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2� 1 ���43� <br /> "Lender"means the entity�dentifie� as "Lender" in th�first paragraph of the Borrov�er's <br /> Securxty Instrument, or any subsequent h�o��er o�the Note, and whenever the term"Lender" is <br /> used herein, the same shall be deemed ta i�clude the"�bligee", or the "Trustee�s}" and the <br /> "Ben�fieiary" Qf the Borrower's �ecurity Instrument, and sha�I �lso be d�emed to h�the <br /> "Martgag�e" as defined by Program �b�igat�ons. <br /> "Lvan D�cuments"has the meaning set farth in the Borr�wer's Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> "Mortgaged Property"has the meaning set for�h in the BarroWer's Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> "No n�P rofit B�rraw er"means a B orrawer that�s treated under the Firm �ommitment as an <br /> entity organized for purposes other than�rofit ar gain for itself or p�rsons identified therewith, <br /> pursuant to Section 5�1�c}�3} or other applicable prov�sions of the Internal Revenue �ode. F�r <br /> transactions entered into pursuant ta Sectxon Z�3�a�(7} of the National Housxng Act, a B�rrower <br /> who executed with HUI]'S�]�I�]1551�11 �."for-profit" regulatary agreement in cannection with the <br /> origina� l�an being refinan�ed thr�ugh this transaetian shall not be cansidered a"Non-Profit <br /> Borrower" far purposes of this Agreement and may designate itse�f as a"Profit-Motivat�d" <br /> entity on page 1, prov�ded, however, that any conditions in the Firm �ommitment conflicting <br /> with the above statement sha�� contr�l. <br /> "Note"means the Note e�ecuted by B�rrower, described in the Borrower's Security Instrument, <br /> including a11 schedu�es, riders, allonges and addenda, as such Nate may be amended fr�m time to <br /> t�me. <br /> "Noti�e" is defined in S�cti�n 45. <br /> "�perator" shal� alsa mean�Barr�wer ' ' ' a <br /> "�perator Lease"means a�ease by Borrovver to �perat�r if an providing for the �peratinn of <br /> th� Hea�thcare Facil�ty. <br /> "�perator'� Regulatary Agreement"means that certain Healthcare R�gu�atory Agreement - <br /> �perator relating to the Project and entered inta by �perator for the benef�t of HUD. <br /> "Personalty"has the meaning set forth in the Borrower's Security Instrument. <br /> "Principal" 15 C���I1�C� 1�7. �4 C.F.R. 2��.2I5, allC� �I7� 5L1CGe55�r r��ll�atl4rl, pro�ided that f�r <br /> purposes of the Loan Dacuments, "Principal" sha�l a�s� include the managing member and any <br /> other member that has a t,wenty-five percent (25°Io} �r m�re interest�n a limited liabiiity <br /> company. <br /> "Program �bligatiQns" means �1} all appl�cable statut�s and any regulations issued by HUI] <br /> pursuant thereta that app�y to the Praj ect, inc�uding a11 amendments t� such statutes and <br /> regulatians, as they become effective, e�cept that changes subj ect to notice and comment <br /> Previous versions obsofete Page 4 af 3fi form H U D-924SS-aRC F ���12�'f 4} <br />