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2� 1 ���439 <br /> (e) �perato� acknowlec�ges and agrees that the exercise by 5ecured Pa�ty, either <br /> directly�r by �ts designe�, �f any af the rights conferred und�r this Agreer�ent sha�l not be <br /> construed to make Secured Party a lenc�er-ir�-possess�on of the Hea�thcare Facility s� long as, <br /> and to the ext�nt, Secur�d Par�y, or an authorized agent of Secured Party, has not entered int� <br /> aCtuai possess�on o�`th� Healt�car� Facility. The acceptance by Secured Party of the ass�gnment <br /> of the Leas�s ar�d Rents shal� not at any time or in any event obligate Secured Party t�take any <br /> action under this Agreement or ta expend any mon�y or t� incur any expenses. S�cure�Party <br /> sha�l not be liable in any way for any ir�j ury or damage ta pers�n or proper�y sustain�d by ar�y <br /> Person or Persons, firm or��rp�ration in or abaut the Healthcare Fac�lity un�ess Secured Party <br /> is a iender-in-�ossession. Prior t� Secured Part�'s actual entry into and tak�ng p�ssess��n of the <br /> Healthcar� Facility, Secured Party shall not �1} be obligated t� perform any of the terms, <br /> covenants and conditians contained in any Lease �or otherwise have any obligation with respe�t <br /> to any Lease�; (2� be �bligated to appear in or defend any acti�n�r proceeding relating to the <br /> Lease or the Healthcare Faci�ity; �r�3} be resp�nsib�e for the operation, control, care, <br /> management or repa�r of the H�a�thcare Faci�ity or any portion of the Hea�thcare Faci�ity. The <br /> executi�n of th�s Agreement by�perator shall con�titute c�nclusive evidence that a11 <br /> responsib�l�ty for the operation, contra�, care, management and repair of the Healthcare Facility <br /> is and shai� be that of�perator, prior to such actua� entry and taking of passession. <br /> (�} Upan delivery af Notice by Secured Party to �perator of Secured Party's <br /> exercise of Secured Party's rights under this Agreement at any time after the occurrence af an <br /> Event of Default, and w�th�ut the necessity of Secured Par�y ent�ring upon and taking and <br /> maxntaining contr�� of the Health�are Fa�ility d�r�ctly, by a rec�iver, or by any�ther manner�r <br /> pr�ceeding permitt�d by the �aws af th� app��cab�e jurisdiction, Secured Party immediately shaii <br /> have a�l rights, powers and authority granted to �perator under any Lease, inc�uding the right, <br /> povver and authority to modify the terms af any such Lease, or extend ar t�rminate any such <br /> Lease. <br /> (g� This d�cument may be executed in counterparts. <br /> [signatur�s �n foll�wing pages� <br /> Previous�ersions obsolete Page 4 of� �orm H U D-92323-�RGF [�612D'I 4} <br />