2� 1 ���5�3
<br /> WAR][ttA�TI�S, Grantor, far itself, i�s heirs, personal representatives, su�cessors, and assigns, represen�s,
<br /> v�ra�-ran�s,cavenants and agrees with L�nd�r, its suGcessors and assigns,as follov�rs:
<br /> Perfo�•mance of �hliga�i�ns. Gran�or pr�m�ses �o perf�rm all terms, �ond��i�ns, and covenants of this
<br /> Sec�u�ty�nstru.�nent and Re�ated Documents in a�c�rdance�i�h th�terms cantained�herein.
<br /> D�fense and Title to Prop�rty.At�he�ime�f e�ecu�ian and deli�e�y of this instrument, Grantor is lawfu�ly
<br /> seised of the estate hereby cvnveyed and has�he exclusi�e righ�t� mor�gage, gran�, cvn�ey and assign the
<br /> Property.Gran�or c��enants that�he Praperty�s unencumhered and fi-ee�f ail liens,except for encumbran�es
<br /> �f record a�cep�able to Lender. Fut�her, Grantor covenants tha� Grantar wi�l warran� and d�fend generally
<br /> the title tv the Prope�-�}r against any and all c�aims and demands wha�soever, subj ect �� the easements,
<br /> restri���ons, or ather encumbrances of re�ord a�ceptable to Lender, as may �e listed in the schedule �f
<br /> e�ceptivns to caverage in any absn act of�tit�e �r ��tle insurance po�icy insuring Lender's in�erest �n �he
<br /> Propert�r.
<br /> Condi�ion of Praper�y. Grant�r�romises at aI1 times �� preserve and t� mainta�n �he Property and every
<br /> part�here�f�n g�od repair, �r�rl�ing order, and cond���on and v�ili from time ta time, make ai1 needful and
<br /> prvper repairs s�tha��he�alue af�he Pr�per�y shall not in any way be impa�red.
<br /> R�mo�a� of any Part of the proper�y. �rant�r promises no�ta rem�ve an� part af the Proper�y from �ts
<br /> present Iocati�n,e�cept for replacemen�,maintenance and re��cation�n the ordinary course�f buslness.
<br /> Alterations to the Property. Gran�or promises to absta�n from �he commissian of any was�e on �r in
<br /> cvnnectian,t�vi�h�he Pr�per�.Fux-�h��•, Grant�r shall rnaite na mat�rial alterations,add��ions�r u�npraWe�nents
<br /> �f any type v�bats�e�er t� �he Prope�-�y, regard�ess vf vvhether such a��era�ion�, add�t��ns �r impr�vemen�s
<br /> v`rould increase the value vf�ie Prflpel-ty, nor permit anyone to da �o except fvr�enant improvements and
<br /> comp�et�on �f i�ems pursuan��o approved pians and spe�ifications, vvith�u� Lender's privr�vr��ten consent,
<br /> vvhich consen� may be �ithlleld by Lender in �ts so�e discretion. �rantar ��1� com�ly wi�h aIl lavvs and
<br /> regulations �f a�i publi� au�hori�ies ha�i.ng jurisdic�i�n over�he Prvpel-t�including,vtr�thout�im�ta���n,those
<br /> reia�ing to �he use, vccupancy and maintenance th�reof and shal�upon re�ues�pramptly suhm�t tu Lender
<br /> eWidence of such c�mp�iance.
<br /> Due vn Saie-Lender'S C�nsent.Grant�r shall no�sell,further en�umber ar otherw�se dispose af,�xcep�as
<br /> here�n pro��ded, any or all �f its �n�eres� �n any par� �f or a11 of th� Proper�y �i�hout �irst obtaining �he
<br /> v�ri�ten ��nsent �f Lender. If any encum�arance, Ii�I7, transfer �r sa�e �r agreemen� for these is crea�ed,
<br /> Lender may de�lare vnmed�ate�y due and payab�e,the entire balance�f�he Indeb�edness.
<br /> Insurance. Gran�or promises�a�eep the Pr�pei-ty insured agains�such risks and in such fo�m as may v�ithin
<br /> the s�le dYscre�ion �f Lender be accep�able, caus�ng Lender�v be named as �oss payee or �f reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as� ���a1-�gagee. �'he ���surance com�any shal� b� �h�sen b�r �ran�or su�j ect �o Lender's approval,
<br /> v�rh��h shal� n�t be unreasona�ly withheld. A�� insurance po����es mus� pro�ide �ha� Lender ��11 get a
<br /> minirnunz of 1 U days notic�prior�a cance�lat�on.A�Lender's discreti�n,Grant�r may be requ�red�a�roduce
<br /> �•eceipts�f paid premiu�ns and renev�a�pol��ies. If Grantor faiis t�abtain the re�u�red c�verage,Lender may
<br /> do s�at Gran�ar's expens�.Grant�r hereby du-ects each and eW�ry xnsurer of�he ProperCy t�make payment❑f
<br /> lass to Lender with�he pr�ceeds to 1�� applied, �n�y at Lender's optian,ta�he repa�r and rep�acement�f the
<br /> damage or Iass�r ta be applied tv the Indebtedness with the surp�us,if any,t�be paid by Lender t�Gran�or.
<br /> Pa�ment of Taxes and �th�r Appli�able �harges. Grantor prvmises �o pay and �� d�scharge Iiens,
<br /> encumbrances,�a�es,assessinents,�ease paymen�s and any other charges relating�a the Proper�y when Iev�ed
<br /> or assessed agains�Gran�or or�he Pr�pert�.
<br /> �n►v��•onmentai Laws and Hazardous flr Toxic IV�ateria�s. Grantor and ev�ry t�nant have been, are
<br /> presently and shall cont�nue to �e �n str�ct compiiance �vcrith any applicable local, stat� and federal
<br /> en�rir�nmenta�laws and regula��ons.Fu�-�her,nei��er�rantar nor any�enant shal�manufacture,s�vre,handle,
<br /> d�scharge or disp�se �f hazardous or t��ic ma�erials as may be de�ned by any s�ate Qr federal law on the
<br /> Pr�per�y, e�cept �o the e�tent �lie e�.istence af such materials has �een present�y disclosed �n v�rri�ing �a
<br /> Lender. Grantar wiil immediate�y notify Lender in vvri�ing of any asser�ivn vr claim made by any par�t�as��
<br /> the poss�ble �riolatior� ❑f a�plicabl� sta�e and federal env�ronmental laws including �h� loca�ion of any
<br /> ha2ardous or�a��c ma�erials on or ab�u��he Propert}�. Gran�or indemn�fies and h��ds Lender harm�ess fram,
<br /> vvi�hou� �imita�ion, any Iiabiiity or e�pense af vvhatsoever nature incu.��red directly or indirec�iy out af or in
<br /> canne�tian�r�th: �a�any en�rir�nmen�ai lavvs affecting a11 ar any pa�-t�f�he PrQperty or�rantar;(b}�he past,
<br /> present or future e�is�en�e of an� hazardous materia�s in, vn, under, ab�ut, or emana�ing f•om or passing
<br /> through the Pruper�y or an� part thereof�r any proper�y adj acent �here�o; (c� any past, presen� or future
<br /> hazardous acti�ri� at or u�.connec�i�n wi�h the Pr�perry ar any part thea-��f; and �d} -�he nonc�mp�iance by
<br /> Gran�or or Gran�ar's faiiure��comp�y fu��y and timely v�rith en�rironmen�al lav�s.
<br /> F�nanc�al Informatian. Grantor agrees t�supply Lender such�nancial and o�her informa���n concerning its
<br /> affaYrs and the status of any of i�s assets as Lender, fram tim� to time, may reasonab�y reques�. Grantvr
<br /> fu��her agrees �o pe��ni� Lender to Wer�fy a�coun�s as vsreil as ta i.nspect, copy and to examrne the �ooks,
<br /> rec�rds and�Ies�f�ran��r.
<br /> �ender's Right to�nte�-.L�nd�r or Lender's agen�s sha��ha�e the right and access ta inspect�he Pr�per�y at
<br /> al� reas�nab�e times in vrder �o att�nd �� Lender's in�erests and ensure �ompliance vvi�h �he terms of this
<br /> Secur�fiy �nst�-umen�. �f tlxe Praperi.y, or any par� thereaf, shal� require inspe�tian, repair or maintenan�e
<br /> v�hich Gran#�r has failed�o proWide, Lender, after reasonable natice, may enter up�n the Prope�-�y ta efFec�
<br /> �2Qa4-2415 Cnmpliance Systems,Inc.58F9-EC67-2Q 15.1 i.3.1�25
<br /> Commercial Reai Estate Sece�rity Ins#rumertt-DL4�D7 Pa�c,"c�t� tiwn�w complianr.esysterns.com
<br />