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2� 1 ���541 <br /> Trar�sfer of th�Prvper�y�r a B�mefi����In�eres�i.n BQrr���ver.�f a�l or an�par�of the Proper�y ar any in�erest <br /> in it is sald or transferred �or if a benef�ia� in�eres� �n Borrov�er is so�d or transferred and BQrrower i� not a <br /> na�ura� persfln� urithout Lender's prior wr�t�en consen�, I�endcr may, a� �ts option, require zmmed�a�e �ayr�ent in <br /> fuZ� �f a�� sums secured by this 5ecurity Instru�nen�. Ho�ve�rer, �h�s aptia�n shal� not be exerc�sed by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federa�law as af the da�e of this Securi�Instrume,n�. <br /> �f L�nder exerc�ses this aptian, Lender sha11 gi�re Borrov�rer no�ic� af a�celeration. The nati�e shall pr�vide a <br /> period of n�� Iess �han the minimum r�umber of days estab�ished b�App�icab�e Law fr�m the date th� n�tice is <br /> de�i�ered or mailed within vvhich Borra�er mu�� pay al� surns secured by �h�s Securi�r Yns�rument. �f Borravt�er <br /> fax�s ta pay these �ums priar to �he expiratxan a��th�s perrod, Lender may invoke any remedzes pern�.it�ed by this <br /> 5 e cur�ty�ns�rument wi_thout furth�r na�zce�r demand an B o�-ower. <br /> Bvrroyver's Right to Reinstate. Zf Sflrro�rver meets certa�n condi�ians, ]3orrovtrer sh�.Il have the righ� to have <br /> e�f�rcement�f�this 5�cur�ty�ns�rument dxsc�nti�ued at any time pr��r ta the earlier�f: �a} S �ays ��r sucll �ther <br /> period as Applicable Law may sp�cify for re�nstatement}befaz e sa�e af�he Property pursuan�ta any po�ver of sa�e <br /> contained in this 5ecurity �nstrument; or �b} en�ry af a ju�lgmen� enfor��r�g this S�curity �nstrumen�. Th�se <br /> conditions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Ler�der al� sums vvhich then vsrould be due under this Security�ns�rument <br /> and�h��ontrac�as�f no acce�eratian ha�occurred; �b}cures any defaul�af�any o�her co�enants or agre�me�.7ts; �c� <br /> pays aI�expenses incurred in enfnrcing th�s Sectu��y Instrumen�,�nclud�ng,�but nat lzmi�ed to,reasanable attorney�' <br /> fees to the exten�permitted by�aw; and �d� take� such actian as Ler�der may reasonably requir�ta�hat�he <br /> �xen of�us Se�urity Ins�rurnent,Lender's rigkits in�he Prtiperty and�orravt��er's ob�igatian to pa�the sur�s secured <br /> by this Secur��y�ns�rumen� sha�l cantinue �nchanged. Upari reinsta�emen�by Borrov�er, �his Securiry �nstrument <br /> and the obligat�ons secured hereby sha�� remazn ful�y effec�iv� as if no ac�elera�ion had accurred. Howev�r, this <br /> right t�reinsta�e sha��not appXy in the case af accelera�i�n unc�er the sect�n�1 titled Tran�fer of the�'roper�.y or a <br /> Ben�fi�ial Interest Yn Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrativer sha��not cau�e or permi��he pre��nce,�zse, dispasal, starag�, or release of any <br /> Hazardflus Substances on or�n�he Prflperry.Borrower shall nQ�do,�nor a��ov►r anyane e�se�o da,anyth�ng affectxng <br /> �he Pr�perty �ha� is in vialatifln �f any En�zranme�.tal La�v. The preceding two senten�es sha�� n�� app�y to the <br /> pres�nce,use,or s�flrage on�he Praper�y of�ma���uantit�es of Hazardous 5ubsta.nces tha�are g�nera��y recagni�ed <br /> �o be appropria�e to n�rma�resi�.ential uses and��maintenanc�of th.�Property. <br /> Borrower sha�1 prompt��g�ve Lender wr���en no�ice of any�nv�s�igat�on,c���xm, demand, �avvsu�t or other ac�:ian b� <br /> any governmen�al or regu�a�ary agency or priva�� par�y i�vol�ing the Pra��erty and an�r Hazar�ious Subs�a.nce or <br /> Environmental Lavv of v�rhi�h Barrovver has actua� kno,wl�dge. �f Bo�-ro�wer l�arns, nr i� r�o�if�� by any <br /> gavernmental ar regulatary au�hari�y,that any remova�or other rem�dia��on of any Hazardous �ubs�anc�affec�ing <br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, Borrower sha�l�y take a�l nec�ssary remed�a� ac�ions in accordance �th <br /> Envzronmen�a,l Law. <br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardaus 5ubstanc�s" are those �ubstar�ces d�:f ned as t�xi� �r ha�ard�us �ubstances <br /> by Environmen�al La,w and �he fol�ovvxng substances: gaso�ine, kerQsene, other flammable �r ��xic pe�-oleum <br /> products, tax�c pes�icrdes and herbicid�s, vo�atz�e s��vents, rnaterials con�taining asbestos or f�rmald�hy�e, and <br /> radioac�ive materia�s.As used in�hxs paragraph, �'Env�r�nmenta�Lavv" zx�eans fed�ral Ia�vs and laWs of��e s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that relate tfl heal�h,safety or env�ronmen�al pro�ection. <br /> Acce��rat�on; l�emedie5. Lender sha�� give notice t� Bflrrow�r pr�or to acce�erafion fol�awing B�rr�wer's <br /> breach of any��v�nant�r agre�ment�n�hi� Sec�rity Instrumen��r th�e��ntract und�r vvh�ch�c���erat�on <br /> �s p�rmxtted �but not prior�o acce�eration under the sect��n ��tl�d Transfer of the Proper�y ur a IBene�c�al <br /> Interest Yn Borrower, uriless Appiicable L�wv�pr�v�d�s v�h�rwis��. Th� not�ce 5ha�� spec�f�: �a� the d�fauZt; <br /> �b� �hQ actio� requ�red tfl �ure the default; �c} a da�e� r�v� Iess ���an �he m�nimum number of days <br /> esta�lished by App�icab�e Lav�from�he�ate th�n�tice is given �o Bor:r�wer,by wh�ch th�defau��r�ust be <br /> cured; and (d� that failure to cure the defau�t on ar befo,re �he date f�pec��ed �n the not�ce may re�ult xn <br /> acce�eration of �he 5ums secured by this Se�ur��y Instrument and ��a�e of the Prvpert�. To the extent <br /> per�utted by�a�w, �he notice sha��further infarm Borro�vv�r of th� rig��t�v re�ns�ate after accel�r����n and <br /> fhe right ta bring a court actxon to assert th�x�on-existence of a de�au�t�r any o�he�defen�e of Bvrro�vver to <br /> acceleratiQn and sale. If the def�u�.��� n�t c�r�d �n or before th� date sp���f�ed in the no�ice,Le�de�at its <br /> vp�ion may require immediate payment in ful� of a�l 5u�s se��red ��y thi� Secur�ty Instrument w��hout <br /> further demand and may invoke the povver ��sale and a�� �th�r rern�edies pernut�ed by Appl�cab�� Law. <br /> Ta the exten� �ermitted by IaYv, Lender shall be ent�tled to �o��ect a�l �xpenses incurred �n pursui�g the <br /> r�m�d�es provided�n th��Sec�i�n, in��uding,�ut not�.inuted to,r�a�� a�torneys' fees and�os�s�f�itle <br /> e�i.dence. <br /> If the power of sa�e�s invoked, Trustee shall record a noti�e �f d.�fau���n each cvunty in�vh�ch any�art of <br /> the Prtiperty�s loca�ed ax�d shall ma�� co�ie� of su�h no��ce in the manr.�er prescribed by Appiic�b��Law ta <br /> Borrflwer and to the other pers�ns pres�ribed by App�icabie La�vv, A�"ter the �ime requir�d �y A.pplicable <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� giv� publi� notice uf sa�� �o the persv�s anc� �n the manner prescribed by App��Cable <br /> Law. Trustee,�v�thout d�mand �n Borrowe�, sha��s��i the Prop�rty a�publiC auc�i�n tfl the hig��st�b�dder <br /> at�he t�me and p�ace and�nder the t�rr�s d�signated in the no�ie��f sa.le�n anQ ar�nare p�rce�s and�n any <br /> order TruS�e� determines. Trustee may p�stpone sa�e a:� �ll �r any� parcel. af the Property by �uhli� <br /> announcement at the tirne and p�ace af any pr�vi�uSl.y sch�duled s��e.T�ender vr it�desxgnee may pux��hase <br /> th e Pr�per�y at any s a�.e. <br /> U�on receipt of payment �f the price b�d, Trus�ee shall deliver to the��urchaser Trustee'� de��I �on�eying <br /> the Pr�perty. The re��.ta�s in the T'rus�ee's deed shall be pr�ma f�cie e,v:idence of the truth of the s�atemen�s <br /> 0 24fl4-2�15�vm��iance Systems,Fn�.CBEB-D94F-2015,1 Z.2.11 t 2 <br /> Consumer Reat Estate�-SeG�r��y Instrument DL2D35 Page 4 vf 5 www.compli� <br />