2� 1 ���372
<br /> lt�e�rc;vtc;,�ric�ci�;�t►rt'������lS:�Ti]It.flii�ti:f�11';}[lf{:}ltlS��rti,�t�ifcft�,����fF�y r�c�:ti�«t-c:c'��v�ti��it►�;�:f:c�i��<�i�d::�+f1i�.�rj�'�it
<br /> I<<�n�,t�urs�i�in1 [ti?il��:5t�tl�stc i�i sii�>>�r:��-t��r�{��,3izcl�r��viuc�. T�tic��rust�ct;�7��i�tpp�y the�ruc�c'�Is t�t t�ir. 1'r��;tt:t'�.
<br /> ���tl�, iirtit,[(]�Eiti:�L7S(J t:tl�i L:1�7l:Il�l'S U� ��t;['�3�11��t1���Jt?t�rCl'�►� �iilC anc�uI ll�c:z;si�, ��iclucli����,t�fa j�tiy�iicr�[c�F tli��
<br /> �1 rt�ti[t��'s tces ac:tii,�llv ir�c:i�rrc:�_ 4��::t�tz�l, [c� ��tsyr���.r�i c�f t�sc• �zl�li�;��tit�n ��'c�ired t�}� tite r��ttr,t c1e�cl; tl�irt{, t�., ttsr
<br /> ;};���rr��:i�E u��.j<<rii�,i�tr�s�t r�L���s, �����:'[�ti���`s, c�� �rtli�'r l�c�r��i(�����'i:5 il[14.� ��i� ti�:l�in�c, it�,:tiy, cc� riae E�c:��tyr� �;r ��rrcran5
<br /> �C�ciEiY t_]1tit�C'i� [���r�Ec�. ��tir� I"C�il4i�ti l[! [Fir �1'llti�c:t'�ti i�t't:; ',�ii��j f;�- �)flE3lii :ttl:fl: L:E':t�Ctil:� C)t t�]L' LTU��l (7# ��1{:
<br /> �;<<ti:�����=�a 3 r:�:�dc iz�Et. 1��..cntii:r c�l���sc;s t��tivok�'�h�•�c��•et'o#s,iE��,L.Gnclt�i'ryt' I FllSl���tis�i�arcy��i���:ri«lir.�t�f ,siic;
<br /> ;�Grsu.frlE tty i17�7I[i�ii�'1I!•l�s���. :1r�}� �iii'�: ti.tic�sa: �t 5��lc� ��i;iti��:E}�rt'�uLint i��a�:��1r��i�:��� t�r a ii�c:r'Lc tnr t�i�: fr,ruc�n�.ti►��:
<br /> i�4i•+.'u��:���i}', .:I t�i� (1�1�EL711 �►i��,crit��:r, �y� irl:tc�i: s�ti tr��:�,tic. 1'}t�: ������i�1��:�tct'ft��c���t .�t E�rc�cc�{ii�75 ii� :cr�-��c:l:�.,c [i�t�
<br /> �l:C,�]!'ki'.�jl1S�11][]]C[!i kll illl��zi�a»cl�'��►:i��ot�iLt•c��v i����►'tif�alj uc:�i��m�:t�:�5 c:+c�ci5c cif[h���hu���c���iic�rt.
<br /> Upon the occurrence�f an �vent❑f Default, Lender shaj� ir,�rs�t�clits��ly ���: �n�it�d ta make applicatian f�r and
<br /> vbtain the appointment❑f a rec�iver far the Property and�i tl����t�r��i«�s, is�cc��1}:.,issue and profits of it,with th�
<br /> �awers as th�eourt making the ap�Qintments confers. Gr�nrnr►�c�r��h}- i�-re��+�c.ti�}�•cons�nts ta such appointment
<br /> and�vaives notice af any application therefor.
<br /> �f7 �VA1VFl7. N17 dz��.3y�ur�:�i:urz«t�E.e«�fer t�t�Kci'�i�t�:�r��'ri�lt�, r��17�c��, ��o*�er t�r f7a�i��ifc,�:l�ct-�.int:�:;�5E�,311
<br /> ��lt�•�:�clt�it r:�rt�t,��cic=��c1L�,�,c��ti����car��i-�Wii��:rc'nc�r 5t��ll ar�y 5iil�l�ar���3rty�il��x�•r�.i�f•�t�c.'r�c}t'�rerl�i�r.�il�e ex�r+:i�r�rl�
<br /> :::i�'ri:;E�t,��:rz��:��}•, �,c�«�:r t�r�-►E�i��ilc�f;�:. Nc�l.�c�c3tr cl�:,��r�ir k�iiiicr�ct�<<rr2:i3fi.1 5tr':ct a�ifc�r4ri�c�Eu tfti�terrr�s��f'����s
<br /> �;��ti�riiy lns���:�in�r�i 5t��i1 t�;�cf��.��i�eti ic�c:���lsiiit�t�'�t cc���rs�.=ui'�a:�riu�t i��cc.»>�isttEir��i[}3 l.c��icj�r'S ri�;kzc tzt���Y��:in«,
<br /> [�ctcF,c ��� �tter�c� c�����t �t't��:t��sltti ti] E���n���ic� �triLt ��jl��r��ic� tc� �ii�: ttrrnti c�t��hT����:��risy In��tnimc�nt ��ti t��t�
<br /> Related I]a�uments.
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRUST�E.Lender,at its aptian,may frvm tirne to time remove Trustee�.nd appoint a successor
<br /> trustee to any Trusiee appointed hereunder by an instrument recvrded in the caunt}� in which this Seeurit}r
<br /> Instrument is recarded. Without con�eyance of the Properiy,the success�r trus�e shal�succeed to all th�title,
<br /> power and duties�anferred upan Trusree herein and by applicable law.
<br /> JQINT AIYD S�VE�AL LIA�Y�ITY.If this Security lnstrument should be sigr.ed by mc�re than one person.a21
<br /> persans executing this S�curity Instrument agree that they shall be joint�y and sev�ral�y bound,where�ermitted by
<br /> raw.
<br /> SUR1�Y'VAL.Lender's rights in this 5ecurity lnstrument wil�continue in its successoxs and assi�zs.This S�curit�
<br /> lnstrument is binding vn all heirs,executars,administrators,assig�ls and su�cessor�of Gran�or.
<br /> N�`�'Z�E5 AND WAIVER O�NQTICE. Unless otherwise required by applic3ble]aw,any notice or dem�nd
<br /> given by Lender to any party is�onsidered effecti�e:�i}when it is deposited�tt t�e United States Mail with th�
<br /> approgriate posta�e; �ii} when it is sent via e�ectronic mai�; (iii} when it is sent via facsimile; �iv} when it is
<br /> depasited wi#h a nationally recognfzed overnighk courier service;{v�on the day af persanal delivery;or�vi) �ny
<br /> other commercially re�sonable means.A copy af any notice shall be�ent ta each party at the address of the parrty
<br /> given at the beginning af this Security Instrument unless an alternative addr�Ss has been provided to L�nde�in
<br /> writing.To th�extent p�r�nitted by law,Grantor waives notice�f'Lender's acceptance of this Security Instrum�nt,
<br /> � defenses based on suretyship,any defense arising from any election by Lender under the United�tates BanksvFtcy
<br /> Code,Uniform CoirimerGial Code,as enacted in the state��here Lender is�ocat�d or other applicable law ar in
<br /> equity, demand,noti�e�f acceleration,notice af nonpaym�nt, presentm�nt,prot�st, notice of dishonor and �ny
<br /> other noti�e.
<br /> �tE�UEST FaR NOTICES:G�rantor requests that copies of the notice vf default and n�tice of sale be sent tv the
<br /> �ddress of each party giW�n at the begir�ning of the Security�nstrument,
<br /> W�],VE�OF APPRAISEMEN7'RYG�TS. Gr�antor waives a�l appraisement rights relatin�ta the Propert}•to
<br /> the extent pernn itted by law.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENS�S.Grantor agre�s to pay a[1 expenses�ncurred by Lendet in cannection with�nforceiryent
<br /> of its rights under the lndebtedness,this Security Instrument or in the event Lender is made party to any liti�ation
<br /> b�cause of the existence of the Indebtedness Qr this S�curity�nsrrumen�,as tivell a�coui�t costs,ca�lection c�iarges
<br /> and��asonabl�attorneys'fees and di�bu�sements.
<br /> ASSxGNABYLiTY. Lender may assign �r otherwise �ransfer this Security Znstr�ment or any of Lender's rights
<br /> under this Security Ynstrument without notice to Grant4r.Grantar may not assign this SeGurity Instrum�nt or any
<br /> part of the SecUrity Instnument without the�xpres�written cansent Qf Lender.
<br /> G�VERNYN�LAW.This 5ecuriry Instrument will�e�o�erned by the laws�f�he State oC I�ebraska inc�ud�ng
<br /> al��raceedin�s arising f���m this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> SE�ERA�I�.ITY. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines any term or provisian of this Security
<br /> Instrument is invalid vr�arohibited by applicable law, t�at term �r pr8vision will be ineffective ta the �xt�nt
<br /> re�u2red.An�term or provision that has been determined to be invalid❑r prohibit+�d wi11 be severed fram the zest
<br /> of the Security �nstrument without invalidatin�t��e remainder af�ither the aff'e��ted pro�isian ar this Securiry
<br /> Instxument.
<br /> 'D 20U�-Zal 5 Comp�iaiwc Syslems,�nc 341d-AC�E-2015 1�,2,1 a36
<br /> C'anmtrcial Keal Cs�aie Sewri�y[rutruin�m-DIAQ�7 Page 4 aC 5 www canpli�neesybiuns�an
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