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2� 1 ���443 <br /> Parce! I D N u m ber:4��Q��7�� wh�ch c�x��rently has the address oC <br /> 7�4 l� 13th St �,sc���e�j <br /> �rand I s 1 and �City�, I�ebrask� �88�1-36�� �Zc� �'o��c�� <br /> ("Property Address"): <br /> T�GETHET�WITH all the impro�em�n�s��o�v or here� erected or��he praper�y,and ali easem�n�s, <br /> appt�rte��ances,arid fixtures no�v or���reafter a part of the praperty,All replacerxrerits ar�d addi�ior�s s�aa�l also <br /> be covered by th�s Security Instrumen�. All of the fare�ain�;is refenred to in thxs Securi�.y Instru�ne��t as the <br /> "Praperty." Borrower ul�derstarids arid a�rees t��a�MERS��old�anly le�al ti�1e to t��e in�erests�rat�t�d by <br /> Borrotiver in th�s Security Zns�rument,b�xt, if nece�saYy to comp�y with la�v or custom, �II�RS�as notnin�e for <br /> Leilder and Lender`s successor�a��d assi�Y�is)�ias���e ri�ht; �o exercise ar�y or all of t�losc ir�terests, inclrxdir��, <br /> but nat li��nitcd to,the righr to forcclos�at�d scll�.he Proper�y; a�ad to ta�c a��y a�;ti�n 1-cquircd of Lcnd�r <br /> ir�cludin�;,b��t riot�irriited to,releasir��;and�anGe�in�t�iis SeLurit�Ir��trurner�t, <br /> F3URR�7WER C�VE1�AI�TS that F3ar����er is la«fully seis�d of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br /> to grant at�d cor���y the Proper��and that the Froperty is unencumbered, except far encumbrances of record, <br /> Bor��wer war�ail�s ar�d�ill defend�en�rally the title to�he Propel-ty aga�i�st all claims and dernands, subject <br /> to any encumbranees of rec;ord, <br /> THI� SECUR�TY INSTRUMENT co�bines ur�►iform co�enants for na�ional«se and r�on-�iniform co�ei�ants <br /> with Iimited�ariatians by jurisdiction to constit��tc a t�niform sccuri�y inst�r����ncnt�cQ��cring�real property. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. �3flrra��er and Lend�r ca�el�ant ar�d agree as fal�otivs; <br /> 1. Payment af Principaf,lnterest, Escrnw Items, and Late Charges.�3orrower shall pay�vhex�.due <br /> the principal of, and interest on,�he debt e��denced�by the Note and late charges du�under the Note. <br /> Borrower shall also pay fun�s for Esero��Items pursuant to Sectior��i. Payments due un�er the Note and <br /> thi�Security Znstrument 5hal�be�nade in U.S. c«rrency. Hov��ver, if ai�y c�eck c�r�th�r instruinent <br /> received by Lender as payment under the No�e or this �e�urity I��str�iment is returned to Lender uxipaid, <br /> Le�lder may reyui�e that any ar all subseQueilt paymexlts due�xi�der the 1�Iote arld this Securi�y��zstrurnent <br /> be made in one ar m�re of the folla��ving f�rms,as se�ected by Lender: �a}cash; �b�mo��e�order; �c} <br /> c�rtificd chcck,�a�1k chcck,tr�asur�r's chcck or cash�cr's check, providcd ai�y such chcck is dra�vn upon <br /> a���ns�itutiorl�vhose deposits are insured by a federal ager�cy, instrum�nta�ity, or e��tity;c�r�d]E�e��ronic <br /> Funds Transfer. <br /> Payme���s are deemed recei�ed by Lender whe�a rec:ei��ed at the lae�tion d�signated in the I�iote ar at srzch <br /> o�her locatian as��na�be d�signa�ed by Lend��in accordar-�ee with t�he notice provisions in Section 14. <br /> Ler�der may retur��any payment t�r pai-�ial payment if'th��ayment or par�ia� �aymei7ts ai�e insufrc�ent to <br /> brir�g the Loan current. Lender may accept any paym.ent or partial payment rtlsuf�iciel�t to brivg the Loan <br /> eunent,without�vaiver of a�ay rights hereunder or prejudice tt�r�s rights to refuse such payment ar <br /> partial paymentis in th�future,bt�t Lender is no�obligated to apply such payments at�he time s��ch <br /> payrnex1t�are accepted. If each Perio�li�Pay�n���t is applied as af i�s scheduled due date,�hen Ler�der <br /> need not pay interest on unapp�ied fund�. Lender may h�ld such ur�applied fui�ds unti� �orra��ver mal��s <br /> payment#o bring t.he Loan curre��t, If l3orrawer does not do so within a reasonablc period of�ti�ne, <br /> Le�ider s��a�l eit.�ier apply suc�� fu��ds or retu�-�n t�le�rl to �3orro�ver. �f�lot app�'red ea�-�iex-, sric�� f�.�rzds�vil! <br /> be applied to the outstanding principal balanc~e��ndcr the Note iminediately priar to f'or•ec�as�zre. 1�1a <br /> offset or claim which Borro��er might ha��e no«or in the xut��re a�ainst Lender sha��relieve�o1-ro�v�r <br /> frarrl rx�akiri�payr��erits�ue u��der t���Nate ai�d ��ais 5ecurity IYlstr���rierit or perforiri�n��he covena��ts a��d <br /> agreements secured by th i s�ec��ri ty I��strumen�. <br /> FHA❑e�d a#Trust With MERS-IJE 91341�014 <br /> B�nkers Sy�temsr� VMP C� VMP4N(NE)t�5(}6}.�U <br /> Walters Kluwer Finartciai 5ervic�s Pa��4 nf 1 T <br /> qo�������a�� oz3� �a� 041� <br />