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2� 1 ���43� <br /> Th�s Hea�thcare Regulata�y Agreement—Borr�wer(this "Agreement"� �s entered into <br /> t��s 15�da �f Se tember 2�16, between �RAND ISLANI] C�LTNTRYH�USE, LL�, a limited <br /> liabi��ty company organizec�and exist�ng�nder the �a�s of the State of Wyom�ng, whose address <br /> is 25 Avenida De �rinda, �rinda, CA 94563, its succ�sso�s, heirs, and assigns �jointly and <br /> severaliy� �"Borr�wer"� and the U.S. I]epartm�nt o�Housing and Urban Deve�opment, act�ng <br /> by and thr�ugh t�e Secretary, his or h�r succ�ssors, ass�gns ar designates ("HUD"}. BorraW�r is <br /> sometimes also referred to as "�wner" or"Mortgag�r" in th�e Loan 17ocuments a.nd Program <br /> �bligatians. If Borrower is also ��e�ator, references in this Agreement t� �perat�r refer ta <br /> B�rrower. Ta the extent that B�rrower contracts with any �ther party t� �erf�rm any functions <br /> included in th�s Agre�ment, Borrower s�all maintain u�timate respansibility f�r performance of <br /> all requ�red functions included herein. - <br /> In cansid�rat�on of, and in exchange for an actxon by HUD, HUI] and Borr�wer agree to <br /> the terms of this Agreement. The HUI� action may be one of the fo�lovving: HUD's <br /> endorsem�nt for insurance �f the N�te, HUD's �onsent to the transfer�f any of the M�rtgaged <br /> Property, HUD's sa�e and conveyance af any of the Mortgaged Pr�perty, or HUD's consent t� <br /> other act��ns related to B orrawer, the Pr�j ect, or to the M�rtgaged Pr�per�y. <br /> B�rrovver and HUI] e�ecute this Agreement in�rder t� c�mply with Program <br /> �bligatians, with the requ�rements of the National Housing Act, as amended, and the regulations <br /> adopted by HUD pursuant thereto. This Agreement shall continue during such period�f time as <br /> HUD shal� be the ov�mer, holder, or insurer of the N�te. Upon satisfaction af the Nate, as <br /> evidenced by the discharge or release �f the B�rr�wer's Security Instrument, this Agreement <br /> sha11 automatically terminat�. How�ver, Barr�wer shall be responsible for any�io�atians of this <br /> Agreement which occurred prior to term�nation. <br /> Vi�lation of this Agreement�r Program �b�igations may subj ect B�rr�wer and�ther <br /> signatories hereto to adverse acti�ns. <br /> Borrower and HUD c�venant and agree as foi�o,ws: <br /> I. DEFINITI�NS. <br /> 1. DEFINITI�NS. Any capitalized term or word used herein but not defrned shal� <br /> have the meaning given to such term in the B�rr�wer's Secur�ty Instrument. The fallowing <br /> terms, vvhen used in th�s Agreement (including when used�n the ab�ve recitals�, shall have the <br /> fol�awing meanings, whether capitalized ar not and whether singular�r plural, ur��ess, �n the <br /> context, an in�ongruity resu�ts: <br /> "Af�liate" is defined in 24 �.F.R. 2��.��S, or any suc�essor regulatian. <br /> "Appro�ed Use" means the use of the Praject far the operation of the Heaithcare Facility as a an <br /> Assisted Living Facility With tvventy-seven (27� b�ds and such other uses as may be apprav�d in <br /> writing fr�m time to t�me by HUD based upon a request made by B�rrower or �perat�r, but <br /> excluding any uses that are discontinued with the written approva� af HUD. <br /> Previous versions obsolete �age 2 0#3S form HU�-9�4Sfi-�RCF �fl61��'�4} <br />