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2� 1 ���418 <br /> BC)RR��ER �DV�N�ANTS�hat Borrovver is �awfu��y s�xsed af the�stat�hereby cnnv�yed and ha� �he right�� <br /> grant and con�ey the Property and that the Prflperty xs un�ncumbered, �xcept fo�r�ncumbranc�s af rec�rd, <br /> Borraw�r warrants an�i wi�� defend genera��y the t�t�e t� the Proper�y against al� ��a�ms and�emands, sub��Ct ta <br /> any�ncumbranc�s of record. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY��ISTRUMENT combines un�form covenants for na�ional use and non�uniform cavenan�s with <br /> limi�ed varza�ions by juri�d�ctio�t�c�n�titute a un�form securi�y ins�rument covering real proper�y. <br /> Un�f�rm C��enants. Borr�vver and Lender cflv�nan� and agr�e as fo��ows: <br /> '!. Payment of Principa�, �nter�st, Escrow ltems. Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Borr�wer <br /> sha�l pay�hen due th�pr�nc�pa�of, and int�rest an, �he deb�ev�d�nc�d by the Nate and any prepaym�n� <br /> charges and late charges due under the Note, Borrower sha�� a�s�pay funds for Escrovv �tem�pursuant ta <br /> Section 3. Paymen�s due under th�Nate ar��.t�ais Secur�t� �nstrumen�shal�be made�n U.�. curr�ncy. <br /> �3ow�v�r, if any ch�ck ar a�h�r instrum�nt r�c�i�ed by Lender as payment und�r the Note ar�his Security <br /> �nstrum�nt is returned to Lender unpa�d, Lend�r may require that any or a�l subsequen�paymen�s du�under <br /> �he Note and�his Se�urity �nstrurnent be made in nne or mare�f th�fallowing fox�m�, as sel��ted by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}m�ney order; �c� cer�ifi�d che�k, bank check, treasurer's check or�ashier's�heck, pravxded any <br /> such cheGk is drawn upfln an�ns�itu�ion whose d�pos�ts are insured by a f�de�al agen�y, instrum.enta��ty, or <br /> enti�y; ar�d} Ele�tron�c Funds Transfer. . <br /> Payments are deemed received by Lender wh�n recei�ed at�he�ocation deszgnated�n the N��e or at such <br /> a�her��ca�z�n as rnay be designat�d by Lend�r in accordanc�with the not�ce pro�riszons �n�e��ion �S. <br /> L�nder ma� r��urn any�a�men�or partza�pa�m�nt if the payment ar partiai payments are insuffic�er�t to <br /> bring the Loan current. Lend�r may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the L�ari <br /> Current, wxth�ut�va�ver of an�rights hereunder or prej ud�ce�o x�s righ�s �a refuse su�h payment or part�a� <br /> payments �n�he future, �ut Lender is na�obliga�ed ta apply such payments a��he t�me su�h paym�nts are <br /> accept�d. �f�ach Per�odic Paym�n� is app�ied as of its schedu�ed du�date, then Lend�r need not pay interest � <br /> �n unapplied funds. L�nder may hold such unappli�d funds until B�rrovver makes payments to br�ng the <br /> L�an current. �f Borr�wer do�s no�do so within a reasanab�e period of time, Lender sha�� either apply such <br /> funds�r re�urn them�� Borrower. If not app��ed earlier, such funds w�ll be app�ied ta�he ou�standing <br /> principa�balance under th� Note immediat�ly pr�ar to forec�osure. Na affset or claim which Borrov�er might <br /> hav�naw ar�n�he future agaxnst Len��r shal� r���e�e Borrower from making paym�n�s due under the Note <br /> and this Se�ur�ty �nstrument or performing th�co�enants and agreements secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rurn�nt. <br /> �. Applicati�n af Payments or Proceeds. Excep�as oth�rwise described in this Se�tion Z, all payments <br /> ac��pt�d and app�i�d by Lender shall be app�ied �n the fa�lowing ard�r�f priori�y: �a} interest due under th� <br /> Nflt�; �b�principal due under the Note; �c} amounts due under S�c�ion 3. Such payments shal� be applzed to <br /> �ach Periad�� Paym�nt in�he order in which it b�came due. Any remaining amounts shall be appl ied �rs��o <br /> �ate�harg�s, second to any other amounts due under this Security �ns�rument, and then�o reduce�he <br /> pr�ncipal bala���of the No��. <br /> If L�nder receives a payment from Barrov�er for a deiinquen� Periodic Payment whi�h includ�s a sufficien� <br /> amount ta pay any late charge du�, the payment may be applied t�the delinqu�nt payment and the late <br /> charge. �f more�han one Period�c Paymen� is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment recei�ed from <br /> Borrower t��he repaymen�of the P�rifld�c Payments if, and to the extent tha�, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu��. Tn �he extent�hat an�exc�ss exists after the payment �s appl ied�a the fu11 payment�f one or more <br /> Per��diC Paymen�s, such e�c�ss ma� be applied tfl any �ate charges due. Voluntary prepa�ments sha�l be <br /> app��ed first�� any pre�aym�n�charges and then as descr�bed in the Nat�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UN}F�RM INSTRfJMENT Farm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNEj t1302� <br /> Woiters Kl�wer Financial 5er�ice$ Page 4 pf 17 <br />
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