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2� 1 ���412 <br /> �r omissi�n t� act on the part �f the ��mpany ar any such H�l�er in c�rinecti�n�vith this Article <br /> VI. The Company v�rill indemnify and sa�e �the Trustee harlrlless against any liability resulting <br /> fram an� such act or omissi�n and a�ainst any liabilit� resulting from an� actian takeri by the <br /> Truste� in accardance v�ith thi� Articl� VI. The �ompany will afford the b�nefits �f this Article <br /> �I to any In�tituti�nal In��star that is the �iirect or indir�ct transfer�e of any First Mortgag� <br /> ��nd purchas�d by an� such Purchas�r �r its n�mine� an� that has rn��ie th� same �gr�ement <br /> r�lating to such First Mortgage Bond as is cont�mplat�d by this Article VI. <br /> ARTI�LE VII. <br /> ADDITI�NAL PR�PERTY <br /> The Company hereby c�nfirms, acl�nawledg�s and stat�s that the pr�perty d�scrib�� �n <br /> Appendi� B attached h�reto is sub��ct to the Lien o�the Ind�nture pursua.nt to �ranting �laus� <br /> �ecor�d o� the C�riginal In�ienture; an�, f�r the av�idan�� of an� doubt, the �ompa.r�y hereby <br /> grar�ts, bargains, s�lls, c�nv�ys, �ssigns, trar�sfers, martgages, pl�dges, sets o�rer and car�f"irms to <br /> �th� Trustee, and grar�ts to the Trustee a securit� inter�st ir�, all right, title and iriterest of the <br /> �ampany ir� and t� su�h pr�pert�, as security f�r the pa�ment �f th� principal of, pr�mium, if <br /> a.n�� and interest, if any, an a11 Bal�ds issued und�r th� Ind�nture and ��.ttstanding �as d�fined in <br /> the Indentur��, when �ayabl� in �cc�rdance �vith the pr�visions �ther�of, and as security f�r the <br /> p�rformance b� th� �ompan� of, ar�d c�mpliar�c� by th� ��m�any v�ith, the ��venants ar�d <br /> conditians of th� Indenturea T� HAVE AND TC3 H�3LI� all such propert� on t1�e same terms as <br /> all �th�r prop�rty su�j ect to th� Lien of th� In�enture. <br /> ARTI�LE VIII. <br /> MIS�ELLANE�iJS PR��ISION� <br /> Se�tiori 1. E�cept as atherv�ise defined h�r�in �r bel�v�, all capitali�ed t�rms used in <br /> this Suppl�mental Ind�nture have th� m�anings stat�d in the Indenture. <br /> "�efa�lt �ate" means that rate �f int�r�st per annum that is th� �T��.t�r �� �1� ���v per <br /> a.r�num abov� the rate of int�rest stat�d in cl�use �a} �f the first paragraph of th� First M�rtgag� <br /> Band or �ii� �°�a o��r the rate of interest publicl� announ��d by The Banl� �f I�e�v Y�rl� Mell�n <br /> in�Tev�r Yor�,New Y'ork as its "bas�" �r"prim�" rate. <br /> "I�tstit�tional I�tvesta��' meaxzs with re�peet to ariy First Mortgage Bands of the 2.$�°Io <br /> �eries �a� any original purchaser af a Fir�t Martgage B�nd a�the �.8�°�o Series, �b� any holder �f <br /> a First Mortg�ge Bond �f th� 2.S 0°�0 5eries h�lding �t�g�ther �vith one or mare �f its a�filiates� <br /> m�r� thar� 5°�o �f th� aggr��ate principal am�unt �f th� First 111I�rtgag� B�nds of the 2.8�°�o <br /> Serie� theri autstanding, �c} any bank, trust company, S�V1�1�5 and l�an associatior� or other <br /> fir�ancial institution, any pension plan, any in��stment c�mpar�y, any insuranc� c�mpany, any <br /> broker �r deal�r, or any other similar financi�l institutiori �r entity, regardless af l�gal �`arm, and <br /> �d� any R�lat�d Fund�f ar�y holder�f an�First Mortgage B�nd�f the �.��°�o Series. <br /> "�ela��� �'unc�" m�ans, with respect to ar�y l��ld�r of �ny First M�rtgage B�r�d a�the <br /> �.��°�o Series, any fund or entit� that �i� invests iri �ecurities �r barlk loans� a1�C� �11� 1S �C�V1��C� ��' <br /> 13 <br /> C�RE1245�3�3,�]S�II�4�47333.� <br />