of Trust is recorded� and �he name and address ❑f the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrument�hat! be ex�cu�ed and ackn�wledged by a��the bene�iGiaries under this Deed of Trus�or <br /> their successors in interest. The successo�trus�ee, wi�hvut can�eyance ❑�the Property, shai� succeed to all the <br /> �i�le, power, and duties conferred upon the Trus�ee in this Deed of Trus�and by applicabie raw. This procedure for <br /> subs�i�u�ion of Trusfee sha�� go�ern t❑the exclusion of all other-pro�isions fo�subs�itution. <br />