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2� 1 ���43� <br /> (ii� Tra.nsactions are accurately and timely rec�rded ta permit the preparation <br /> of quarter�� and annual financia�reparts in confarmity With applicab�e <br /> Pr�g��m �b�igatians; <br /> �111� Transactions ar�time�y recorded in suff�cient detail so as to permit an <br /> eff cient audit of the B�rrower's baal�s and rec�rds in ac�orc�ance With <br /> Genera��y Accepted Auc�it�ng Sta�ndards (�rAAS), �ene�all�Accepted <br /> �overnment Auditin� Standards �GAGAS�, and other appl�cable Program <br /> �bligations; and <br /> (iv} Transactions are timely recorded in sufficient deta�� so as ta maintain <br /> aceounta�ility of the Borrower's assets. The recarded a�countabi�ity far <br /> assets sha�� be compaxed with the existing assets at reasanal��e intervals, <br /> but not less than annually, and apprapriate actian shal� be tal�en w�th <br /> respect to any d�ffer�nces. <br /> (d� Make the b�oks, re�ords and ac�aunts af Barrower available for inspe�tion by <br /> HUD or its authorxzed representatives, after reasonable pri�r nntice, during n�rma� business <br /> hours, at the Proj ect ar�ther mutually agreeable location or, at HUI]'s request, shall provide <br /> legibie copies �f such documents ta HUI] or�ts authorized r�presentatives with�n a reasanable <br /> time after HZJI] or its authorized representative makes a requ�st f�r such d��uments. <br /> (e� Inc�ude as a requirement in any operating or management contract that the b�oks, <br /> records, and acc�unts of any agent�f Borrower, as they pertain to the �perations af the Pr�j ect, <br /> shall be l��pt in accordance vv�th the requirements �f this S��ti�n 19 and be ava�lable for <br /> �xam�natian by HUI� ar�ts authorized repr�sentat�ves after reas�nab�e prior notice during <br /> customary business h�urs at the Praject or ather mutua��y agreeable Iacation or, at HUD's <br /> request, the Management Agent shall pravide legible c�pies of such documents to HUD �r its <br /> authorized representatives within a reasanable time after HUI� �r its authorized repr�s�ntative <br /> makes the request. <br /> 2U. ANNUAL FINAN�IAL REP�RTS. <br /> �a} F�r so �ong as any portion or portions of this Sect�on�� are not express�y waived <br /> or modified in writing by HUD, w�thin ninety ���} days, ar such�onger peri�d established in <br /> writin�by HUD, following the end�f each fiscal year, Borrower shall furnish HUI] and Lender <br /> with a complete annual financial report of al� of Borrov�rer's financial activities far the <br /> immediately preceding fiscal year, or far such other perind as appraved by HUD in writing, <br /> prepar�d in a�� with �enerally Accepted Accounting Pr�nciples [�``rAAP}. For puxposes <br /> of th�s Secti�n 24, where Borrower is also �peratar, and Without lim�ting the requxrements for <br /> �perat�r's subm�ssion of financ�al reports t� HUI] under the �perator's Regulatary Agr�ement, <br /> f�nancial activities of Borrower and the Proj ect shall include a11 af the activit�es �f both Borrower <br /> and �perat�r. To the extent any records ar ather�nformati�n of the Proj ect is he�d by �perator, <br /> or any manag�ment agent�r Affiliate, Barr�wer sha�l cause such entity t�pravide such <br /> information to Borrovver, Lender, and HUD, and ev�ry contract related to the Proj ect with <br /> �perator, or any management agent or Affrliate, sha�l include the�rovision that such informat�on <br /> Previous�ersions obsolet� Page'15 of 36 form HUD-924fi6-�RCF ��61��'f4} <br />