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2� 1 ���� 12 <br /> DEFD �F TF��JST <br /> ; ��ont�nued} Page � <br /> Environmental Laws. Trustor authvrizes Lende� and its agen�s �o enter upon the Prvperty �o make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Tr-ustor'� expense, as Lend�r may deam approp�ia�e to determine compliance of the <br /> Property with thss section o�the Deed af Trus�. Any inspections or tests ma�e by Lender shail be for Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shaII not be cons�rued to c�eate any responsibility or liab�Iity on�he part of Lender�o Trustor o�- <br /> �❑ any other person. The representa�ions and warranties contained herein are based an Trustar's due dl�igence in <br /> investigating the Pr�perty �or Haza�dous 5ubs�ance�. Trus�vr hereby �1} releases and wai�es any future cla�ms <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trusto� becomes liabl�for cleanup or other� costs under <br /> ; any such Iaws� and ��} agrees�o indemni�y', defend, and hofd harmless Lender against any and a[! claims, Iasses, <br /> � Iiabil�ties, damages� penal�ies.and expenses which Lender may directly o�indirec�Iy sustain or sufFer re$uIting fram <br /> � a hreach of this sec�ion of the Deed ❑f Tru�t�r as a consequence o-F any uset generation� manu�acture, storage, <br /> disposal, r�eIease or�hreaten�d reIease ❑ccurring prior�❑Trustor's owner�hip or-interest in�he Properry, whe�he�or <br /> nat�he same was or should ha�e been known to Trustar. The provisions o�this sec�ion of th� Deed o�Trust, <br /> �ncIuding�he obllgation�v indemnify and defend,shail survive the payment of the lnde�tedness and�he satis�action <br /> and reconveyance of�he Iien of this ❑eed of Trus�and s�all not be aff�cted by Lender's acquisitton nf any inferest <br /> in the Praperty, whether by for�cIosure or ofiherwise. <br /> : Nuisance� Waste. Trustor sha!! nat cause, conduct vr permit any nuisance nnr commit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping ❑� or waste vn or�o the Property �t' any portion ofi the Properry. Withou� limiting the generaiity ❑f the <br /> � �oregoing, Trus�vr will not remo�er or grant to any o�her par�y�he right t❑ remove, any timbe�� mineraIs �in�Iuding <br /> ; aiI and gas}r coaI, cIay�SCQrI�r soil� gra�el o.r ro�k products wi�hou�Lender's prior v�ritten cansen�. <br /> � f�emo�a[ of Improvements. Trustor shall not demo�ish or remave any Impro�ements fram the f�ea� Property withau� <br /> . Lender's prior written �vnsent. As a condition to the �remv�al vf any Impra�ements, Lender may require Trustor��o <br /> make arrangements satisfac�ory to Lender t❑ �epla�e suah impro�emen�s rnrith lmpro��ments of at Ieas� equal <br /> uaf ue. � <br /> : Lender's Rsght to Enter. Lender and Lender's �gsnts and representati��s may en�er upon the Reai Property a� a1� <br /> � reasonable times ta a�ttend to Lender's interests and to �nspec� the Real Praperty �ar purposes ❑f Trustor's <br /> ; �ampliance with th�terms and condi�ions af this Dsed a�Trust. � <br /> ; Com���ance with Covernmenta[ Requirements. Trusto� sha�� p�ompt�y comp�y with aII jawsr ordinanc�s, and <br /> � regu[ations� nar�v or hereafter in effec�, a� a[[ governmental authorities app�icable �v �he use or o�cupancy of�he <br /> ; Prap�rty. Tr-ustor may contest in good faith any such Iavii, o�rdinance, or regu�at�on and withhofd complia�ce during <br /> any pro�eeding, inGluding appr�opriate appeaIs� so Iang as Trustor has nvtified Lender 'in wri�rng prior t❑ doing �o <br /> � and so Song as, in Lender's sole opinian� Lender's interests in the P�operty are nvt jeopardi�ed. Lender may requ�re <br /> ; Tru�tvr to pvst adequate security❑r a surety bond, reasonably sa��sfacto�y-to Lender,to protect Lender's interest. <br /> � <br /> ' ❑uty to Protect. Trus�or agrees nei�her-�o abandon or I�ave unatrtended the Properry. Trust�r shall da a�I othe� <br /> r acts, in addition to those ac�s set farth abvve in this section, wh�ch from the character and use flf the Properry a�e <br /> reasonably necessary to pro�ect and presenre the Property. <br /> ❑UE qll[�ALE- G��VSENT 6Y LE�VDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, declare immediate[y due and payahle all sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed of Trusf upon the sale ar trans�e�-, with�ut Lende�'s prior wri�tten cansen�, of a!I or any par�af the <br /> R�ai Property, ❑r any in#eres�in�he�eal P�-operty. A "saie or t�-ansfer" means the con�eyance of ReaI Prvperty or any <br /> right, tifile ❑r interes� in the ReaC Property; whether legal� beneficial ❑r equi�able; whether volun�ary or in�alun�ary; <br /> whether hy outright sa1e, deed, instailment saIe contraGt, �and cont�-a�t, contract for deed, Ieasehold interest with a <br /> term grea�er than three �3] years, Iease-aptian contract, or by saIe, assignrnent, o�transt�r�t any b�nefi�ial interest in <br /> ❑r to any land trust hvlding tit(e to the Real Proper-�y, or by any other method af can�eyance of an interest in �the Rea! <br /> Proper�y. However, this op�ian shall nvt �e exerGised by Lender it such ex�rcise is prohibited hy fede�aI law �r by <br /> Ne�arask� Iaw. <br /> TAXES AND L1EN5. The follawing pro�isi�ns �elating �o the taxes and liens an the P�nperty are part o�this Deed o�F <br /> Trusf: <br /> Payment. Trus�or shall pay rrvhen due �and in ail e�ents priar t❑ de�inquency] aII taxes, speciat taxesr assessments, <br /> charges �including wa�er and s�wer}, tines and impasitions �e�ied against a�on account at the Prnpe�y, and sha�� <br /> pay when du� aIl cfaims for work done on or for se�v'i�es rendered or- material furnished to the Praperty. Trus�ar <br /> shai! maintain the Praperty�F�ee vf a!! liens ha�ing p�iority❑ver or equal to the interest❑f Lender under this ❑eed of <br /> 7'rust, except fo� �he Iien ❑f taxes and assessment� not due, except for the Existing Ind�btedne�s referred ta <br /> belvw,and excep�as❑therwise provided in�his Deed ofi Trust. <br /> Right t� Gont�st. Trustor may withhald paymen�of an�taxr assessmen�, or cIaim in connec�ion with a gaod faith <br /> di�pute o�er the ab�igatian ta pay, so iong as Lender's in�erest in the Praperty is no�jeapardized. I�a lien arises a� <br /> � is fiied as a result o�r nonpayment, Trustor sha�f within fifteen �'I5} days a�-ter the iien arises or, i� a ]ien is �i�ed� <br /> within �ifteen {15) days after Trusto� has no�ice of the �iiing� secur� the dis�harge of the Iien� or if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lenc��r cash or a suffiGien�co�-para�e surety bvnd or other security satisfac�ory to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient ta discharg��he ji�n pIus any cos�s and attorneys` fees, or othe�charges that�ould a�crue as a <br /> . result afi a fare�lvsure or saIe under the �ien. In any contest,Trustvr sh�II detend 'rtseIf and Lender and shaii satisfy <br /> any ad�erse�udgmen�befvre en�vrcement against�he Prvp�rty. Trustar sha!! name Lender as an additional obIigee <br /> � unde�-any su�ety band fiurnished in�he �on�est praceedings, <br /> , Evidance af Payment. Trus�or shalj upvn demand turnish to Lender satisfac�ary e�idence �f payment o�r th�taxes <br /> vr assessments and sha�! authorize the appropriate go�ernmentaI o�fficia��a deli�er ta Lender a�any�ime a written <br /> 1 statemen�o�the taxes and assessments against the Proper�y. <br /> � �Catice af Cons#ru�tion. T�ustar sha[I notRfy Lender at �east�i#teen ��5} days be#ore any work is �ornm�nced, any <br /> ser-�ices are�urnished, ❑r any materials are supplied t❑fhe Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, ar <br /> other Iien cvuld be asserted an accoun� ot the work, ser-�ices, or materials and the cost ex�eeds $�r00�,4D. <br /> Trustor will upon request of Lender-Furnish f❑ L�nder�ad�ance assurances satis�ac�ot-y to Lender�hat Trustar can <br /> ; and w��� pay the �ost of such impro�ements. <br /> PRaPERTY DAMAGE 1NSURANGE. The�FoiIowing pro�isian� reIating to insuring th� Property are a part o�this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Tryst. <br /> � Maintenance vf lnsurance. Trustvr shalI procure and maintain policies ot�ire insurance with s�andard extended <br /> cv�erage endvrsements �n a replacement basis for the fuII insu�able value �o�rer-ing all im�ro�emen�s on the ReaI <br /> � Property in an amount sufficient tn avo�d applica�ion ❑f any coinsur�nce c�ause� and with a s�andard mor�gagee <br /> clause in fa�or❑f Lender, tage�her wi�h such other ha�ar�d and liability insurance as Lender may r�asonab�y require. <br /> Policies shat! be written in fo�m, amounts, coverages and basi� reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> company or companies reasanably acceptab[e to L�nder. Yrustor. upan r�ques� of Lender, will deliver t❑ Lender <br /> �From time�o time the p��icies or cerrti�ica�es of insurance in��rm satis�ac�ory to Lender{ inc�uding stipulations that <br /> covera�es wilf not be cancell�d ❑r diminished without at ieaSt thirty {3�} days privt-writken notice to Lender. Each <br /> i insu�-ance policy als❑ sha21 inc�ude an endo�-sement providing �ha� cv�erage in �a�or v� Lender wiII not b� impaired <br /> in any way by any a��� vmission �r detault�f Trusto�-❑r any o�her person. 5hauld�he ReaI Property be located in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Administrator of the Federal Eme�gency Manag�men�AgenGy�as a �peciai flood �azard <br /> , a�-ea, Trustor agrees �o obtain and main�ain Federa� Flood Snsurance, i� a�ai�ab�e, �or the maximum amount o� <br /> Trus�or's credit iine and the�u�� unpaid prinaipal baIance a�any priar liens vn the property secur-ing �the loan, up�o <br /> � <br />