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2� 1 ���412 <br /> �utstanding First M�rtgag� B�nds e�cept �a� upon �th� paym�nt or redempti�n of the First <br /> Martgage B�nds 1n accordance with the terr��s af the Ir�denture ar �b� pursuant t� ari offer �o <br /> purchas� made by the �ompan� �r an Affiliate p�o ��xta t� th� Holders �f all First Mortgage <br /> Bonds �t the time �utstanding upon the sam� terms ar�d c�nditions. Any such�ffer sha11 provid� <br /> �ach Ho1d�r�vi�th sufficient inf�rmation t� �nabl� it to mal�e ar� infarmed decisi�n�vith respect ta <br /> such�ff�r, ar�d sha11 remain op�n f�r at least 15 Busir�ess Days. If the Hald�rs of mare thar� 1�°�o <br /> of th� principal amaunt �f �the First Martgage Ban�s then � accept such aff�r, the <br /> �ampany shall pr�r�l�tl�notify�the remaining H�lders �f such fa�t and�the ���ir�.tion date f�r the <br /> acce�tance b� H�lders of First Martgage �ar�ds af such offer sha11 be e�te�nded b�the number�f <br /> �ays n��essary t� gi�e each such remaining Holder at l�ast 5 Business Days fram its receipt �f <br /> such n�tice t� acc�p� such off�r. Th� ��mpan� and the Trust�� h�r�by agree that f�r �ach such <br /> Holder th�t accepts such �ff�r, an� c�nsent gi�en as a candition t� a�c�ptanc� �f such off�r by <br /> such H�ld�r shall b� voi� and af no farce �r �ff�ct e�cept s�1e1y as t� such H�lder, and an� <br /> amendm�nt� �ff��t�� �r vvaiv�rs granted �r ta be effect�d �r granted that vv�uld n�t hav� been ar <br /> �vauld not 1ae so �ff�cted or grar�ted but f�r such c�r�sent�and th� conser�ts af all �ther Holders �f <br /> First Mortgage Boizds �that were a�quired und�r th� same or similar conditi�r�s� shall l�e void and <br /> of n� f�rce or eff�ct e�cept s�lely as t� such Holder. Th� ��n�pany vvill promptly �ancel al1 <br /> First M�rtgage Bonds acquir�d b� it or an� Affiliate pursuant t� any �ayment or r��empti�n �f <br /> First Mortga�� Bonds pursuant ta any provisi�r� �f the Ir�denture and no First Mort�age Bands <br /> ma� be issu�d in substitutian�r exchange for any such First M�rtgage Bor�ds, e�ce�t�ursuar�t t� <br /> Section 5.�� �f the �riginal Indenture. <br /> Sectior� 7. Mal��-�hole Am�unt. <br /> "Mak�-�hole Am�unt" m�ar�s, with respect to any First M�rtgage B�i�d, an am�unt <br /> �qual to th� e�c�ss, if any, af th� Disc�unted Value of the R�mainir�g S�he�uled Paymer�ts with <br /> re�p�ct to th� Call�� Principal �f such First Martgag� B�nd over the am�unt �f such �a11ed <br /> �ri�ncipal, �r�ovided that th� Mal��-�hol� Amaunt may in no e��nt be less than ��ro. For the <br /> purp�ses of d�terminin� th� Mal�e-Wh�1� Amaur�t, th� f�llav�ring terms have the f�llo�ving <br /> m��nings: <br /> "�a11ed Princip�.1" mear�s, with r�sp�ct�� any First M�rtgage �ond, �the principal af such <br /> First Mortgage B�nd that is t� be r�d��med pursuar�t ta Arti��e III S�cti�n 3. <br /> "Di scounte� Value" means, v�ith resp�ct ta the �a�1ed Frincipal �f any First Mortgage <br /> Bond, �the am�un� �btained by �iscounting a11 Remainir�g Sch�dule� Paym�nts vvith res�ect t� <br /> such �a11ed Prin�ip�l fr�m their respe�tive scheduled du� �ate� to th� Settlem�nt Date �vith <br /> respect t� such �alled Priricipal� in a��ordan�e �vith �cc�pte� fir�ancial practic� and at a disc�unt <br /> fact�r (applied on the same peri�di�ba�is as that on�vhi�h int�rest�r� �uch First Martgage Bands <br /> is payabl�} ��ual t� the I��inves�m�nt Yi�ld v�i�th r�spect to su�h�all�d Princi�al. <br /> "Reinvestment Yield" means, with r�sp�ct to the �alled Prii�ci�al of an� First Mortgage <br /> Band, .5�% �50 basis points} �ver the yie1�1 to maturity implied by �i}�he yields rep�rted as �f <br /> 1�:�� a.m. �Nev� Yorl� �ity �im�} �n the sec�nd Busir�ess Day pr�c�dir�g the ��ttlement I]ate <br /> vvi�h resp�ct to such �alled �rinci�al, �n the �isplay �esigr�at�d as "Page P�1" ��r �uch ath�r <br /> �isplay as may replace �age P�1} �n Bl��mberg Financial Marl�et� f�r th� m�st re�entl� issued <br /> 9 <br /> ��REl�052323.415$11�.4�47333.� <br />