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2� 1 ���54� <br /> Payme��t of 1'r��c�pa��nd �nteres�; ��h�r�ha��g��.Borrt�wer shall�r��n.p�ly pay when due the principal af and <br /> ���eres�an��e de����ed under�h��o�trac�and la�e charges�r any other f�es and charg�s due under�he�an�rac�. <br /> Appii�abl� La�v. As used in �his Security ��strumen�, �he �:er��n "App�icab�e Law" shai� mean ai� cont��l�ing <br /> app��cabie fede�ai, s�ate and Ioca� s�a�utes, regu�at�ar�s, ordinances and adnnir��s�rative ru�es an� �rders ��hat have <br /> the effect�f la�nr}as we�l as al�appiicab�e fin�.I,n�n-appealable�udic�al flpinioris. <br /> Charges; Li�n�. Barrav�er shali pay al� �axes, assess�nents, charges, fnes and imposititins ��tributa�b�e to the <br /> �roperty�h�ch ���ay attain pr�ori�over�his Securi�y �r�st�ume���, and leasehold paymen�s �r gr�und rents, if any. <br /> A��he rea�uest�f Lender,Borrower shal�pr�mp���ft�rnish�o L�nder�e�e�pts e�idenCing�he payments. <br /> Borrowe� sl�all �r�mptly discharge any Iien�vhi�h�as prio�•ity oW�r�his Security Instrumen�u�.less Borravt�er: �a� <br /> agrees in wrx�i��g �o the pa�men� of�he �b��ga�io�� secured by �he lie�� i�. a manner accep�able to Lender; �b} <br /> cantes�s �n g�ad faith the �ien by, or defends�ns� enfor�ement �f the �[�en �n, �e�a� pra�eedings whi�h �n the <br /> Lender's apini�n �pera�e to pre�ent ��e enf�r��tnent af the �ien; or �c� secures fr�m �he ho�der of t�e lie� an <br /> agreemen�sa�xsfactory�o Lender subardina�ing�he �ien�o�his �ecuri�y �nstrun�en�. �f L�nder d��errnines�tha�any <br /> part �f�he Proper�.y is subjec�t� a�ien which�na� �.t�ain priori�y ��er t�a�s Security �ns�rument, Lender may give <br /> Borrowe�a natice �dentifyin�the �ien. Borr���r sha�l sa��sfy the ��en or take a�e or more of��e act��ns set �or�h <br /> abave within 1�da�s of�he g�v�ng of na�i��. <br /> I�azard or Prvperty Insuran�e. B�rrower s�a1��eep the impro�emen�s now existin��r hereafter erected on the <br /> Property�nsured agains�Iass�y f�re,hazards��c�ud�d v�i�hin�he term"ex�ended co�erage" and any a�her ha�ards, <br /> includ�ng f��ods or flooding, for wh�ch Lender requires �nsuran�e. T�is �nsurance s��a�� be rnaintained �n the <br /> amounts and for the periods that Lender requ�res. The insuran�e ca�-rier pra�iding the�nsurance shall be�h�sen�y <br /> Borrower su�j ec� t� Lender's appr�vai �h�ch s�aal� nat I�e unreasonably yv��hhe�d. �f�flrr�w�r fails to n�aintain <br /> coverage de�cribed abave, Le���er may, at Lende�'s opti�n, flb�ain cov�rage �o prat�c� L�nder's r�ghts �n the <br /> Proper�y in acc�rdance wi�h sec��on ti��ed Pr�t�etio�of�Lend�r's R�ght���a��h�1'roperty. <br /> All insurance �olici�s and renewa�s shal� be a�ceptable �� Lender �nd sha�l include a s�andard m�r�g�.ge c�ause. <br /> Lertder shal� have�he right t�ha�d�he p��ic�es and renewals. Xf Lender�equ�res, Borrovsrer shall promp��y�ive t� <br /> Lender all rec�ip�s of paic�premiums and rene�al n�t�ces. �n�he e�en�af�ass, Borrower sha�l���e prompt no��ce <br /> t��he insuranc�carrier and Lender. Lender m�y�nake pr�af�f��ss iF not m�ade promptly by Borrov�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borra�re� ��herwise agree �n v�ri�ing, insurance �raceeds sha�l be appliec� to res�orat�on or <br /> repair �f the P��per�y da.maged, �f, �n Lender's soi� discre�ion, the r�s�ora���an or repair i� ecanorr�i�ally feas�b�e <br /> and Lender's security is n�� ��essened. �f, in ��nd�r's s�le discre��on, the res�ora��on �r repa�r is no� econ��n�cally <br /> feasih�e�r Lender's security�vould be iessenec�,�he���sura�ce proceeds�lxall be appl�ed t�the sums s�cured by this <br /> Securxty Ins�rumen�, vvhether or nat �:��en �ue, wi�h any excess p�aid t� �orr�vver. �f Borrovver ab�ndans �he <br /> Prope�-ty,or daes no�ansv�er�ithin the number af day�pres�ribed by App�i�ab�e Law as se�f�r�h in a notice fram <br /> Le�der t� Borrower�hat the insurance�a�-rier has offered to set�le a claim, �hen Lender ma�cc�llec�th� �n�urance <br /> proceeds. L�end.�r may use �he proceeds t� �epair or restore the Pro�erty �r ta pay sums secur�d by�his Security <br /> �ns�.rumen�,�h�ther ar��a��hen d�e.The per�ad of t�me for Lorrawe�tv an,�ver as se�for�h in the na�ice w���beg�n <br /> when�h�notic�is g��en. <br /> Unless Lender and B�r�-o�ver otl�erwise agre� in v�r�ting, an�app�icatiar� a�f�roceeds��princi�a� sha�1 not extend <br /> �r postpane the due date of�he paymen�s due�nder�he Con�ract ar change th� amau��of the payr�en�s. ��un�ler <br /> the secti�n�����d.�.�c�ler�t�on; �e�nedies, �h� Prope�.y is acqu�red by Le:nder, Borr�v�er's rig��t�o any insurance <br /> poticies and proceeds resulting fr�m dam�.ge �a �he Pr��erty prior �� the �cquisi��an shall pa�s �a Lende� �o the <br /> e�.�en�af the sums secured by�his Secur��y�n�t�umer�t i�nmediate�y pri�r���he acqu�s�tion. <br /> Pres�rvation, Mainter�ance am� Pro�ec�i�� �f �he �'rop�rty; �3�rrovw�r's L�an Appli�at�on; L�as�holds. <br /> Barro�er shal� nn�destroy, �r impa�r�h�Pr�perty, all�v��he Fr�per�y�o de�er�ora�e, or��mm�t waste on <br /> �he Prop�rty. B�rrovver shall be�n defau�t if any f�rfeiture act��n or pr�ceeding,whether c�v�Z or Criminal,is begun <br /> tha� ir� Lender'� go�d fai�h�udgm�nt could resul� �n forfe��u�•e of the Praper�y or ��:her�v�se �ma��r�a��y �mpair�he <br /> �ien cr�ea�ed b�f th�s Se�ur�t,y �nstrumen� �r i,ender's securi�y �n�eres�. B�rr�wer may cure �uch a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, as pr��ided in section���led Barr���r�� �ight�o �.einst���, by �ausing�he actinn�r pr�ceeding�o be <br /> dis7missed wi�h a ruling 1�ha�, in Lender's go�d fa�th d�termination,pr�c�ude�farfei�ur�of�he Barrovver's in��rest in <br /> �he Prap�rty ar �ther materia� impa�rment ��F�he lien created by �his S�curi�.y Ins�ru�nent o� Lender's securii.y <br /> in�er�s�.Barrawer shal�als�be ir�defaul�if Borrower,durin�the loa�appl�cat��n pr�cess,gave ma�erially�alse ar <br /> �naccura�.e inf�rma��an or s�a�e�nents t� �Lent��r �o� fa��ed to prov�de Lender wi�h an� mater�al informa�ian� �n <br /> conne��i�n v�it�the Ioan evidenced by the ��r�tra��. �f�h�s Secur��y Ins�rument is o� a leasehc�ld, Lorrower shal� <br /> comply wi�h a�l�he prflvi��ans of�l�e �ease. �f B�rr�wer a�quires fee�i�Ie t���he Pr�perCy,the�easehfl�d and the fee <br /> �i�le shall no�merge uniess Lender agrees to�he n�erger�n�rri�ing. <br /> l�rot��tion of Lend�r's i��ghts in �h� Prop��°�y. If Barrawer fails to perfflrm the c��ena�ts and �.greemen�s <br /> can�ained in�his Securi�y�ns�rument, ar there is a ��ga�proceeding tha�may signifcan��y affec�Lender's r�ghts in <br /> the Praperty �such as a praceed�ng �n bankrup�cy, probate, for condemna�tz��. or forfe�ture or to enfarce lavvs �r <br /> regulatians�, then Lender may da an� pa� far wha�ev�r is necessary �o pr��ec� �he �ralue of�he �'r�pe��y arid <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Prope�-ty. L�nd�r's act��ns�nay in��ude paying any sums seCured by a�ien whi�h has prior�ty <br /> o��r�his Security�nstrument, appearing in c�ur�,paying reasonab�e att�rneys'fees and ent�rin�on�he�'rope�y t� <br /> make repairs.�ithough Lender ma��ak.e ac�ion urid�r this s�c��an,L�nder does rio�ha�e to do s�. <br /> Any amfluni.s disburs�d by Lender under �his sec�i�n sha�l �ecome add��ional debt �f Borrav�er s�cured by this <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. Unless Borro�ver and Lender agree to other �erms af payment, �hes� amounts sh�,�� �bear <br /> Q 244�-24��Camplianc�Systems,lnc.CBES-B 122-2Q l 5.l 2.2.111? � <br /> Gar�sumer Reai Estate-Security Insirument DL2a36 Page 2 of 5 www,complia�cesysterns.c�m <br />