2� 1 ���418
<br /> sa�isfaction, pro�id�d�hat such�nsp���ion shall be under�aken prampt�y. L�nder may pay for the r�pa�rs
<br /> and restaratian�n a szng�e di�bursement or�n a s�r�es of pragress paym�nts as�he�vork�s comp�e�ed.
<br /> Un�ess an agr�ement �s ma�.e in writing or App��cable Lav� requzres �nt�r�st�a be pa�d an such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Pro�eeds, L�n�er shal�not�e r�quired t�pay Borrower any in�eres�or earn�n�s�n such
<br /> Miscellaneous Praceed�. �f th�res�oration or repair is not ecanom.zcally feasib�e or Lender's secur�ty wau�d
<br /> b�Iessened, �he M�sc���aneous �'roceeds sha��be appiied to th�sums secured by this Secur�t� �nstrument,
<br /> whe�her or n�t then due, �ith th�excess, zf an�, pa�d�o Borrow�r. Such M�sce��ane�us Proceeds sha�� be
<br /> appl�ed in the�rder prQ�r�de�.for xn S��t�on�.
<br /> �n the��ent of a tota� tak�ng, des�ruction, or�ass zn va�u�of the Praper�y, the M�scel�aneous Prace�ds s�iall
<br /> b�app���d t� the sums secured by this�ecuri�y Instrum�nt, whether a,r no�then due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> �n the e��n��f a par�ial ta�ing� C�.�S��'t1C��DI1� �r loss in vaiue of�he Proper�y �n which�he fair marke��va�ue af
<br /> the Pr�pert�r immed�a�ely bef�re the part�a� �aking, d�struc�ion, or�flss in value is�qua� to or gr�ater than th�
<br /> amoun�of th�sums secured b�this Securkty �ns�rumer�t imme�iiat��y bef�r�th�par��a� �aking, des�ruc��an, �r
<br /> l�ss �n�alu�, un�ess Barr�wer and Lender a�herv�ise agr�e in wr�t�ng, �he sums�ecured by th�s 5ecurity
<br /> Ins�rument sha��be reduced�y�he amount�f the M�sce�Ian�ous Pracee�.�mu�t�p��ed by t�e following
<br /> fractian: �a} the to�a� amoun�af�he sums secured �mmed�ate�y before the par�za�ta.king, des�ruction, or�oss
<br /> in�a.�ue dxvided by �b� th�fa�r mark�t value�f the Property �mmediate�y before the partial taking,
<br /> destruct�on, ar loss in va�u�. Any balance�ha�� be paid�o Borrower.
<br /> �n the�ven��f a partia��aking, des�ruct��n, or loss in valut of the Proper�y in which the fa�r market va�ue of
<br /> �he Prflperty �mmediate�y befor��he part�a� taking, des��uction, or��ss in vaiue�s�ess than the amount�f�h�
<br /> sums s��ur�d��.mediately b�fore�he part�al �ak�ng, des�ruct��n, �r��ss in va�ue, un�e��B�rravv�r and
<br /> Lender otherwzse agree�n writing, the Miscel�ane�us Pr�ceeds �ha�l be app��ed ta �he sums secured�y th�s
<br /> Security�n��rurn�n�whether or n��the sums are then due.
<br /> �f the Proper�y is abandoned by B�rrawer, or if, after no��c�by Lend�r to Borrovver�hat the�ppos�ng Party
<br /> �as d�fined�n�he n�xt sentence} offers ta make an av�ard to s��tl�a claim far damages, Borrnwer fa����a
<br /> r�spnnd�o L�nder wi�hin 3�days after the da���h�notice is given, Lender is autho��zed�o cal�ect and app�y
<br /> th� Miscellaneous Proceeds e�th�r to res�orat��n ar r�pa�r af the Proper�y or�o the sums seeured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�, whether or na�then due. "�pposxng Par�y" means the th�rd party�hat owes Borrower
<br /> M�scellan��us Proceeds or�he party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard�a Miscei�aneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Barrawer sha�� be in default if any act��n ar proceeding, whe�her civil or criminal, i�begun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, could resu�t zn forfei�ur�of the Proper�y or o�her materia� �mpairment af Lender's xn�erest�n t.he
<br /> Pr�pert�or r�ghts under this Securit� Instrument. Borrawer�an�ure such a d�fau��and, if acce�era�ion has
<br /> occurred, reinstate as pro�ided in 5ection 19, by cau�xng the action or pra�eed�ng t� be dismiss�d with a
<br /> ruling tha�, in Lender's judgment, preciud�s forfe�ture of�he Property or a�her mater�al impairment�f
<br /> Lender's in��r�st zn�he Property or righ�s und�r this Secur�ty Instrument. Th�proceeds af any award or
<br /> c�aim for damag�s that ar�a�tr�butable to the�mpairmen�af Lender's interest in the Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and sha�l be pa�d t� L�nder.
<br /> A�� Misce��aneous Proceeds�ha� are not appli�d �o r�storati�n or r�pair of the Property shall b�applied in��ae
<br /> �rder prov�ded for in Sec�ian 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie MaelFredtiie MaG UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3�Z$1101
<br /> VMP a VMP6{NE�{13���
<br /> Walters�C��€wer Financial Ser�ices Pag��D of�7
<br />