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2� 1 ���541 <br /> Payrnent af Prin��pal and Interest; �ther Ch�rges.Borrower shall promptly pay vvh�n due the principal af and <br /> �nt�r�s�on the debt avved under the Cantrac�and la�e�harges�r any vther f�es and charges due under�h���n�rac�. <br /> Ap�alicab�e I�aw, As used in this Secur�ty �nstrurn.en�, �he term i4Applicable La�v" shall mean a�l c�n�rol�ing <br /> appl�cable federal, s�a�e and �ocal sta.tu�es, regulati�ns, ordi.n�.nces �r�d adrn�nis�rative rules and arders �that have <br /> the effect of lav�r) as�ell as aIl app�icable f�nal,n�n-appealable judicial opin�ans. <br /> �harg�5; Li�ens. Bflrra��r shal� pay al� tax�s, assessments, �harg�s, �nes and imp�s�t�ons attrib�table ta �he <br /> P�t�per�y v�rhich may a�ta�n pr�or�ty�ver�his 5�c�.ri�y Yr�stirumen�, and�easeh�ld paym�nts or ground rents, �f any. <br /> A�the requ�s�af Lender,Borro�ver shal�pramp��y furnish��Lender�eceip�s ev�dencing�he pay�n�n�s. <br /> B�rro�wer shall prompt�y discharge an��ien wh�ch has priori�over�h.�s S�:cur�ty�nstrument ur�.less Borrn��er: �a� <br /> agrees in writing �o the payment of the abligatinn secured �y �he �ien i:n a manner a�ceptab�e �� Lender; �b� <br /> con��sts �n go�d fa�th �h� Iien by, �r defends aga�nst enforcement �f t.�ie :lien in, legaT praceedings which in �he <br /> Lender's opini�n op�rate �o prevent �he enf�rc�ment �f�h� ��en; o� �c} s�ecures fram the hol�.er ❑f�ie �ien an <br /> agreemen�sa��sfactory�o Lender subordinating the �ien to thz�, Security�ns�rumen�. �f Lender de�ermines tha� any <br /> part of the Property is subject ta a lien vvh�ch may attain pri�rity o�er this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, �ender may g�ve <br /> Borrower a no�ice �den�ifying the lien. �3�rrov�er sha�� sa�isfy�h� lien or�a�e one or more of the ac�ions se�for�h <br /> abave within 1�days of�he g�v�ng of not�ce. <br /> Hazard or Property Insuran�e. Bar-ro�rer sha��keep �he impravements now existing or her�af�er erec�ed on the <br /> Property�nsured against loss by f re,hazards�nc�uded wi�hin��e term"extended c�verage" and any other hazards, <br /> znc�uding floods �r fl�, for vvhi�h Lender requires �nsuranc�. This insuranc� shall be ma�ntazned xn �he <br /> amotua.ts and for the periods�hat Lender requires. The insu.rance carrner pro�viding the in�urance shall be chflsen by <br /> Borrativer subj ect t� Lender's appr�val �vhich shall no� be unreas�nabl� v►�ithheld. If�orrower fai�s �o n�aintazn <br /> coverage described abo�e, Ler�der may, at Lender's opt�on, ob�ain c��erage �a prat�ct Lender's righ�s in the <br /> Praper�y�n acc�rdance�vith section�itled Pr�tection of Lend�r'�Ri�ht�in the Proper�y. <br /> All insuran�� pol�czes and renev�rals sha1� be accep�able �o Lender and sha�� xn�lude a standard mor�gage �Iause. <br /> Lender sha�1 have�he righ�t�ho�d the policies a�d renetivals. �f Lender reguires, Borro�er shal�promp�ly g�ve to <br /> Lender a�l rece�pts of pa�d premiu�ns and renevtral natx�es. �n the ev�nt�f��D55, Borr�tiver sha��gxve proXnp�not�ce <br /> to the insuran�e carr�er and Lend�r.Lender ma�make proof of�ass if no�made pramptly by B�rrov�rer. <br /> Unless �ender and BorrovtTer othervvise agre� in �uriti�g, �nsuranc� prac�:�ds shall be applied �o res�orati�n or <br /> repazr af the Praper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole dtscretion, �he �es�flra�zon or repair is e�onomicalXy f�asib�e <br /> and �,ender's securit� �s not lessened. If, in L�nder's s��e disc_re�ion, the res�vration or repatr�� nat ecQnomica�ly <br /> feasib�e or Lender's securi�y wouXd be�essened,�he�nsurance pr�ce�ds shal�be appX�ed to the sums secure��y thxs <br /> Securi� Ins�rumerit, whe�h�r or not then du�, Wrth any excess paid �o Borrower. If Bflrro i�ver abandons �he <br /> Proper�y, or does nat answer�ith�n�he�.uarx�ber of days prescribed b�Appl��cable Lavv as se�for�h in a n�tice from <br /> Lender�o Borrower that�he insurance carrier ha� offered�o s�ttle a claim, �hen Lender may collect the insurance <br /> proc�eds. Lender may use �he proceeds to repair or restore �he Property �:r to pay�u.m� secured b�this 5�curity <br /> �ns�rument,whe�her or not then due.The periad af�zme for Ba�roWer�o ansvver a�set for�i in�he n��zce�vi�l begin <br /> �rhen�he nati�e is g�ven. <br /> Unless Len�er and Borrourer otherwise agr�e �n writing, any app�ica�i��af proc�eds�o prin�ipal sha�l nat�xtend <br /> or postpone the due da�e �f the paymen�s due ur��.er the Con�r�.c�ar chang�.the amaunt of the payments. �f under <br /> �he sectian�i�led Acee�erativn; Remedies� th�Property is acquir��by Ler.�der, Borrower's r�gh�to any zns�urance <br /> po�icies and praceeds resu��zng from damage �o �he Property pr�or t� the �.cqu�s���nn sha11 pass to Lender �a the <br /> extent of the sums secured by�hrs Security�nstrument immecliately przar ta 1:he acquisit�an. <br /> Preservation, �I�Iaintenanc� and Protec��on of �he Praperty; B�rravver's Lflan A.pplicat��n; L�aseho�ds. <br /> Borr��rer sha��not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allauT the Prop�rty�o de�eriora�e, or commx��v�.st� on <br /> the Fraper�y. Borravver shal�be in default if any f�rfeiture action or praceeding,vvhe�her civil or crim�nal,�s begun <br /> that �n L�nder's good fai�h judgment could result�n f�rfe��u�-e of the Pr�p�,rty�r othervv�se rna�er�a���impair �he <br /> lien created by �his Securi�y Instrument ar Ler�der`s security in�er�st. B��rrQwer may cure such a defau�t and <br /> reinsta�e, as provided in sec�ion�itled�orro�v�r�s l�igh� to Reinsfa�e, by causing the action or proceedzng�o be <br /> disrnissed W�th a ruling tha�,in Lender's good faxth determinat�on,pre�Iudes farfeiture�f�he Borrower's ir�terest�n <br /> �he Proper�y or o�her mat�rial impairmen� of the lien created by t�zs Se��uri�ty Instrument ar Lender'� secur��y <br /> in�erest.Barro�vsrer sha��a�sa be in default if Borrc�tiver,during�he loan appli�atiQn pr�cess,gave mat�rial�y false ar <br /> inaccurate �nf�rmation or s�a.tements to Lender �ar failed to provide Lender vv�th any mater�a� �nf�rrma�i�n� �n <br /> connec���n with the ��an eviden�ed by the �on�ract. �f�h�s 5e�urit��ns�rum�n�is �n a Ieasehold, Borrow�� shall <br /> comply�uri�h a1��he prov�s��ns of the�ease. rf Borro�ver a�quires fee t�tle�� the P�oper�y, �h��easehold and�he fee <br /> �it�e sha��nat merg�un�ess Lend�r agrees t�th�n�erger�n wri�i�g. <br /> Prat�ction af Lender'S l�ghts in th� Pr�perty. �f B�rrow�er faz�s �� pt�rform #he covenan�� and agr�ements <br /> con�ained�n th�s Securi�y�, or�here �s a Iegal pr�ceeding t��a�may s�gnificant��affec�Lender"�rights in <br /> �he Property �such as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, probate, fa:r candemnation or forfeiture �r t� enforce lavvs or <br /> r�gulat�ons}, �hen Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary �a pro�ec� the va�ue of�he Pr�per�.y and <br /> Lender's rights in the Proper�y. Lender's actions rnay include p�ying any sun��secured by a Iien urhzch h�s prior��y <br /> over�h�s Security�nstrum�nt, appearing in�ou�,paying reasonable a�t�rne�rs'fees and en�ering�n�he P�-op�rty to <br /> make repairs.Al�h�ugh Lender ma�take ac�ion under�his secti�n,Le�der dnes nflt have�o do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbu.rsed b� Lender under this se���on shall l�e�ome �.dditiana� debt of Borrovver secured �y �his <br /> Securi�.y Instrument. �.Tnless Borrovver and Lender agree to o�her terms af paymen�, these amoun�s �ha�� beax <br /> C�24�4-2Q�5 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc,GBEB-D9�F-20I5,�2.2.I i 12 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secur�ty�nst3-�zment DL2036 Page 2 af 5 �ww.compliancesystems.cflm <br />