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2� 1 ���412 <br /> F�ayments of prir�cipal of, inter�st on and any M�l�e-Wha1e Amaunt with respe�t ta thi� <br /> First M�rtgage Bond are to be ma�ie in lavvful n��ney af�th� Unit�d States af Am�rica. at Th� <br /> Banl� af Nevv Yark Mellan in Ne�v Y�rk, New York ar at such other pla.ce as the ��mpa.r�y shall <br /> have designated b� �ritter�noti�e to the holder of thi� First M�rtgage Bor�d. A1�� 111t��'�St ��'1 tr115 <br /> First Mortgage Band whi�h is paya�ale, and is punctually paid or duly pr�vided f�r, or� ar�y <br /> Ir�terest Paynlent D�te sh�ll be pai� to the Persan in �vhase name this First Mortga.g� �ond �or <br /> �ne or mare Pr�decessar B�nds} i� regist�red at the �l�s� af busin�ss or� the M�y 31�t ar <br /> l���ember 3�th, as the case may be ��vhether or n�t a Business Day� next pre�eding su�h Interest <br /> Payment I�ate. <br /> Thi� First Mortga.g� B�nd is one �f a seri�s of First Mortgage Bond�, �.$�°�o S�ries due <br /> 2��� �herein calle�i the "�'��st 1�l�rtgc�g� Banc�s"� issue�i pursuar�t to th� F�urt�enth <br /> Supplemental In�ientur� dat�d as of June 1, ��1� �as from tim� to time amendeda �the <br /> "►��ppl�mer��al Inc�en�ure"}, l�etw��n th� ��mpany and the Trustee nam�d therein �vhich am�nds <br /> and suppl�ments the �eneral M�rtga�� Indenture and D���i �f Tru�t d�.ted as of August 1, 19�3, <br /> e�ecuted by �th� �ompany �ur�d�r its then n�me, l�or�hW�stern Public S�r�ic� �ompan�� to Th� <br /> �hase Manhatt�n Banl� �National �ssociation�, the predec�ssor ta The Ba.r� of l�ev�r Yark <br /> Mell�n, as Truste� �the "2r'���st��"} ��.s amer�de� ar�d su�plem�nted from time to tim�, th� <br /> "In��ntur��"� t� which In�i�ntur� �nd a11 ind�ntur�s supplem�ntal �ther�ta ref�rence is hereby <br /> made for a des�ripti�n of the pr�perties mortgaged and �led�ed, th� nature �n� ��tent of the <br /> security, the rights af H�1d�rs of the �an�s ar��i af the Trust�� in r�spect thereaf, ar�d tlze terms <br /> and c�nditi�ns upon which th� B�nds are, a.nd are to k�e, se�ur�d. Th� Bonds may be issued in <br /> s�rie�, for various principal sums, may mature at dlffer�nt tim�s, may b�ar int�re�t at different <br /> rates and ma� otherwise �ar�r as pravided in the In��nture. The First Mortgage �or�ds ar� als� <br /> entitl�d t� the ber�efits th�re�f and �the �ond Purchase Agreem�nt date� as of June 15, ��1� <br /> k�etwe�n the Company and th� purcl�asers �the "Pu�chc�s�rs"} �f th� First 1Vl�rtgage Ban�is listed <br /> in S�hedule � ther�to {the "Bon���rc�tas�e �gree��nt"�. The Purchaser of�this First Mortg�ge <br /> B�n� vWill b� d�em�d, by its a�ceptan�� h�r�of, t� hav�ma�� th� r�pres�ntation set forth in <br /> ��ction �.� �f the Bon�i Purcha�e Agreem�nt. U171�SS a��l�Y`W1S� lI1C�1C�t�C�a capitali��d t�rms used <br /> in this Fir�t Mo�tgage B�nd shall ha�e the resp��ti�e m�anings as�ribed to such t�rm� in the <br /> �u�pl em enta.l Ind entur�. <br /> TY�is First M�rtgage Bor�d is a regist�red First Mortga�e Bond and, as pr�vided in <br /> Secti�n 3.�� �f the Ind�ntur� but �ul�j ect ta the pro�risions af th� Supplemental Indenture, upon <br /> surrender of this First Mortgage Bond far registrati�n of tran�fer ac��mpanied by a �vritten <br /> instrument �f trar��fer �uly ��ecuted, by the re�ister�d hol�ier her�of or such halder's �.tt�rney <br /> duly auth�rized in writing, a n�vv First Martga�e B�n� for a lik:e principal am�unt will b� issu�d <br /> to, �.n� r��istered in th� name of, the transf�ree, The �om�any, the Trust�� and ar�y a��nt �f the <br /> ��m�any �r the Trust�e may treat the P�rson in whase r�ame this First Mor�g�ge Band is <br /> register�d as the ahs�lute ov�ner her�of f�r the purp�se �f receiving �a�m�nt a.nd for al1 �ther <br /> purposes, �nd nei�th�r �the �ompar�y, the Truste� nar any ager�t af the C�mpany or the Tru�tee <br /> will l�e affe�ted by an�natice ta th� contrary. <br /> Thi� First M�rt�age Bor��l is subj ect to optional redemption, in wh�le or fr�m time to <br /> time in part, at th� times and on the tern�s spe�ified ir� th� Supplemer�tal Indenture, but not <br /> . <br /> �therwise. <br /> 5 <br /> C(�RE1�4523�3.01�8112���7333.b <br />