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2� 1 ���54� <br /> T`ransfer of th�P�4per�y�r a Benef�cial I��t�r�s�in �orrower. rf a�I or any par�of.the Prape�-�y�r a�y interes� <br /> in �� is sold �r transferred �or if a be�eficial �n�erzst �n B�rrov�er �s sold �r �ransferred and Borrower is n�� a <br /> natural persan� v�it��flu� Lender's pr��r vvritter� c�nse�t, Lender may, a� its �p�ion, require �mmedia�e paymen� in <br /> fu�� of alI sums secured by th�s Securi�y Inst�ument. �3ov�ev�r, t��is �pt�on shail nat be exerc�sed hy Lender if <br /> exercise is proh�b�ted b�federal�aw as of t���da��af this Securrit�Instru�.e���. <br /> If Lender exer�ises �his �p�i�n, L.ender shall g��e B�rrawer n��ice flf accelera�i�n. The n��i�e sha�� pr�vide a <br /> �er�od of not 1�ss �han �l�e minimum number of d�.ys es�ablished by Applica��e Lav� fr�m �he date �he notice �s <br /> del�vered �r mai�ed v�ithin which B�rrow�r mu�� pay a�i sum�.s sec�red by �his Securi�y �nstrument. If B�rr�wer � <br /> fails �a pay the�e sums prior ta �he expira���n a��his per�ad, Lender may i�v�ke any r�medies permitted by this <br /> Securi�y�ns�ru.�nen�wi�h�u�fu�her no�ice�r d�n�and on Barro�er. � <br /> Barrawer's R�gh� to I�eir�state. If Borrawer me�ts cer�ain c�ndi��ons, �3orr�wer sh�.il have �he r�ght �o �a�e <br /> �nfor�ement�f this Security �ns�rument d�sc�ntinued a� any��me pr�or�o t�e �ar�ier�f: �a} 5 c�a�s �or suc�� �ther <br /> per�od as App�icable Law may specify for re�nsta�em�nt�before saie of the Property pursuan��a any po�ver�f sale <br /> cantained in �th�s Secur�� Instrumen�; �r �b} ent�y af a judgmen� erafar�ing this�S�curity �ns�rument. Those <br /> condi�iflns are �ha� B�rrower: �a3 pays Lender all sums which then v�auld be du� under t��s Secur��y �nst�ument <br /> and the Contrac�as�f no a�ce�lera�ifln had��curred;�b}cures any defau�t of any o�her�ovenants or agreements;�c� <br /> pays aI�expens�s incurred in enf�rcing th�s Se�ur�t}r�nstrun�er��,including, bu�na�Iirri��ed to,re�.sonab�e att�rneys' <br /> fees�Q �he �xtent permi�ted by Ia�; �.nd�d}ta�es such action as Lender m�y reasanab�y requ�r�to assure�hat the <br /> lien�f th�s Sec�r�ty�nstrumen�, Le�der's r�ghts ir�t�e Proper�y and�orr�wer's obl�gat��n�o pa�r the sums secured <br /> by �h�s Securi�j �nstrumen� sha�1 �on�inue unchanged. Upon re�ns�a�e�nen�by ��rrower, this �ecurity �nst�u�nen� <br /> and the �hligati�ns secured hereby shall remain fu�ly effective as if na acr�leratian had occur�ed. Howe��r, this <br /> right to reinstate shal�not app�y in�he�ase of ac�e�eratitin under the s�c�ion t�tled Transfer af�he Proper�y or a <br /> Benef�ciai In��:rest in�orro�ve�. <br /> �-Iazardou�Substanees.Barrow�r shall not cause �r permi��he presence,�.se, disp�sa�, storage, ar release of any <br /> Ha�ardaus Substan�es an�r�n the Proper�y.Borro��rer sha�i nat do,nor a��c�w anyane else�o d�s anything affecting <br /> th� Pr�per�y that is �n vio�a�i�n af any Env�r�n�-n�nta� Law. rrhe pr��ed�ng �wa sen�enc�s shall nn� apply t� �he <br /> presence,use,ar s��rage�n�he Property of smal�quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances�tha�are g�ner�.l�y rec�gni�ed <br /> �Q be appr�priate�o n��mEai resid�n�ial uses and��ma�ntenance of�h��'rop��. <br /> B�rrawer sha�l pr�mp�l�giv�e Lender�nrri�ten not�ce af any�nvestiga��on,c���m,d�mand,lawsui��r��her ac�ion by <br /> any ga�rernme���al or regu�a�ory agency or pr�vate parfiy inva���ng �he Property and ari� Ha�ardnus Subs�ance or <br /> En�ironmenta� La� of which �3�rrower �as ac�ua� knowledge. �f BaY-�-o�er �earns, �r is natifed by any <br /> gover�men�a��r regu�atory authority,tha�any�remfl�al or��:her remediat� any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance aff�c��ng <br /> the Praper�y i:� necessa�-y, Borrawer sha�� pr�mp�Iy take a�� necessary remedxa� actians in accflr�ance wi�h <br /> Env�ron�nen�al Law. <br /> As used ir��his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" ar��hose subs�ances d�f�ned as�ox�c or hazardous substances <br /> by Enviraramen�al Law and the fol�o�vin� substances: gasal.ine, ker�sene, other flammab�e �r �o�ic petrol�um <br /> pradu��s, �o�.ic pes�icides an�. herbicides, �a1���1e s�l�ents, mia�:erials �o���a�n�ng ashestos or formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�ive ma�eria�s.As used�n�his paragraph, "Env��-onmentai Lavv"means federal la�vvs and.�aws af the s��.�e�f <br /> Nebrask�.tha�relate�o heal�h,safet�or env��-��.menl:a�pr�tec�i�n. <br /> Acce��ration; Remed�es. I1�nder shali g��e no���e �o ��rrawe�i pr��r tv acceierati�n fnl��vv�ng �vr�°ower's <br /> breach af any c��ena�.t�r agr�err�ent in �his�ec�r�ty��s��-um�n�or�he Contract under�h�ch accel�ra���n <br /> is permi��ed (but n�t pr�or to �cc�l�rat�o� under tlhe sect�o�::tit��d Tr�insfer of t�e�rop�F�y�r a Benefcial <br /> I��erest in Borrower, u�less A�pli�able I..�a�v proWides ot�erw�s�). 'I`h� nQ�ice�h�al� �pecify: �a} th� defau�ts <br /> ��} the ac�ion r�qu�r�d to� cure the defai�i�; �c} � dat�, ��t�-��ss than:.�he �inimum number �f days <br /> estab��sh�d by Applica��e Law from �h�date�h�e na�ice�s giWe� t���flr�-av�-er, by which t�e d�fault r�ust be <br /> cur�d; and �d} �hat f�i�ure �� �ure the defau�� on or �efore the �ate speci�ed in �he no��ce may result in <br /> acce[er�fi�n af the surr�s secu�-ed by thi� S�cu�-i�y Instrum�nt �.nd sa�e of �he �r��erty. To �he ea�tent <br /> p�rmitt�d b� �aw, the na��c� s�a�� furth�r inf��-x� �3vrrow�r of th� right ta reinstate after acc�l�ratian and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court action to asserf���no�-e�ist�n�e�f a defau��ar any oth�r d�fet�se of Borror�er to <br /> acceler�tion and sale. If�he default is ��t���•ed a� or befnre t�e dat� specif�ed �n the notice, Le�der at it� <br /> ❑pt�on m�a� r�quir� �r��m�d�at� paym�nt in full of a�! sur�s 5�c�red by this Secu�it� Imstrument ��th�u� <br /> fur�h�r demand and r�nay invak.e the power af saie �n� a�y o��er rennedies perm��ted b� A�piicabl� Law. <br /> � T� the �x�ent permi�t�d by la�v, Lender sha�� be entitled tv co�l��t ail �xpenses incurred in pursu�ng the <br /> remedi�s pr�vided in th�5 �ection, includ��n�, �ut nat �imitec� t�, �-�a�nna�le at�orneys' f�e� an� c�sts af�itle <br /> e�idenc�. <br /> Yf the powe� af sale is inva�ed,Trus�ee�ha�l recnr� a rn���ce�f�efau��t in �ach caun�y in whi�h any p�.rt of <br /> t�e I'rop�r�y �.5 �ocated ar�d shail r�ail c�pie�of such n���c� in �he manner prescribed hy App�icable��.vv to <br /> �3arrower an�l to the oth�r per5�ns pre�cr��e� by �p�licab�e I.►aw. �fter the �ime requi�-ed b� Ap�li�able <br /> Law, Trus�eQ sha�i gi�v� pub�ic notice of�ale tv the �ersor�s and in �l�e manner pr��cribed by .�pp��cab�e <br /> La�v. '�'`rustee, wi�hout demand on �3orrow�r, �h�il seli th� Prflp�rty a�t pub�ic auc�ion �o �he high�st bidder <br /> at the time an�d pl�ce�nd under�he�ern��de�ig�a�ed in�h�no�i�e a�sa�e in�ne or�nor�parcels and in any <br /> �rc�er 'T'rus�e� d�termines. Trustee may po��pone sal� af ali nr any parcel af the praperty by pub�ic <br /> �nnaun�ement a�tl�e�ime and p�a�e�f any pre�riou�ly schedul�d sa�e.L�nder or�ts designee may p�rchase <br /> �h�1��-o�erty at any sa��e <br /> [�pon r�ceipt of payment�f�h� pric� �bid, '�'rus�e� sha�� deli��r t� th� �u�chaser 'Y'�ustee'� d�ed c���ey�ng <br /> the I�r��e��y. The rec�t��s �n th�e'I'rus���'s deed �h��l be prir�na f���e e�vide��e of the�ruth of�he�tatements <br /> Q 2�ti4-20I 5 Compliance Systems,Inc.�BEB-B 122-2��5.f�.2.1�12 <br /> Cansun�er Real Estate-�ecurily Instrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 0#'5 www.compliancesys#ems.cazn <br />