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2� 1 ���441 <br /> Payment of Pr�n�ipa�and Interest; ��h�r�harges.Borr�wer sha��pramp���pay v`rh�n due�he principal of and <br /> in�eres�on�he deb��v�ed under�h��ontrac�and�ate charges or a�y a�her fees and charges due under�he�on�rac�. <br /> Appli�a�ie Lawv. As used in �his Se�uri� ��strumen�, �he �erm "App��ca��� Lavv" shal� m�an all contro���ng <br /> appl�cab�e federa�, state and Iocal s�a�utes, regu�at��ns, �rd�nances a�d ad�l�nistra���e rules and orders �tha�ha�e <br /> �he effec�af�aw}as well as aIl applicab�e f n�l,non-appeala�le,�udzcxal opir��ions. <br /> Charges; L�en�. Borra�er s�aX� pay a�l taxesy assess�nents, charges, �n��s and �mposit�ans at�ributab�e �o the <br /> Proper�y w�ich may attain priority over�his S�curit��ns�rument, and �easehold paymien�s or gr�und ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the requ�st af Lender,Borrower shall pr�mp�l�furn�sh�o Lender re�e�p��e��dencing�he paymen�s. <br /> B�rrovver shall pr�rnptly discharge any�ie�vsr�aich has pri�rity over�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�un�ess Borrav��r: �a} <br /> agre�s �n v�r��ing �o th� payment af the obliga�ion secured by the I�e�. �� a manner ac�ep�ab�e to L�nd�r; �b} <br /> can�es�s in baod fa��h �he �ien by, or defe�ds against enfor�e�nent �f�he l.ien zn, �egal pr��eedings �vh�ch �n �he <br /> Lender's �p�nian opera�e �� pre�ven� the enfnrcement of�he lien; or �c� secures from the h�1�er �f the Iien an <br /> agreemen�sa�isfactory to L�nder suhordina��ng the l�en t� this Security I�ns�rumen�. If L���der d�termines that any <br /> part of the Property �s subj ec��o a li�n which m�.� atta�n prio�i�y ov�r this Security�ns�rument, Ler�der m�y give <br /> Barrovv�er a na��ce identifying�he �ien. B�rr�v��r shall sa�isfy��ie �ie� or�ake one nr m�re of the actions s�t forth <br /> above v�i�hin I O days of�h�g�ving of no�ice. <br /> Hazard nr Pr�perty In�urance. Borrower shal�keep the impravem.ents riflw e�is��ng�r herea�ter ere�ted�n the <br /> Praperty insured agains���ss by fre,hazards included v�i�hin��e terr� "ext�n�ed co�erage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> in�lud�ng fla�ds or flood�ng, for which Lender requ�res �nsurance. This �nsurance sha�� be mai�ata�ned in the <br /> amounts and fo�-th�peri�ds�hat Lender requxres. The insurance ca�7�er pro,viding the insurance�hall be chosen by <br /> Borr�wer subjec� to Le�der's approvai which sha�l no� be unreasoma��� wai�hheld. �f Borrower fai�s to mainta�n <br /> coverage described aba�e, L�nder may, at Lender's op��or�, ��btain caverage �o pro�ect Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Property in ac��rda�ce wi�h sec��on titied�rotec��an of Lend�r's�i.��hts in the Property. <br /> A1� �nsurance policies and ren�v�rals sha�l �e ��ceptable �o Lender and shal� �nclude a standard m�r�gage �lause. <br /> Lender sha11 have the r�ght ta h��d�h�pflli�ies a�d renev�a�s. �f Lender requ�res, Borrower shal�promp�ly g��e�a <br /> Lender a�l rece�pts of paid pr�miums and r�r�e�v��na��ces. �n�he even�of�nss, Barrower shall gi�e proxnpt notice <br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf of loss if n�t made pramp��y by Barravver. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�wer �ther.vs�ise agree 1�1 W�'�.t1ri�, lI1SUraI7�e �3r�C�:�C�S S�IaI� �� a�Jp�le�'I �� r�5t�ra�1�T1 flr <br /> repair of�he Proper�y da�naged, �f, �n Lenderes �a1e d�scre�ion, the res�flrat�on or repax� is eco�omica��y f�asible <br /> and Lender's security is no� Iessened. 7f, ip.Lender's s�ie discre�i��a, the res�ora�ion ar repair is not econo�i�all� <br /> feasi�Ie or Lender's security vir�uld be Iesser�ed,�he�nsuranc�pro�ee�.s shall be applied t�the su�n.s secu�ed by this <br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�, vvhe�her or no� �hen due, v�ith any e�cess p�.id �a B�rr�wer. �f Borr�v�er aband�ns the <br /> Prape�-ty,or da�s not ans�er v�ithin the numb�r of days prescr�bed b�Appl icable Law as set f�r�h��.a natzce from <br /> Lender�o Borr�wer�hat the insurance carrier has �ffered�o s�ttle a claim, then Lender may co�lect�he insurance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use�he pro�eeds to r�pair or res�ore t�e ]Pr�per�y or to pay sums secu�-ed by�h�s S�curi�y <br /> Instrument,whether or not�hen due.The peri��of t�me��r Bflrrower��answer as set fflrth�n th�n�tice v�ri��beg�n <br /> vvhe��he no��ce�s gi�en. � <br /> Un�ess Len�.er and B��rrav�er o�herwise agree ��vvr�ting, any app�ic�-�i�n nf pr�ceeds ta princ��� sha����t ex�end <br /> ar pas�pane�he due date of�he payments due under�he �antract�r c�ang�the amount of�he pa�ments. If under <br /> �he section���led Acceleration; I�emedies, the �roperty is acquired by Lender, Borraw�r's right t� any insurance <br /> po�ic�es and pr��eeds resul��ng fir�m damage to �he Property pr�or�o the a�qu�s���on shall pass ta L�r�der to �he <br /> exte��of the sums secured by this Security�nstrurnen�immedia�ely p��or to�he acqu�s���on. <br /> Preser�v�tion, Maintenan�e and Pr�tec#i�n �f the Property; �orr�v��er's Lnan .�pp��ca�ion; L�as�holds. <br /> Borra�er shall no�des�r�y, damage�r�mpazr th�Proper�y, allo�v�h�Pr�p�rty t� deteriorate, �r cammit v�aste on <br /> the Praper�y. B�rrower sha11 be��defau��if.any fflrfe��re act�on ur prvc�eding,whether ci�i�or criminal,�s begun <br /> tha� �n Lender'� gflod fait�i j udgmen� cauld resu�� in forfei�ur� of th� Pr�p+�r�y or �therwise mater�ally impa�r�he <br /> Yien crea�ed by �his S�cur�ty �nstrumen� �r Lende�'s security i��eres�. Br�rr�wer ma� cure such a d�fau�� and <br /> re�ns�a�ey as prov�ded�n sec�i�n�i�1ed Borrow�r's R�ght �� IZe�nst�te, �by caus�ng�he action ar proceedin�ta be <br /> d�smissed wi�h�.ru�ing�h�.t,in Lender's good fa�th de�ermina���n,pr�c�ude�f�rfeitur��f�he Borrovwer's in�eres��n <br /> �he Property �r ather ma�erial im.pairment of the ��en crea�ed by th�s Securi�ty Ins�rumen� flr Lender's s�curi�y <br /> �nteres�.Bflrrov�er shall a�sa be in default if�orr��er,dur�ng the l�a�apptica�ion process,gave ma��ria��y false ar <br /> inac�urate �nf�rmation or statements to Lender �or failed �o provide Len.der w�th any mater�a� inf�rznat��n� in <br /> ��nnectian w�th th� loan e�iden�ed by the Cantrac�. �f�h�s Securi�y Ir�s��u3m�nt �s an a leasehold, Borr�wer shal� <br /> ��mply wi�h a�l�he prfl�isions Qf the xease. �f Borrower acquir�s fee�itle�a the Prope�.y,�he leasehold and�he fee <br /> ti�1e sha�l not merge unless Len�er agrees��the merger�n wr�t�ng. � <br /> �'ro���t�an �f .L.�ender's Rights �n� th� Praperty. �f Borrov��r faxls �� perfarm �he cavenan�s and agre�men�s <br /> can�a�ned�n�his Secur�ty Ins�rument, �r there is a�egal proceeding�ha�ma�y sign�fcant�y affec�t Lender4s r�ghts �n <br /> the Proper�y �such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, proba�e, far co�dernnatifln or farfeit�re ar�o enfor�e laws or <br /> regula�ians�, �hen Lender may do and pay for vvha�ever is ne��ssar� �o pro�ect �he va�ue of the Proper�y and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Properry. Lender's act��ns may include pay�ng�ny sums s��ured b�a��en�h��h has prior��y <br /> o�er th�s Secur��.y Ins�rumen�, appear�ng in cour�, pay�ng reasanable�t�orneys'fees and en�ering an the Pro�erty to <br /> mal��repairs.Althaugh Lender may take ac�iQn under this sect�on,�.ender does not have�a do so. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed b� Lender under this sec�ion sha�� become additi�nal deb� of Borrower s�cured ]by this <br /> Secur�ty Ins�rument. Un�ess Borrower and L�nder agree ta �ther �erms �f paymen�, these amoun�s shall b�ar <br /> �24�4-2015�om�Fiance Systems,�nc.CBES-I 12D-2� I2 <br /> Consurner Real Estate-Security Znstrument DL2�36 Pa�e 2 af S www.compliancesyste� <br />