2� 1 ���478
<br /> Paym�nt of Pr��c�pa�and Interes�; �th���harge�. Borr�v�rer shall promptly pay when due�he principal�f and
<br /> in�er�s��n the deb�ovved und�r�h�C�n�rac�and�ate�harges or an��ther f�es and charg�s due under th�C�ntrac�.
<br /> � Iic�ble La�v. As used in �his S�cur�ty �ns��umen�t, �he �:erm "App��cab�e Law" sha�i mean a�� c�nt�olling
<br /> �A
<br /> app��cahle federai, sta�e �nd �oca� statutes, regu�a��ons, �rdina�ces and �d�:����s�rati�e rules ana orders ��hat ha�e
<br /> �he effec�flf la�v�as well as ail app�icable fna�,non-appea�able�udi�iai�pinions.
<br /> �hargesy Liens. Barr�wer shal� pay al� �axes, assessrnen��, charges, fines and impos�tians �.ttribu�a�le �o the
<br /> Property v�hi�h may at�ain prior�ty over this S�curity �nstrurn�nt, and �easehold paymen�s or gr�und r�nts, if an�.
<br /> At the��eques�of Lender,Borrower sha�I prompfil�furnish�o L{�nder re�e�p�s eviden��ng�he paymen�s.
<br /> Ba�rrower shall pr�mptl�discharge any �ien w��ch�as pri�rit�� over�h�s SE�ur�ty �ns�rumen�unless Borrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in wr��ing �o �he �pay�r�e�� �f�he obxigatian secur�d by the �ien i;� a manner accepta�ie to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�n�ests in good fai�h �he Iie�� by, or defends a�a�rast enforcem�nt �f�he �ien �n, �ega� procee+�ings �vhich in the
<br /> Lender's op���an opera�e �o preven� �he enforcex�ieni: of�he ��en; o� �c} s�ecures fr�m the holder of�:he ��en an
<br /> agreemen� satis�a��ory to �ender subordinat�ng�he lien to ti�i� Securi�y �nstrument. �f Lender defer�m�n�s that any
<br /> par� �f�he Properfiy is sub�ect t� a ��en which ma� a�ta�n pr�ari�� over th�s Security Instrument, Lender may giv�
<br /> Borr�v�er a r��t�ce identify�ng�he �ien. Barr��er sha�l sa�isfy the lien or�ake ane or:more af the a��:i�rns se� forth
<br /> abo�e wi�hin �D days�f�l�e giving af�o�ice.
<br /> I�azard ar Pr�perty Insura�ce, Borr�vver sha�l keep�he im��r�vem�nts now exis�ing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Pr�perty�nsured against Ioss by f�re, hazards i���uded vvi�hin the�erm "ex��:nded c��erage" an�.any o�h�r h�.zards,
<br /> inclu���ag f�oads �r f�aoding, ��r wh��h Lender requires �nsurance. This insurance shal� be mainta�:c�ed in the
<br /> amaun�s and for the peri�ds�:hat Ler�der requires. The insuraY��e�arrier pr��iding�he��surance shail be chasen by
<br /> Borrovver subj�ct �a Lender's appr oval v�hich shall riat be Ur�reas�nably ��v��hhe�d. �f Borrow�r fails ��� ma�ntain
<br /> co�erage de�cribed a�o�ve, Lende� may, a� Lender's opti�n, abtain co���rage to pro�ect Le��der's r�ghts in the
<br /> Pr�pe�rty�n acc�rdance w��h secti�n�itled�r��e�tio�of L�nd{er's li�gh�s��n th��roperty.
<br /> Al� insuran�e p�lic�es and rene�v��s shali be acceptab�e �o I�ender and sha�l inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shal��ave the right to hold the po�icies and renewals. �f Lender requires, Barr��rer shall pr����tiy gi�e�o
<br /> Lender al�rece���s of paid premiums and ren�vsral na�ices. In�th� e�en�of�oss, Borr�vver sha�l�ive promp�no��ce
<br /> to 1��e insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may�nake pr�of a���oss�f no�rr�ade pramp���by Bfl�rower.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr��ver o�hervvise agre� in writing, in�urance �r�c�eds shal� be appl��� to res�arat�an or
<br /> rep�ir af the Praper�y da�naged, if, �n Lender's sole discr���ot�, the restora�ion or repair �s ec�nomi�ally feasible
<br /> anc� Lender's secur�ty �s no� lessened. rf, in ����der's sole d�scre���n, �he rest�ratian or repair �� not ec�n��nica��y
<br /> feasible or Ler�der's security wou�d be lessened,l:he insuran�e��raceeds shal��be applied to the sums se�ured by this
<br /> Se�ur��.y �nstrume�t, wh�ther or ri�� �hen d�e, with an}� ex�ess paid to L�orr�wer. �f Borr�vtrer aband�ns the
<br /> Pro�er�y, ar does not ansv�er within the number of days prescribed b�App��ica��e Law as se�for�h in a�o�ice firom
<br /> Lender�� Bor-�-ower fiha��he �nsurance carr�er h�.s affer��.�o set�le a claim,then Lender may cal�ect�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds�o �epair ar res�ore tl�� Properry �r t� pay sums secured b�this �ecurity
<br /> Ins�rurnen�,whe�her or na�then due.The peri�d af�ime for Bc�rrov�er�a an�vver as�e�farth�n the noti�e w�ll beg�n
<br /> �her��l�e no��ce�s gi�en.
<br /> C7n��ss Lender and Lorrawer fl�herwise agree in�ri�ing, any�app�ic�ti�n of pra�eeds�o principal shall no�extend
<br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e of the pa�ments due unde�the ��x���ract or change the amount of the paymen�:s. �f under
<br /> �he se�t�on tit��c�Accel�ratian; �emedie�, th� Pr�perty �s acquired by Lender, B�rr�wer's rig�t�� an� insurance
<br /> pal�cies and pr�ceeds resulting fram damage to �he PrQper�y pri�r �� �he acqu�sitian shal� pas� �o Lender ta the
<br /> ext�n�of�h�sums secured by this Securi�ty�nstru�nent�mmedi�tely p�ri�r t��he acqu�si�ion.
<br /> �res�r�a��on, Ma�ntenan�e and Pr�tect�o�� of the 1'rap�:rty; l��rroyv�r's Loan A.pp���atio��; I�easehold5.
<br /> Bo1��wer shal�no�destroy, damage ar impair the Pro�erty, a��o�nr t�ae Pra�erry to d�t�r�arate, �r c�mmit waste on
<br /> �he Pr�pert�. Borr�wer shall be in default if any forfei�ure ac�ion�r�procee�ding,whe�her�ivi��r crim�nal,��begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's g�od fai�h j udgment could resul� �n fvrfeitur� of�:h� Pro�erty or o�herv�ise mater�ally impa�r�he
<br /> ��en creafied by �h�s Securi�y Instrumen� �r Lender's security in�erest. B�orrower ma� cure such a defaul� and
<br /> re�nstate, a�pro�ided in secti�n t�t�ed Borrovve�-r�l��gh� to Re�r��t�te, by caus�ng th� actian�r�roce�di�g to be
<br /> d�sr�issed�i�h a rul�ng that, �n Lender's good faith de�erm��a�ian,pr�cludes forfei�ur�of the Barrower's in�eres�in
<br /> the Pr�per�y or other materia� �mpairmen� of�he lier� cr�a�ed i�y �his S�cur�ty �nstrument or Lende�'s security
<br /> interes�.Borrower shal�also be in default i�B�rrawer, during the��an appl�ca���n pracess,gave ma�eri�.�ly fa�se ar
<br /> iriaccurate �nfarmatxon or stat�ments to Ler�der �ar faiied.�:a p�-��i.d� Le�:�der wi�h an� ma�erial infarrna�.ion� in
<br /> canne�tion vv��h the ��a� evidenc�d by 1:he Contract. If this Secur�t� �ns�r��ment is on a l�asehold, B���w�er shali
<br /> �omply with aI��he provisions of�l�e �ease. I f B�rrovsrer acqu��es�ee ti�:ie ta�he Pr�per�.y,�he le�seh��d�nd the fee
<br /> ��tl�shall no�merge unless Lende�agrees to t��e znerge�-in wri�:i�g.
<br /> Pra�e�tinn af Lend�r°s F��gh�s �n �h� Pra�erty. If Borro��ver fa��s t� ��erform the �o�enants and agreements
<br /> co�atained in.�his Se�uri�ty�ns�rument, or�here is a�ega�l prac�ed�ng��a�may signifcant�y affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Proper�y �such as a pra�eed�ng in �ankrup��y, proba�e,�for ��ndenrana��on or farfe�ture or to enfo�-ce lavvs or
<br /> regula��ans}, �hen Lender may da and pay f�r whatever is necess�ry �o pra�ec� the �a1ue of the Property and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Praperty. Lender's ac�ions may include�aa��rig any s�.�ms secured�y a�ier�vc�hich��as pr�ority
<br /> �ver this Security�nstrumen�, appearing ir�ca�xr�,payi��g reaso�able at�or��ys'f.ees and en�ering�n�he Pr�perCy�a
<br /> make repa�rs.Althflugh Lender m�.�take ac���n under th�s sec�t��n,Lender�aes not ha�e ta d��a.
<br /> Any am�unts d�sbursed by Lender under this section sha7� b�e�nr�e addi�ional debt of Bo�-r��er secured by �his
<br /> Security �ns�rument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree �❑ a�her �erms of paym�nt, these �m�u��s shal� bear
<br /> �Z00�-20I5 Campliance Systems,�nc.GBE8-E817-2Q15.1�.�.1 I 12
<br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Secu�-ity Ir�strument I�L2b36 Pa�e 2 af 5 www.compliancesystems.com
<br /> r
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